Wednesday, October 13, 2004

not drowning, waivering

* ""Dictators hate having their legitimacy challenged," said former CIA chief James Woolsey, one of those who signed the letter to Putin" indeed.

* " In 2000, Bush painted Al Gore as a flip-flopper whenever possible. Voters, he declared, "don't want flip-floppers as president of the United States... In 1992, George H.W. Bush's campaign ran advertisements assailing Clinton's contradictions. "As the case of military service makes most clear, these differing positions are, in fact, more than mere flip-flops."

* "Setting shrines and mosques on fire generally makes a bad impression among a Muslim public."

* its sposed to be 37 degrees in sydney today. in the first half of october? phew.

* am-mil-whore on cnn: "if the numbers of guns returned (in the sadr ceasefire) are not very high, then we'll broaden our search - and itll be anything but surgical or cursory" - i wonder what the kpi is? what happens if we are say 5% short of our target - do we go unsurgical? what if the ams overestimate what artillery is out there - such that the 'insurgents' do as they agreed but the place still goes to hell anyway cos the ams were expecting worse. 'if u dont deliver us your wmd, we'll blow you up' - and blame you.

* i wonder if my rabbit could be president

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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