Tuesday, June 20, 2006

open dread

consider this an open thread.

anything happening?


Don said...

On the topic of dealing with insurgencies, more on the concept of winning hearts and minds and a lesson for the Pentagon from your friends north of the 49th:

Carrots, not sticks.

Miguel said...

nothing from TO yet.

lukery said...

you'd think TO would at least hit their own deadlines...

lukery said...

don - lessons!?! we dont need no stinking lessons

lukery said...

i really hope that nthkorea doesnt launch a missile. that would totally suck.

Track said...

Did something I haven't done in months...turned on Limbaugh for a couple of minutes. Murtha bashing. What was interesting was that he was basically using the same argument Ann Coulter used agaisnt the 9/11 widows...ie...he said (paraphrased)"Why should we abstain from criticizing Murtha because of his distinguished military service and extensive military knowledge?"

The similarity is that they refuse to hold their own POS leader to the same form of criticism or any standard of criticism for that matter.

In both cases, people have been killed due to Bush Co.'s criminal actions disguised as incompetence. Call that my opinion if you must but that sure appears to be what happened re: 9/11 and the invasion/occupation of Iraq.

In both cases, the issue isn't really partisanship. Murtha and the 9/11 widows are practically Republicans. In fact, I believe some of the 9/11 widows were Republicans before they got disgusted with Bush. Other than the war, Murtha is very conservative. Both parties actions in regards to accountability for 9/11 and Iraq have been pathetic (with some exceptions).

Why do these pundits pull out all the stops to defend their corrupt leaders? And why does their audience refuse to reject their garbage?

I wish I knew.

lukery said...

noise - it'd be wrong to criticise the leader mid-apocalypse

Anonymous said...

Noise; better wash your ears out before you catch something.

They don't criticize their own or hold them to the same standard because that would require actual thinking and fairness. It's not in their DNA. they're from Stepford, it's not in their programming.

Besides, they are immature, insecure bully brats. When they press their favorite question, "When did the 9/11 widows hire PR agents?", like they themselves dont't have pr agents, I think the only answer is to ask them when they stopped beating their wives????