Friday, March 03, 2006

video: Bush fucks goat

* cronkite: "Americans are paying too high a price in lives and liberty for a failing war on drugs about which our leaders have lost all sense of proportion. The Drug Policy Alliance is the one organization telling the truth. They need you with them every step of the way." (link)

* meanwhile: "The government spent more than a billion dollars last year in its international effort to stop drugs from entering the country... The antidrug campaigns have run for more than 25 years, but, officials acknowledged, traffickers have almost always been able to meet American market demands.

* rudepundit: "George W. Bush is the anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to shit. And then he tries to convince us that shit is actually gold. Isn't it time for the few non shit-statue Republicans to say enough is enough? Is there any reason that hundreds of thousands of us shouldn't be marching on Washington on a daily basis?"

* there was something astonishing in the cbs poll story results that i don't think i mentioned at the time:
"In a separate poll, two out of three Americans said they do not think President Bush has responded adequately to the needs of Katrina victims. Only 32 percent approve of the way President Bush is responding to those needs, a drop of 12 points from last September’s poll, taken just two weeks after the storm made landfall."
that's a 25% fall from the period when we had 24 hour coverage for 2 weeks of people dying and america looked like a 4th world country. i don't wanna read too much into it, but it's quite remarkable - if i had to guess, i'd say that katrina is simply a proxy for everything else that the mouth-breathers can kinda latch onto. if that is true, then the pre-katrina video that has just been leaked is really, really bad news for preznit. perhaps it is the equivalent of the video of bush-fucking-a-goat-on-the-whitehouse-lawn that we have all been hoping for, and wondering whether it would make an iota of difference. perhaps we're about to find out...

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