"To hear the GOP tell it, the impeachment of the president will be the No. 1 priority if Conyers gets his say, which of course Rep. Nancy Pelosi will be only too happy to give him. The aim will be to rally the GOP base with talk of a political apocalypse." (link)* digby replies:
"You certainly can't say they don't have chutzpah. They are barely breathing and they are still issuing threats. (And the Dems should really wonder why they are so vocal about this. You'd think if it was such a winner for them they'd just let the Dems run with it, wouldn't you?)"* and the rudepundit joins in the game du jour:
"Karl Rove is one of the great bluffers in the history of Machiavellian manipulation. He's the type of man who'll try to convince you how much you don't want the last slice of pizza on the tray, how it'll make you fat, how you'll be tired for the rest of the night, how you might stain your nice white shirt. You'll get to the point where you not only don't want the slice of pizza, you start to tell others how much you never really wanted that slice in the first place, while, in the background, Karl Rove is scarfin' that cheesy bad boy down. Right now, Rove is on a mission to make sure that no one wants to touch the pepperoni-studded piece of impeachment.(and don't miss the RudePundit's set-up piece)
After avoiding the "I" word for the better part of the presidency of George W. Bush, suddenly, politicians and the media are talking about "impeachment" with startling frequency. Except, of course, it's Republicans who are talking about it, as in, "If Democrats win the House, they're gonna impeach the President" before blathering on about how the public doesn't want that. And the conservative media can't get enough of trying to get Democrats to say that, if they win, they'll immediately impeach Bush.
On This Week With George Stephanopoulos's Hair, Howard Dean, responding to an accusation by Ken "Howard Dean's Kinda Cute" Mehlman, said that the Democrats had no plans to impeach Bush. Nancy Pelosi, on Meet Tim Russert's Head, promised investigations, but not necessarily impeachment, which conservatives immediately took to mean "impeachment." And even putatively leftish John Dickerson, in Slate, wrote that Pelosi's promise of investigations was a "gift" to Republicans."
The problem isn't that Republicans are trying to turn the "threat" of impeachment into the big bugaboo of the midterm elections. That's just more politics of fear - this year's Zarqawi - and it won't work. Because a good third to a half of the people who voted for Bush in 2004 think it was a mistake, wish they could take it back, cut off their screen-pushin' fingers, take a mulligan, a do-over, fuck, something to make it not real anymore.
So here's the Rude Pundit's reckless, unresearched, completely biased, crazy-ass, but, holy shit, strangely logical proposition: Democrats need to embrace the politics of impeachment and make it a centerpiece of their national Congressional campaign. It's so simple: "If you don't want George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to be our leaders anymore, vote for Democrats."
Goddamn, isn't that breathtakingly direct? It makes Republicans have to either run scared or respond with something along the lines of "I don't want them impeached because I believe in the jobs that Bush and Cheney are doing," which, you know, almost two-thirds of the nation doesn't believe. Hell, at this point, more people disapprove of Bush and his administration than oppose gay marriage.
The Republican National Committee is scared shitless of this tactic, as indicated by Karl Rove's attention to it, as well as by the RNC's "hominah, hominah" responses to Pelosi and Dean. So what the right is trying to do is make "impeachment" into a bad word, as if somehow bad things might happen to the nation if Bush is impeached, like, say, we'd be dragged into a war of choice based on lies or dead black people would float through the streets of our major cities.
Yes, so far, polls have not reached the 50% tipping point on support of impeachment, although those polls were focused on the more narrow question of illegal wiretapping as a reason for impeachment. But the public hasn't been fully introduced to the idea of a Bush-less future, even sooner than the beginning of 2009. The Rude Pundit guarantees that if put in those terms, "An America Without George W. Bush or Dick Cheney Leading," to average Americans, the thought will make clouds part, sunshine warm faces, and a great weight lifted off chests. You wanna see people react with dancing in the streets and flowers and candies tossed out of windows? Let Americans know that the occupation of their own nation can end.
update: rimone joins in - and she points to www.impeachthemotherfuckeralready.com
they even have a shop where you can buy teeshirts and badges and whatnot

There are a handful of memes the right has used over the years, some very successfully. Some of those memes have been co-opted by the left, now (e.g. 'liberal media' to SCLM; 'would someone give this **random expletive** a blowjob, already') but there are a couple that need to be taken.
On lost/contested elections (Hi, Silvio): "You lost, Get over it!"
And most importantly now:
On investigations: "If you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about."
The stonewalling and obfuscation make it very clear: they know damn well they're doing something wrong and they're worried.
Another one for Dems when being grilled over the 'I' word:
"We want to get to the truth. Investigation is our first priority, but all options are on the table"
I like Don's idea of using their own talking points against them.
This is going to be very painful if the Democrats try to straddle the fence on this issue. Might even be as painful as a Kerry Presidential campaign.
Pelosi is already fouling it up. Just once, please call their bluff. They have a pair of 2's and Rove acts like they have a straight flush.
I can only imagine what things would be like if the US had a real opposition party.
don - i like it.
noise - as painful as Kerry? i'm sure you are right. 6 months and counting. i cant even imagine some of the shit we're going to see in the next little while
unfortunately the dems are just abuot as bought & sold as the repugs. grrr.
Alexandrovna's latest column may describe the Bush administration's plans to prevent election defeat...ie...attacking Iran and starting WWIII.
i wish we could be confident that they arent that stupid.
i'm certainly not
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