Thursday, March 02, 2006

Katherine Harris lied.

* Harpers has a big story, primarily about the Conyers Report, excerpted online, called "The Case for Impeachment - Why we can no longer afford George W. Bush" - it opens with this quote: "A country is not only what it does—it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates. —Kurt Tucholsky"

* incidentally, jon stewart was on larry king. king asked what character in the administration fascinates stewart. jon stewart: the american people - for their... utter patience. i just dont know what its going to take... my mind has been blown, consistently (at the egadmins incompetent) and the people just rolls their eyes 'ahhh - those guys are at it again'
video here

* "An aide to Rep. Katherine Harris quit last year to work for a defense contractor who at the time was pressing the Longboat Key Republican to secure federal funding for a counterintelligence project...
The move last April by Mona Tate Yost, Harris' former schedule coordinator, to MZM suggests the contractor was more tightly tied to the congresswoman's office than previously known." (link)

* emptywheel gets down in the plame weeds and says: "So here's my supposition. In one form or other, Libby may have ordered Ari and Cathie to leak information relating to Plame. Of course, if they did, then both have an incentive to come clean with Fitzgerald, get immunity, and testify against Libby. If I'm right, Libby could just claim that they're lying to avoid their own guilt. It's a similar strategy to the one I think they were attempting against Ari last summer.
But as soon as he does that, Fitzgerald can start building the case for a conspiracy to out Plame."

* josh has more about Dukestir

* xymphora has a good take on the portgate issue. i agree with most of it, although i will add that George Bush's behavior on this issue suggests to me that he, or someone nearby, appears to have lined up a success-fee.

* "Let's not make this fuzzy: U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris lied.
Harris repeatedly misled journalists and the public about her conversations with defense contractor Mitchell Wade. "(link)

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