Thursday, March 30, 2006

xymphora and controlled demolitions

* the 911 building collapse/demolition conversation continues in the comments here

for my part, i primarily agree with damien - the scientific evidence is pretty damning and hard to get past.

i also agree with miguel/xymphora that it'd be pretty difficuly to get the explosives in place.

net/net, i'm with damien. the numbers don't seem to lie.

meanwhile, xymphora says:
"Be careful of discussion of Osama reading building blueprints. It’s disinformation. The October 2001 Osama claimed Muslims would never do such a thing, and he had nothing to do with September 11. Later Osama’s tried to show how much hand’s-on control they had over the scheme, including inspecting the blueprints.

I need to consider how much ‘al Qaeda’ had to do with September 11. The most radical theory is that ‘al Qaeda’ had nothing to do with it!"

Those links are to me.

As far as I know - the blueprint story is true. However, we never said that the blueprints went to osama.

update: here is where xymphora thinks that the demolition folks are basically scientologists

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