Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Speaking to Jingo-Man

* Michael Smith at the Times has a poem up on his blog by larisa called "Speaking to Jingo-Man" - here's a stanza:
You cannot shove me quiet
Brother, because I don't have crosses
On my wall or because I don't read your
Book or Books of Books, or
Threaten to get your hooks on
Me if I won't agree.

* more server log hilights - someone else is searching for "blueprints skyscraper" - someone from Reading, Massachusetts this time. (this is the second time today - i'm sure it means nothing)

* someone from LATimes searching for "adam schiff armenia robert livingstone"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I hope some enterprising reporter over at LAT is working on some big story. Sounds like from their searches that they're onto some of the same leads that we're on.

I hope it eventually gets published!