Wednesday, August 24, 2005

dead brazilian has 'deflected attention away from its battle against terrorism.'

* "The four terrorists who killed 56 people in London on July 7 triggered the bombs themselves by pressing a device similar to a button, senior police sources have told the Guardian." (link)
yada yada

* in the comments, postmanpatel asks whether the IPCC (the folks investigating the dead brazilian) can investigate *soldiers* who appear to have killed dead brazilian. good question.

* "Scotland Yard yesterday expressed frustration that the ongoing furore over the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes had deflected attention away from its battle against terrorism.
The concern is shared by relatives of the victims of the July 7 bombings, some of whom are angry that there has been so much focus on the death of one man." (link)
in my somewhat-permanent near-crazy state - i speculate openly about whether the 7/7 bombings were state-sponsored. in my just-a-little-bit-more-crazy state, i wonder whether people of my ilk were getting a little too close to unravelling the 7/7 plot, and thats why they needed to distract with the 21/7 plot - and in my even-more-crazierer state, i wonder whether dead brazilian was again prepetrated for the same reasons - and the more we learn about dead-brazilian story, the more im inclined to believe that not only was he murdered for no reason, but that he was *intentionally* murdered for no reason (and i shudder everytime i hear a news report saying 'dead brazilian, who was mistakenly thought to be a terrorist...' - i shudder with the thought that maybe that isnt true) . the 'irony' now is that the police are 'complaining' that we just should all remember to be scared about the fact that evil domestic-foreigners are out to hurt us - and cant we just kick out all the bad guys and criminalise dissent and get a new Patriot Act or a National ID card or 'whatever it takes'. if so, mission accompliced. distraction accompished.

malagaoth - you were right!


ziz said...

I live on a road that seems to be having a trench dug somewhere every week.

Meeting a friend I enquired what the latest trench was dug for...he pondered ..."Practise ?"

I feel the same about de M, they wanted tio kill one of the bombers - who was actually as they shot skipping it at some expense and in style on the Channel Tunnel choo choo - dead men tell no tales.

Anyway they somehow mixed the guy up - fuck it, wer'e here now we've got the guns, the ammo, and we can tell that fuucking Cressida the Video didn't work , the radios don't work and anyway I was having a piss / shit... anyway we wasted the guy.

Next time it may be someone important.

Murder - it's just the first one that's difficult, it gets easier thereafter.

Thes eguys are out of control. Thney also know where the bodies are buried, they will never see the inside of a court , even less a cell.

Don't forget the fat lady hasn't singed yet. There is more shenanigins in the pipeline.

I fancy something that will make it sensible to use the Army to patrol the main areas of concern , airports, train stations, motorways.

Also keep an eye out for a "dirty" bomb in the Panama Canal... and the blame landing on Chavez.

... and don't forget the Nobel Peace Prize fro Ariel Sharon.

lukery said...

postman - i hope yuo aer wrong, i fear the you are right.