Sunday, March 27, 2005

right to lie-f

* remember what seetheforest said the other day: the media keeps ramping up the schiavo thing even tho the polls suggest that the egadministration is losing... the stunt begging for her to get body/blood-of-christ-communion was awesome. meanwhile, as the media does their till-death-do-us-part vigil, blinky and delay and frist have all got outta the way. LINK

* jeb tried sending in the goons to steal terri on thurs. there was a showdown cos the localcops didnt think that was such a good idea. the media has been really shuuuush about it. LINK

* tomdelay: ""When they can knock out a leader, then no other leader will step forward for a while, because they don't want to go through the same thing," he told members of the Family Research Council, in remarks that were secretly recorded and then repeatedly played on television news. "If they go after and get a pastor, then other pastors shrink from what they should be doing."" LINK
how does he know this? because that is the exact game they play. cf danrather. cf wardchurchill. et fukking al.

* dbrooks:
"The central weakness of the liberal case is that it is morally thin. Once you say that it is up to individuals or families to draw their own lines separating life from existence, and reasonable people will differ, then you are taking a fundamental issue out of the realm of morality and into the realm of relativism and mere taste."
making fun of brooks is fun. and compulsory.
dear david, just because people disagree with your 'morality' doesnt mean that they are immoral. and im glad that you and yours are proud of being morally thick.

* "the Schindlers have enlisted legal assistance that's amounted to millions of dollars at this point, mostly from national right to life associated groups. " LINK and how much free advertising did these groups get over the years? one would have to imagine that they've had at least $100million in free 'advertising' in these last 2 weeks alone. probably multiples of $100million. all donated in-kind by the merchants of death weapons manufacturers and their enablers in the media.

* "So the "Terri Supporters" outside the hospice have gotten more attention in 10 minutes than the entire anti-war protests have received over the last two years." LINK

* "In a Weekly Standard essay titled "Runaway Judiciary," Hugh Hewitt predicted confidently that public fury over the Schiavo case will increase support for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's plan "to break the Democratic filibusters of judicial nominees and ... a backlash against any Republican who sides with the Democrats on the coming rules change vote."... Ultimately the Schiavo case may well change the debate over the filibuster, though not as imagined by the likes of Hugh Hewitt, if only because Senate Democrats finally muster the courage and determination to defend the Constitution and an independent judiciary." LINK

* btw - how did schiavo hurt herself? i read somewhere that it was anorexia-induced - is that right? did her parents make her hate herself? do they hate themselves because of it?

* tomdelay pulled the plug on his dad LINK

* is schiavo's brother benstiller?

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