* "Campaign mail with a return address of the Republican National Committee warns West Virginia voters that the Bible will be prohibited and men will marry men if liberals win in November." http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040917/ap_on_el_pr/campaign_mail_2
* Mr Bush said: "The UN looked at the same intelligence that I looked at. They concluded that Saddam Hussein was a threat and they voted by 15 to zero in the security council for Saddam Hussein to disclose, disarm or face serious consequences. I believe that when bodies say something they better mean it." its astonishing how he can say stuff that is simply false in its presence. and repeat. 'serious consequences' doesnt mean 'invade'. period. words dont matter. ideas dont even matter - unless they are false. its amazing how the gopwordsmiths can create a sentence like the above which simultaneuosly purports that they got approval from the UN, while sounding tough at the same time. its such a terrific statement - i guess thats why theyve been using it forever.
* what does it say when u get simulatneuous poll results that are purportedly measuring the same thing, but they are outside each others confidence limits?
* "The row came as satellite images cast fresh light on Tehran's nuclear activities. The pictures show that a site southeast of Tehran may be being used for research, testing and production of nuclear weapons, according to a leading independent US nuclear expert, David Albright." i love this bollox abuot the satellite pictures - i dunno if uve seen em. the guy on the teeve pointed out nefariously a half-bunker and something that looked like a nuclear something or other (it was a dome). heres a tip for anyone trying to hide a secret weapons lab: we have satellites now - if u wanna hide a halfbunker, put it under a normal looking building. or make it a full bunker. or some such. and heres a tip for anyone trying to look for a secret weapons lab: the person trying to hide it probably knows that uve got satellites which take photos.
* in case u didnt hear, u were sposed to: "kerry's campaign is in trouble with a reshuffle'
* florida court re nader ""Any doubt as to the meaning of statutory terms should be resolved broadly in favor of ballot access," the five-member majority concluded." beautiful. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/18/politics/campaign/18elect.html
* "A vote for Kerry is not just a vote against George Bush. It is a vote for the survival of the system that made Bush happen."! http://nation.ittefaq.com/artman/publish/article_12303.shtml
* shepsmith on fauxnews pulled back the curtain for a sec. they were doing a segment on fag gavinnewsome causing sf homelessness - and the teleprompter obviously had capitalised it thus "people are blaming HIS policies' - except shep must have figured that HIS was an acronym or something and read 'blaming 'H' 'I' oops i mean HIS policies'. sweet.
Your More Fears. Your More Fears.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
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