Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Jason Leopold on the radio: VERY confident

* soto:
"Besides, ask yourself this: how many blogswarms have been directed at the reporters for Knight-Ridder? None. Do you know why that is, Mr. McCurry? Because for five years, the folks at KR have beaten the pants off the NYT, the WaPo, and the rest of the cocktail party crowd and done their jobs with a fraction of the budget that the cocktail party crowd have."

"It only stands to reason, then, that the classified information Condi is alledged to have shared with Rosen (which we can presume made its way to Mossad) was likely also about Iran.
Seems to me, therefore, that Condi was involved in the same effort to spread the war in Iraq into Iran as was Franklin. Given that Fitz has indicated that she is a subject of scrutiny in the Plame case, that would make her a hub of the wheel in both espionage investigations.
Her proximity to Bush makes her a particularly key link between Plamegate and OSP-APIPAC, particularly as it now appears her role spans both cases." (link)

* apparently Jason Leopold was on the radio:

The bottom line is that he sounded VERY confident of the following:

1) GJ meets tomorrow at 9:30 EST
2) Rove received a target letter a month ago
3) Fitz had charges drawn up a month ago for false statements and perjury, but not obstruction
4) The "no target letter" spin was carefully phrased by Luskin to mean "only in relation to Rove's most recent appearance"
5) The "nothing for at least 10 days" story was spin control to keep the story out of the news cycle.
6) A Friday press conference is predicted to be announced Thursday
7) The investigation will continue to remain open.
8) Rove will be indicted for false statements and perjury, and conceivably, but not probably, obstruction of justice."

i'm so excited


Miguel said...

It's 12:30pm eastern time and no Fitz sighting in D.C. yet.

Jason says indictment would be today, to be sealed until Friday.

Please, someone hang out by the Grand Jury building and keep an eye out for Fitzgerald.

The suspense is killing me. I think I'll go sniff a tube of glue.

lukery said...


Anonymous said...


How is Leopold gonna explain this one? I mean, I like his reports and I try not to take one side or the other on his credibility, but I will say his defensiveness on EW's place and FDL was a little unwarrented. He seems hotheaded at times and I wonder if that affects his objectivity.

Nonehteless, maybe he will post an update with a credible reason for why Fitz didn't meet today with the GJ.

Of course, the other possibility is that maybe he did and went in the back way (or the media's been asked not report that he's met with them). I guess we'll know one way or the other tomorrow.

lukery said...

viget - yeah - i try to be objective wrt his reporting too (which can be difficult as you've noted)

it's possible that the GJ met at 9.30 - but without fitz (for example)

time will tell