Saturday, March 04, 2006

What is the function of the Department of Defense?

This from Time/Slate reporter John Dickerson (the guy who complained tht he hadn't heard from Fitz (via btc):
"We see the president all the time in public settings, giving speeches, shaking hands, looking concerned. But this (AP/Katrina) footage is fascinating because it is the first video I can recall of the president at work in private. It’s our chance to see how the image of the president painted by his allies compares with the actual man. And the result is somewhat alarming. Based on what I’d been told by White House aides over the years, I expected to see the president asking piercing questions that punctured the fog of the moment and inspired bold action. Bush’s question-asking talents are a central tenet of the president’s hagiography. He may not be much for details, say aides, but he can zero in on a weak spot in a briefing and ask out-of-the-box questions. I have been repeatedly told over the years that he once interrupted a briefing on national defense to pose a 30,000-foot stumper: What is the function of the Department of Defense?"
(hint: he's being serious)

baby jesus died. I have nothing to add. or i don't know where to start. or i'm scared that if i started, i'd never fini...

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