Wednesday, May 03, 2006

General Odom: Cut & Run? You Bet

* good post here on sibel/plame/wmds & Turkey - i'd argue with some of the particulars - e.g. I think that Turkey's main gig (incl. Grossman) has more to do with drugs than nukes - but i dont really know the answer to that - and it seems that we also need to separate out the Plame/Turkey.

* canon:
"A nukes-to-Turkey scenario is not at all unlikely. But now I'm wondering if the neocons were actively encouraging Iran's nuclear dabbling. After all -- no nukes means no pretext for war. No war, no oil grab."

* democracynow:
"Vermonters Deliver Impeachment Resolution to Capitol Hill
A delegation from Vermont went to Capitol Hill on Monday to deliver resolutions passed by six Vermont towns calling for the impeachment of President Bush. “The reason we're doing this is because as citizens of the USA we are honor bound to uphold the laws of the land, to defend the constitution of the US,” said Vermont bookstore owner Ellen Tenney. “When we witness what we believe in our hearts and know in our minds to be lawless acts committed against the great people of this country we must stand up and speak out.” Meanwhile there are now 36 members of the House who have officially co-sponsored a resolution to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush. The latest lawmakers signing on are Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois and Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania."
* abramoff went to the WH every day - somehow scotty is claiming that this is only a partial list of his visits. canon notes that scotty made mention of this fact without prompting - which is weird.

* Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: "Cut & Run? You Bet - Why America must get out of Iraq now."
he's probably trying to sell a book - and i bet he donated money to Joe Wilson.

* some good comments in my judy/hatfill post - emptywheel adds some more data points (it's a thrill & honor that she drops in every now and again. i'm not smart enough to comment over at her place - and i prove it every time i try!)

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