Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wilkes: TBTF? (Too Big To Fail?)

* josh:
"Let me try an idea out on you. What if Brent Wilkes is too big to go down?
Now, whatever else Wilkes was, he was deep into all sorts of highly classified CIA and other intel agency programs -- and don't be surprised if not just as a 'contractor'. There are even telling signs he may have been involved in some of the administration's more creative domestic intelligence activities.
If he's indicted, what might he threaten to reveal? More prosaically, what might his lawyer say he needs to bring into open court in order to be able to defend himself?
Just something to consider as we keep waiting to see if and when the feds get around to Mr. Wilkes."

* "CNN is reporting that the Intelligence Committee has knuckled under to Bill Frist, shirked their responsibility for oversight, collaborated with the criminal Bush cabal and voted not to look into the illegal NSA wiretaps. Ed Henry says that they agreed to propose new legislation requiring a 45 day reauthorization cycle." (link)

* Hilight from the server log: Rendon doing a technorati search for "defense procurement boeing" (i dont even think that Boeing is a Rendon client - who are they doing the research for?)

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