Wednesday, March 22, 2006

i hate the AP

* AP: "Exasperated, besieged by global pressure, Saddam Hussein and top aides searched for ways in the 1990s to prove to the world they'd given up banned weapons.
"We don't have anything hidden!" the frustrated Iraqi president interjected at one meeting, transcripts show."
their headline? "Documents Show Saddam's WMD Frustrations"
i hate the AP

* josh: "I'm embarrassed for the Post. Embarrassed by the Post. []
I can think of more than a few actual journalists at the Post who must feel a bit embarrassed too."

* "An inquiry has found that an American public relations firm did not violate military policy by paying Iraqi news outlets to print positive articles, military officials said Tuesday.... Officials at the Pentagon and in Iraq said the Lincoln Group's contract remained fully in effect.... Officials familiar with the review said it did not deal deeply with how the Lincoln Group had received the contract, or with whether the organization had established sufficient expertise or experience to carry out the contract effectively." (link)

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