Friday, March 10, 2006



After all the SCOTUS “up or down vote” happytalk, what actually happened? Harriet Myers was never voted on, or even debated for one minute -- either in committee or on the floor of Congress -- even though the President boldly she was the most qualified jurist in the Universe. No, her nomination was loudly aborted a-borning -- almost at the moment of conception -- by the Jebus-Freak-Show Shadow Government that pull Dubya's strings. And now before Sam Alito has had a chance to get his name spelled right on the letterhead, we see the itchy Gynephobic Uteropaths of the Right are already blowing the seals on the anti-choice silos and launching their missiles over this “settled law-of-the-land”."
After all the Patriot Games and Terra’Talk, what is actually happening? Right now, in an Undisclosed Location far, far away, by a dark miracle of synchronicity, Al Qaeda operatives are doing exactly what the GOP Leadership Caste is doing: plotting out how they can somehow, some way, maintain One Party, Republican rule in America through the election of 2006, and how they can help Dubya's hand-picked successor in 2008.

"Put me on the Al Qaeda-llac Board (obligatory "Glengarry, Glen Ross" reference)!", roars Dubya as he exceeds his quota for manufacturing new terrorists each and every month. Because in this wide world, Osama Bin Laden has no greater snuggle-buddy and AQ Propaganda Salesman "Employee Of The Year" than George Bush. And Dubya has no greater ally than his pet rubber-stamp congress.


...A Republican Congress of muppets and seat-fillers and wheel-men who are obediently letting it all go down. Our elected Firemen, who instead of raising the alarm and containing the conflagration have chosen to sabotage the sprinkler system and slash the hoses; who for their thirty-pieces-of-silver and a thick slice of the plunder are content to watch the nation we once were slide beneath the waves.

The Bush Administration is and always has been a Bunko Mutual Benefit Society of charlatans, sociopaths and Elmer Gantrys. And the only people who continue to fall for the okey-doke are those who fit into one of the following five categories:

1. Stupid

2. Scared Stupid

3. Suicidally Dogmatic

4. Rapture Drunk


5. Co-Conspirator


as always

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