Wednesday, October 13, 2004

he can gun, but he cant snide

* re the 'oh dude' video - the question was posed to the pentagon why the 'fighters' would be walking together in a large group out in the open (the implication being that they were actually civs) "I cannot give any explanation...we see people making what we would consider to be tactical errors all the time" maybe they are all farking innocent u loser! can we leave yet?

* "Nuclear items missing in Iraq" everyone is up in arms about this. im a bit sususpicious about it. seems to me more likely that the usmil is most likely to dismantle a building or two. and they know that the iaea isnt in the country and can only look at satellite pix. hmmm. dunno.,2763,1325365,00.html

* the flu vaccine thing is kinda odd. what a racket. and the cdc is spooky. the funny thing is that fluvaccines can be inmported from UK, but 43 needs to keep everyone safe from reimported am drugs via canada.

* a baby rabbit popped out of the burrow yesterday. he's tiny. ill prolly get a bunch more. should i go buy some bodybags? actually im not officially adopting em cos their mum is still alive. i'll take the credit if they live.

* krove "You've got to go after the other guy's strengths. That's how you win." the funny thing is that rove presumably sees the flipfloppers great strength to be consistency... (or praps 'flipflop' is simply perennial)

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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