Sunday, April 09, 2006

anti-liberationist reporters

Damien has being having fun at the expense of a hacktacular dolt of a Murdoch journo by the name of Andrew Bolt who happens to run a blog at his paper in Melbourne.

Damien has been posting at the blog under various names such as Sibel Edmonds, and Steven Hadley and whatnot - and he has been keeping a record of all of his shenanigans at

here's an example:
"From: sibel edmonds

Thanks for agreeing to shut down these conspiracy lunatics. I want to tell you how grateful I am that you are speaking up against the 9/11 people. I was in a small office with two such lunatics and they were always trying to sell me their rubbish- it would have been laughable except they just wouldn't stop. They were on about planes and building designs and conspiracies. It was anti-Bush all the time. I had to ignore them and when I asked my boss to speak to them he said it was a free world and they could say what they liked (one of the perils of working in the politicised public service!). Eventually I transferred, but there was just no getting through to people like this. All you can do is leave them. Your comments were a breath of fresh air. Terrorism is real. Thanks for your efforts.

Andrew replies: Thanks, Sibel. It's hard enough to breath fresh air when they infest this forum."
and another:
"From: Stephen Hadley

I read your articles following your trip to Iraq and I was very impressed. I thought you acurately conveyed what was going on there below the daily western media spin hell bent on overlooking the good points and the reasons why we went there in the first place. In the short term there is talk is of a civil war from uncritical media sources. I would appreciate your considered views on this - perhaps a feature article. Any views you can share?

Andrew replies: Thanks, Stephen. I have not looked into this closely yet, but from all I can see it's not a civil war and is unlikely to develop into one, at least in the medium future. What and where are the opposing armies, just for a start? The civil war has been promised or warned about for three solid years from anti-liberationist reporters such as Paul McGeough and they remain astonished that it still hasn't broken out, despite the furious attempts by al Qaeda to provoke civilians into one."

i love "anti-liberationist" - i can't believe that isn't repeated hourly by the Murdochers.

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