Friday, October 15, 2004

pretty angry citizen

* "A former Dover Air Force Base commander says military officials used his troops as guinea pigs in illegal medical experiments under the government's controversial anthrax vaccination program." send your nephews and nieces to canada.

* its interesting that 43 did the 'jonk has a litmus test for appointing judges' line in the speech, but they havent revived that line today (yet). obviously someone taught furiousgeorge to say that.

* "Fellow Democrats are livid with William Donald Schaefer, the irascible former Maryland governor who this week decided to broadcast his opinion that people with AIDS are "a danger" and that those suffering from the disease "brought it on themselves."" we miss u ronny.

* A Pennsylvania court struck Ralph Nader's name from the state's ballot yesterday, declaring that nearly two-thirds of the signatures on his nominating petitions were invalid or had been forged in what the court called an unparalleled case of election fraud." unfortunately we are seeing 'unparalleled election fraud' everywhere. have u seen all the ballot rubbish?

* btw - the "far left bank" thing was pretty clever - he's french.snigger. 2birds. one bullet.

* 43 feels it when other people pray for him. he just knows. that ought disqualify him. damn religioweirdos. especially when eevryone thinks rove is channeling him.

* wheres ari? we miss u.

* 19 days. phew.

* would the jihadmin kill someone to give them a better chance of winning? 2 people...?

* "Here's are some words we didn't hear in the debate:
Chads. Butterfly ballots. Disenfranchisement. Ralph Nader. Dick Cheney's energy task force. The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. Duck hunting with Antonin Scalia. Fuel efficiency. SUVs. Mars.
Bushs bulge. Jim Jeffords. Paul O'Neill. Richard Clarke. Valerie Plame. Venezuela. Peru. Haiti. Hunger. MoveOn. Lawrence v. Texas. Jim McGreevey. Martha Stewart. The lockbox.
Jose Padilla. Yaser Hamdi. Guantanamo Bay. The death penalty. Miguel Estrada. Judge Roy Moore. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Texas Air National Guard. Alabama. AWOL. The order to shoot down civilian aircraft. "The Pet Goat."
Ahmed Chalabi. Jessica Lynch. Danny Pearl.
Terror alerts. The Presidential Daily Brief. Condoleezza Rice. Fishing. "Greeted as liberators." Abu Ghraib."

* "Bush claimed fear of lawsuits drives doctors to "the defensive practice of medicine that costs the federal government some $28 billion a year and costs our society between $60 billion and $100 billion a year," which is contrary to nearly all academic studies of the matter."

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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