Saturday, March 26, 2005


* redlake murderer's prozax was just upped to 60mgs. can we call these things ssricide? LINK

* separately, the prozac article ends with this separate funny article:
"(AP) - All options should be considered to prevent rampages like the Minnesota shooting, including making guns available to teachers, Sandra S. Froman, first vice president of the National Rifle Association, said Friday." (and u know what i think about when the nyt does that)

* "Mr. Bush comes by the restaurant occasionally, the last time was the Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving. The routine is always the same. "He loves rubbing bald heads. He says it brings him luck."" LINK mmmmm - lucky gannon.

* stephen roach sounding like he makes sense again. and scaring people in the meantime.

* "A strange thing happened on This Week, this past Sunday. Donald Rumsfeld just didn't know very much about anything when speaking with George Stephanopoulos.
He didn't know about possible U.S. knowledge of Pakistani involvement in nuclear sales between Libya and North Korea.
He didn't know details about the trail going cold for Pakistan in their hunt for Bin Laden.
He didn't know if he had authorized any U.S. military flights over Iran.
He didn't know if these flights had originated from U.S. bases in Iraq.
He didn't know that Iran had protested the U.S. government, as a result." LINK
meanwhile - look for lots of Dog on your sunday talkshows today

* "Rubin underlines his central message by concluding: “Democrats struggling with the appointment of Mr. Wolfowitz may want to keep in mind that spreading democracy is a bipartisan mission.”" LINK
i wanna heart some of the dems sometimes, i really do. but they make it so difficult... rubin can go to hell. biden can go to hell. hillary can go to hell. jonk can go to hell. pelosi can go to hell. conyers ill keep. tkennedy ill keep. hdean ill keep for the mo. boxer ill keep for the mo. hreid ill probably try to keep.


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