Tuesday, March 21, 2006

War on WOT

* emptywheel:
"Indeed, the bulk of the news on the WOT seems to relate to these increased powers, not to actual attempts to stem terror. We hear about illegal extraordinary renditions. We hear about torture chambers. We hear about domestic spying. But very little substantive about any progress we're making at combatting Al Qaeda. It seems that the only activities Bush is interested in pursuing, in the WOT, are those activities that expand his power. The rest of the WOT, he seems to have no interest or seriousness about.

So I think it's time to take a step back. Sure, we need to push for increased oversight over these activities. We need to communicate how Bush has broken the law to accrue more power.

But first, we need to ask him, are you even fighting this war at all? We need to take a step back and make sure there is actually a there there, a war that justifies the activities ostensibly used to fight it. Before we review any of the illegal programs, we ought to have a comprehensive review to make sure the Administration is actually engaged in the WOT, at all.

Because it sure doesn't look like it."
WOT is it good 4?

ftr - she doesnt really believe in the WarOnTerror.

Incidentally, Noise in the comments said:
"Yet even Sen. Feingold is committed to fighting the WoT...his issue is doing it within the confines of the Constitution. His view is common...ie...many people who have issues with the Iraq invasion/occupation, Diebold, torture, illegal wiretapping and the Patriot Act...refuse to take one more step and question the FOUNDATION of all these sick policies. 9/11 and the WoT.'
I hope that Feingold isn't really a WoT advocate.

someone in EW's comments said:
"On Charlie Rose, Feingold mentioned several times, the "War on Al-Queda." It seems to me this term, the "War on Al-Queda" is a key Democratic soundbyte leading into midterms and beyond."

update - Noise has the Feingold quote:
"If we don't do something to pass a resolution, what we're saying is, Mr. President, just make up whatever law you want, whenever you want. This is a way to restore the constitutional order on a bipartisan basis and allow us to get back to the main issue, which is fighting the war against al Qaeda and terrorism."
i don't think that is conclusive - he may be saying that the main issue is "terrorism and the war against al Qaeda" - which i'd be satisfied with (although i dont really think there is any such thing as alqaeda). At the mo, i'll give feingold the benefit of the doubt. (ftr, even the Beeb drops the "War on Terror" thing every now and again - which drives me batty)


Track said...

Feingold: If we don't do something to pass a resolution, what we're saying is, Mr. President, just make up whatever law you want, whenever you want. This is a way to restore the constitutional order on a bipartisan basis and allow us to get back to the main issue, which is fighting the war against al Qaeda and terrorism. Link

Anonymous said...

thnx noise - post is updated