Monday, March 20, 2006

Pazienza & ledeen

damien says: " fwiw Arctic Beacon is planning to run three stories on Pazienza "

Thanks damien!

that's very interesting. fwiw, the Arctic Beacon people are tinfoil hat folk - but arent we all these days?

the first story is here - lots of things in there that i've been covering this last month - Ledeen, P2 and Gladio and all that. from my cursory understanding of the situation, Pazienza should be exactly where he is - locked up for life - but it seems to be unfair that he is all alone.

here are the first two paras of the story:

If the truth ever is fully known about the strange case of Dr. Francesco Pazienza, the lid should be finally blown sky-high off the White House, blowing a hole so deep and wide that every President since Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan will be nabbed for treasonous high crimes against humanity and the civilized world.

And according to observers in Italy when the dust finally settles, the reason why Pazienza is being held as "a political prisoner" should finally put the finishing touches on despicable men like Michael Ledeen, Karl Rove and President George W. Bush, to name a few."

let's hope the good doctor shares his stories.

part two of larisa's interview with ledeen covered a lot of this stuff - she directly asked ledeen about his friendship with pazienza - and (separately) ledeen specifically said that he was working with the italians on their extradition issues with the USG. pazienza was right in the middle of this extradition fight - but he was also one of ledeen's best buddies. (by my timeline, ledeen was asked to help with the extradition stuff, and became a friend of ledeen afterwards - note to self (and to larisa) never become friends with ledeen)

for my recent posts about pazienza - read here, here and here

this stuff is really important. let's hope that Arctic Beacon (or anyone else) can break this story out.

(btw - it looks like we will see larisa's 'ledeen part three' tomorrow)

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