Monday, May 08, 2006


* another thing from josh's Katrina Leung article:
Though most people think of the CIA as the agency that handles overseas espionage, the FBI has also long conducted espionage against foreign countries. And it is the FBI's responsibility, as the nation's chief law enforcement agency, to conduct criminal investigations of all breaches of American intelligence, whether they occur at the FBI, the CIA, or elsewhere in the intelligence community.
this may be of interest in the Sibel / Brewster Jennings / ATC / Feith / Perle / Ashcroft / Hastert / Plame story. we've previously had posts/questions/discussions here about whether/how the CIA & FBI might be working together - or if the cia /fbi investigations inadvertently overlapped etc. mostly the questions were about whether the CIA (Brewster Jennings) could work on amsoil, but the issue of the FBI working internationally is also possibly of interest in terms of what sibel may have heard. According to this article, Brewster Jennings AND the FBI were BOTH watching Feith, Perle and Grossman. (also see here where larisa says "(CIA and FBI) could be allowed to run a joint op, with proper authorization, but in this case that is not what was going on.")

* calipendence is brainstorming names for fornigate:
Maybe another twist would be Wahwahtergate! They seem to be crying a lot these days about how folks like Colbert and other "Bush Bashing libs" are treating them!
hysterical. WATB.

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