Friday, March 03, 2006

critics of Darwin

* froomkin: "Here is the video from the Associated Press, showing Bush listening in on the videoconference from Crawford, where he was on vacation. (Hosted on, the video is prefaced by an unfortunate Microsoft Office ad that starts: "10 a.m.: Out of the office, out of the loop.")"

* froomkin: "Gwyneth K. Shaw writes in the Baltimore Sun: "A key Republican said yesterday that Treasury and Homeland Security officials privately told him the initial review of the firm planning to take over some operations at six major U.S. seaports was far less thorough than described by administration officials in later statements."" (link)

* " The U.S. State Department is creating a special office to deal with foreign policy changes related to Iran and to promote a democratic transition in the Islamic republic, State Department officials said Thursday.... "Certainly this signals the fact that we believe that Iran and Iranian behavior is one of the greatest foreign policy priorities we will be dealing with over the next decade," a State Department official said" (link)
most people seem to think this is a dumb idea - knowing these people, it is probably a front for some other motive. (for some reason the State Dept official demanded anonymity to announce the plan. d'oh)

* "In a defeat for critics of Darwin, the Utah House of Representatives on Monday voted down a bill intended to challenge the theory of evolution in high school science classes...
But the bill died on a 46-to-28 vote in the Republican-controlled House...
A spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Joe Conn, said Utah's vote would resonate.
"If the creationists can't win in a state as conservative as Utah, they've got an uphill battle," Mr. Conn said." (link)
as damien noted in a different context, let's hope that at least those 46 congress-critters realise that water flows downhill.

* "A new survey shows that median incomes fell for householders under 45, even as they rose for older ones, between 2001 and 2004.
Income fell 8 percent, adjusted for inflation, for those under 35 and 9 percent for those aged 35 to 44. The numbers add new weight to longstanding concerns about whether younger generations of Americans will achieve living standards that are better - or at least equal to - those of their parents." (link)

* "Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has read the text of the U.S. constitution to the U.S. Senate after the body voted 95-4 approving 3 amendments to 16 controversial provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act, set for renewal.
Feingold spent 34 minutes sharing the document with his fellow Senators, stopping to repeat the Fourth Amendment, which he feels the law violates." (link)

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