Saturday, April 01, 2006

most vile fauxnews anchor?

* i was watching some c&l video today of stuff that i havent actually got around to watching all week - i think it was KO reporting on Blinky in front of some military handclappers when some stupid fucking woman trained parrot blamed the media for not reporting Good News in iraq and Blinky responded by saying something about blogs (among other things) - is that the first time he's ever mentioned blogs? it kinda sounded funny (tho natural) coming out of his puppet-mouth. are we really now presidential-level-important? (he was referring to righty-blogs, but still)
(i also re-watched the laura logan/kurtz woodshedding. hoo-boy.)

* question ive been meaning to ask for a while: who is the most vile fauxnews anchor? put your answers in the comments - i wont prejudice the conversation. btw The Guardian is running some funny 'faux news' ads on its website. (i specifically saw it on this page - but you might have to hit refresh a couple of times till you get the specific ad)


AB said...

O'Reilly, his middle name may actually be "Vile"

Lynne said...


Track said...

Hannity. If he counts as an anchor.

I enjoyed the end of the Logan clip where Kurtz informs her that Ingraham was in Iraq for eight days. Logan's reaction of disdainful laughter was amusing.

Anonymous said...

OT: Lukery, i'm pleased to say that once i got interested in politics again, i was already far away from fox news, though we do have Sky news here. from what i read on the internets, i prolly would've gone crazier, if i'd ever watched fox.

Ron Brynaert said...

By's that crazy Australian guy (no disrespect) that sometimes fills in as anchor. That guy is a loon...and goes way further than any anchor on the network.

ummm...the dude's from Australia and he rants on and on about how Democrats are committing treason....

Human said...

Hands down Hannity. O'reilly is getting to old and feeble. Sean is the one I would like to see in the middle of Sadr city. Wearing only an American Flag and "Crusader" tatooed on his forehead. In Arabic. He can report how he was greeted with flowers and other "goodness".