Thursday, May 11, 2006

WaPo: Bush, GOP Congress Losing Core Supporters

* jane:
The Bush Administration has killed the Justice Department’s investigation into its illegal NSA wiretaps by refusing to grant the attorneys security clearance:

The inquiry headed by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, or OPR, sent a fax to Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., on Wednesday saying they were closing their inquiry because without clearance their lawyers cannot examine Justice lawyers’ role in the program.“We have been unable to make any meaningful progress in our investigation because OPR has been denied security clearances for access to information about the NSA program,” OPR counsel H. Marshall Jarrett wrote to Hinchey.

nice work if you can get it. it's quite the trick.

* wapo A1 headline: "Bush, GOP Congress Losing Core Supporters"
wow - they actually got one right for a change.

* Headlines i like to see: "GOP House Speaker taps Cheney, Goss for Congressional Distinguished Service Awards "
nice work Denny. (h/t calipendence)

* cannon points to this in the UK Mirror (tabloid-y):
"SOME 200,000 guns the US sent to Iraqi security forces may have been smuggled to terrorists, it was feared yesterday.
The 99-tonne cache of AK47s was to have been secretly flown out from a US base in Bosnia. But the four planeloads of arms have vanished.
Orders for the deal to go ahead were given by the US Department of Defense. But the work was contracted out via a complex web of private arms traders."
"If you think this sort of thing happens without the approval of the Bush administration -- or at least of the neocon faction within the Pentagon -- all I can say is: Stop being so naive. Here we have the most damning evidence yet that someone wants to foment civil war in Iraq."
* xymphora:
"If Foggo is just a professional CIA blackmailer hiding behind the name of procurement officer (an example of the CIA sense of humor?), he – and Goss – may be guilty of no more than blackmailing the wrong guys. The neocon view of the Iraq war is that it was a splendid success, if only for the fact that the CIA fouled up the PR with its competing view of the truth. Eliminate the competition, and the next war, and PR war, will be a complete success. The way to eliminate the competition is to route all the intelligence gathering through the Pentagon."


Anonymous said...

I just don't know. You put down 200,000 AK47's and walk away and the next thing you know they're all missing! None of this would have happened if we didn't have to run around after Congress, Democrats and LeftyBloggers. When are we opening those concentration camps?

lukery said...

i guess hannah and the rest of the psycho crew figured that the war wasnt civil-war-y enough - even while they scream ITS NOT A CIVIL WAR

Anonymous said...


The missing AK47s in Bosnia, you know the deal that the DoD signed off on, that's EXACTLY the kind of s*it that goes on in Lord of War.

You forge the end-user certificates to say "Iraqi Defense Forces", even get some DoD middle managers to sign off on the deal by contracting it out to "private" arms dealers, and then, whoopsie, the Iraqis never got their guns. Someone must have stolen them!

But in reality, those guns were bought and paid for by the Iraqi insurgents (or whatever spook outfit they "front" for), the end-user certificates were forged by the arms dealers, some middle-manager at DoD signed off on the deal cause his neocon boss told him too, and the illicit proceeds (drugs, maybe?) have just been laundered through the arms smugglers (with a cut, I'm sure going to the higher-ups at the DoD who helped orchestrate the whole scheme).

Oh, and I'm sure there was a down payment to the arms dealers on the guns that was paid for with US Tax dollars, so the public was also defrauded as well.

lukery said...

viget - the movie sounds pretty cool. the storyline seems kinda timely - although it's probably not anything new... it probably goes back to iran-contra - and probably back to the ancient greek wars (probably without the end-user-certificates, and perhaps with fewer cut-outs)

Track said...

Lord of War is a very good movie. But come on...a merchant of death being protected by certain powerful interests? Is that remotely believable?


From PNAC-like think tanks to crates of AK-47's getting to the desired faction. Design to implementation. It's a sick world.

lukery said...

noise - the storyline is a bit fanciful, huh.

it's almost as absurd as that chris carter pre-911 series on fox