Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hastert's current puppet masters

* calipendence in the comments:
"Hmm... Another thought occurred to me. I don't know if you saw that Hastert in effect nominated both Goss and Cheney for those awards recently. Now, this administration has a habit of giving awards or praising folks while they are on their way out the door (Tenet, Brown, etc., and now Goss).

Two things come to mind with Hastert's actions here. One, perhaps Goss was "helpful" at covering up his issues with Turkish campaign financiers, and Hayden is less inclined to help him there. That might make him more inclined to praise Goss, and condemn the choice of Hayden for CIA head. Could that mean we might get Hastert "exposed" now as a sacrificial lamb to get him pushed out as third in line for the presidential spot?

Could Hastert also be trying to push the idea of perhaps Cheney being the next to step down by having the award going to him, so that he might be the logical candidate (from his point of view) to be selected to replace Cheney should Cheney resign before December)?

Hastert's role in this seems curious to me. "
interesting point - i can hardly keep up with the spin of all the factions.

If i was Hastert, I'd be nervous all the time. I'm not even sure that he has much inherent power. I think he basically just does what he is told - which is all well and good when you only have one master and the situation is stable - but when the earth is moving under his feet (not in the literal sense, I'm sure he experiences that every day) he really has to decide which tectonic plate to jump on.

Having said that, I suspect his opposition to Hayden is coming from his current masters - it'd be interesting to know why, and it'll be fun to watch what happens if they don't get what they want.

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