Sunday, September 19, 2004

slay the course

* "FBI officials here are preparing a massive counter-offensive of interrogations, surveillance and possible detentions they hope will disrupt the terrorist plans" hmmm. internment.

* "Iran October Surprise" worth a read "Rumsfeld’s satellite photography represents a serious escalation in the march towards war. "

* the war was illegal. hmphh! whod have thunk? wot are the jihadmin capable of to protect their own post-reign freedom? one imagines that bieng milsovic'd isnt quite their style. blair and howard might also be facing some sleepless nights. particularly blair - cos he extorted a legal defense on the even of the war cos his head of army refused to fight without the official legal authority. or praps this lawsuit would proceed by 'Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades.' (the source is a bit spooky, but lawsuit is real) "Bush personally ordered 911 to happen."

* imagine cheney as 44...

* im still thinking that the media is building up for a massive assault in (at least) iraq - the whole 'Newsweek magazine's Iraq feature: "It's Worse Than You Think." thing is getting rolled out across all media - praps as part of a necon campaign - whether its also part of the 43 campaign or not im not sure - 43 seems to being rosy about iraq, but the media build seems to be intended to prepare the sheeple for a much bigger assault - 'extinguishing the insurgents' or woteva. think of how powerful that newsweek headline is, in all of its simplicity. is it easier to believe that they are just playing a bit of catchup 'cos it seemed that somehow everyones perception of the iraq situation started lagging the realities on the ground, and our role is to continually align peoples' reception with reality'? or not. btw - the newsweek article comes with a nice 'portraits of mourning' flash show, with coffin filled flags.

* i was wondering why the zogby/911 poll didnt seem to get much media attention - but heres billoreiily quoting it -

* btw - another thing for a later day - id love to know the logic/real story behind 43 fighting to get the $87bn as a donation, rather than a partial loan. it always baffled me.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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