Thursday, March 02, 2006

driftglass: Except this time there was a tape

driftglass is excited about the katrina tape:
"The clever rats are sprinting for cover, and we should expect a stampede behind them, because the moment is at hand when the Earth opens up, a corner is turned, the world changes, and the load-bearing capacity of the criminal enterprise is exceeded by the sheer volume, recklessness and lethality of its farrago of lies and fuckups and lies to cover up the the fuckups.

And once we have crossed into that place where the WH yapper factory can no longer or ignore or spin without simply looking insane, the situation potentially becomes very dangerous. Lots of people, for example, really thought Nixon would roll tanks in the streets before he would leave the White House in disgrace, and the particular peril of this oncoming trainwreck will be made all the more venomous by its historical context.

The ominous spectre of what y'all did to that nice, Clinton fella is about to loom very large over the political world again.

The fact that one, short Administration ago these same degenerate thralls were squealing with delight over the seven-year hunt for and eventual impeachment of Bill Clinton…

…over matters that could not even charitably add up to a fucking rounding error when it comes to tabulating the ruin, shame and disaster the Bicycle Chief and his Gang that Couldn’t Loot Straight have visited on our poor nation during any given year.

The mutilated, truncated Clinton Presidency blocks their rear, and millions of proud, furious Liberals who are finally ready to fight bare-knuckle and knives-out and have once-and-for-all had it with these scum stand between them and the fire door.

Of course, this Administration has already taken one hit after another smack in the wheelhouse, and it lumbers on, crippled and leaking carcinogens into the Republican topsoil, but do not mistake that for anything like courage or backbone or moral fiber. The Administrations bangs and clatters on, looking for the next bus to step in front of for one, simple reason: Its brain-dead base.

If you backed George Bush in 2004 – knowing all that we knew then about his utter, reckless incompetence – then you were either a fool, a bigot, a Fundy, scared out of your mind or just-plain-out-of-your-mind.

And if you continue to be among Republicans who back Bush, you’re simply a traitor, because these assclowns play with with our national security for the same reason they play with Social Security: partisan gain.

Nothing more.

Bush is in India on a visit and not there evading extradition because the Last Defenders of Plame-Alot will hang on to this failed criminal like grim death.

They know what waits for them in a post-impeachment worlds, and it ain't pretty.

They let cities die because they just don’t give a shit, and anyway, what has a few thousand more dead negroes ever been to a Bush Republican but a cause for celebration?

After all, they were Liberals, weren't they? Not good, well-behaved, eunuchs like Ron Christie and Lynn Swann. And the goosestepping legions of the RushReich have been encouraged by the Party Faithful to call Liberals filth and fit only for the grave, unchecked, for 20 years now, so why not?

[much snippage]

Except this time there was a tape."
he has more - but he doesn't say "Because in the Age of Dubya, you can either be a Good American, or a Good Republican, but you can no longer be both."

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