Thursday, March 02, 2006

sammon's book & Rathergate

more from sammon's book:
""It looks like somebody conspired to float false documents (Rathergate)" (Blinky) said. "And I was amazed about it. I just couldn't believe that would be happening [and] then it would become the basis of a fairly substantial series of news stories."
He added: "Then there was a backlash to it. I mean, a lot of people were angry that this could have happened. A lot of Americans are fair people and they viewed this as patently unfair. So in a funny way, I guess it inured to our benefit, when it was all said and done.""
its kinda funny how that always works for the prezzznit. falling uphill and all that. given Blinky's unfriendly relationship with the english language, i'm not exactly sure what "I guess it inured to our benefit" means... perhaps 'inoculated' was the word he was looking for

sammon continues:
""It also, frankly, gave us an opportunity, frequently, when things came out in the media that we didn't believe or didn't like, to say, 'It's another CBS story,' " said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, who was the president's campaign manager. "I mean, it gave us a serious response to bad news."

Memogate was initially expected to harm the president, but it ended up backfiring spectacularly on the press."

(for one reason or other, sammon interviews Rove extensively for this article, even though Rove had nothing *cough* to do with this story...)

and, of course, the million dollar question: When will CBS show the blockbuster episode on the Niger forgeries that got bumped for the Rathergate?


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