Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Formerly Popular President (tm)

* " A new Gallup Poll finds a decline in George W. Bush's job approval rating. After standing at 49% approval in the prior two CNN/USA Today/Gallup polls conducted this month, now just 44% of Americans say they approve of Bush, a new low mark for the president." (link)

kaboom. if we take these at face value, *ten percent* of his support went up in smoke in a week or two. incredible.

for the record, here's the graph presented in the gallup report.

i dont know if this is standard formatting for gallup, but heres a hint for the grphsters there - if your range is 44 to 59%, you dont have to set your vertical axis from 0-100% - by doing that, the curve looks mostly flat, and all of the information is stripped out of it.

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