Friday, March 10, 2006

fanatical Zionism vs radical Islamism

* yesterday i emailed josh about konto and wilkes and abduljawad - specifically that the DoJ was looking into abduljawad and that konto and wilkes had a direct link, beyond cunningham.
today we get this

* in response to my post about ms atlas, anon writes:

Today in America, would it be politically incorrect to describe Pamela as a fanatical lunatic Zionist?

I know five years ago it wouldn't have been kosher to discuss Zionism in American politics, especially the brand Pamela and others have added to our political discourse. Isn't it about time we had this debate in America? I think the time is right.

I mean....fanatical Zionism is starting to concern me more then radical Islamism.

Just asking."
i dont know pamela enough to comment... other than to say, based on the interview, she's out of her fucking mind.

btw - in that post, i meant to quote Jane:
"This ethics conference should be a real hoot: Peggy Noonan will talk about the secret communiques of Vatican II as revealed to her by Flipper, Fred Barnes' chin will be dusted for George Bush's ball prints and Tim will serve up $50,000 worth of pontification on his favorite theme -- "It's news if I say it is."

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