Tuesday, March 21, 2006

rimone does dallas

* atrios: "My take on Al Gore and the presidency is that the 2000 election drove him sane and cured him of the basic level of insanity necessary to actually want to be president."

* here's rimone on penises and preznits

* and here's another great post by rimone - its about the jumpers. rimone pretends to accidentally put posts together - but her posts are always seamlessly constructed (psst - i think she is a comsymp - and she also like porn)


Anonymous said...

thanks, lukery dude--best laugh of the day/week. what's funny is that no one could've predicted--whoopsy, sorry, what's funny is the damn posts seem to write themselves. then again, i have a lot of rage which, funnily enough, came to the surface only after december 01. ;-)

Anonymous said...

sorry--i meant it came to the surface after december 2000.

lukery said...

rage isnt great medicine - but its a good motivator :-)