Friday, March 10, 2006

you're a douche bag

* miaculpa responds to being tagged: "I've been tagged whilst I was sleeping! But, I found a cool new blog in the process, so it's all good."
man. that's the 3rd time someone said something nice about me this week

kryten42 said: "There is a great Aussie blog called Wot Is It Good 4. Lukery always blogs things you either just don’t see elsewhere, or has a different viewpoint that makes one think. :)"

rimone said: "in other news, please see Wot Is It Good For? for incisive commentary as well in-depth installments about the Sibel Edmonds situation."

in other, much funnier news, i got an email today from a journo simply saying
" you're a douche bag"
i replied:
"you are correct

but i assume that you've misunderstood something i wrote"
he replied:
"Please accept my sincerest apologies!!

This email was not intended for you! I am deeply sorry and embarrassed!

Kind regards"
chickenshit. of course it was intended for me - i've never heard from him before. i won't embarass him any further by naming him - but let's just say it was totally in character.


AB said...

Oh hell, tell us, damnit! Who was it???

lukery said...

aha - i havent quite decided what to do...

he doesn't deserve any protection but if he does shit like that (and he does), then he'll out himself pretty quickly...

Anonymous said...


AB said...

Okay, I'll guess then. David Sirota?

Anonymous said...

not sirota

AB said...

damn. Journalist/Blogger?

Anonymous said...


AB said...

An actual 'journalist' or a typical 'journamalist'?

Anonymous said...

lol - i can hardly tell the difference any more! i can tell you that he doesnt work for Knight Ridder - does that answer?

although i love you hanging out here desi, i'll save you some trouble - i'll email you if i decide to out him (although it seems unlikey at the mo)


AB said...


Damn. lol