Sunday, March 26, 2006

Proof of a conspiracy

* you can download athenae's latest interview (with mattew rothschild) about Feith here - (30mins)

* Hadley will be on FaceTheNation. will he get asked the question? will he answer?

* "Sen. Specter has finally set a hearing date for Sen. Russ Feingold’s censure resolution. A hearing will be held on Friday, March 31st. Expect a lot of political fireworks and posturing but, at the root, you can also expect some serious questions to start coming forward. " (link)

* wapo front-pages an impeachment article.

* xymphora: "A war the size of a China war would lead to just the type of fascist military organization in the United States that neocons like Ledeen drool over. A big added advantage for the United States is that a victory over China would wipe out most of its deficit problem. That fact alone, and the fact there seems to be no other way out of the upcoming American financial crisis, makes the war seem inevitable."
oh great. that's just what we need.

* xymphora: "Proof of a conspiracy: The Kennedy School of Government removed its logo from Walt/Mearsheimer paper and made more prominent a disclaimer stating that the views expressed belong only to the authors. "

* wapo has a funny article about Lincoln and propaganda. btw - my favorite propaganda story at the mo - do you know the meme that carrots are good for your eyesight? it turns out that in ww2 the brits had some cool night-time radar which meant that they could shoot down german planes as they flew towards London - naturally they didnt want the germans to know this, so they created a story that the brit pilots were eating lots of carrots and could thusly see really, really well!

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