Monday, April 17, 2006

nuclear, tactical nuclear weapons

* everyone is slamming Joe Klein for being disgusting for saying "Klein: We should not take any option including the use of nuclear, tactical nuclear weapons off the table..."
- i love the way he backtracked and added 'tactical' - straight from the Luntz bible.

* " House Armed Services Committee chairman Duncan Hunter has agreed to extend his committee's search for possible improper influence on defense contracts by former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham to the entire time the disgraced Republican lawmaker was in Congress.... But the House Appropriations Committee, which was Cunningham's main venue for getting funds to his benefactors, is not examining the records." (link)

* " The Rude Pundit wonders at what point does the jury in the Zacharias Moussaoui trial get to stop being tortured? If this was being done to prisoners at Gitmo, we'd be up in arms. 'Cause the trial's gonna end, soon, and they're gonna leave that locked room, and then we have a dozen or so people who have to go on with their lives hearing the echoes of those cries, those screams, closing their eyes and seeing those corpses. And for what good? In the end, none. Just another stage in our ongoing fetishization of 9/11, our American mourning that we're never allowed to move on from." (link)

* watching Timmeh's Easter Extra-Special was priceless. it was like TImmeh got a pre-invite to Heaven - a whole hour of god!!! He got all excited with his polling that shows that people who dont go to church every week voted Kerry by 65% to something or other. Prior to that there was a lot of uncomfortable silence when someone mentioned sodomy. (update: timmeh ended the show saying 'i wish we had 3 or 4 hours longer!) Let's hope that driftglass isnt too busy to do a "Comin Down" post

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