Monday, October 24, 2005

Chicken Kiev

* " (Reuters) Top administration officials are expected to learn from Fitzgerald as early as Monday whether they will face charges as the prosecutor winds up his nearly two-year investigation, the lawyers said. Fitzgerald could convene the grand jury as early as Tuesday to lay out a final summary of the case and ask for approval of possible indictments, legal sources said. The grand jury hearing the CIA leak case normally meets on Wednesdays"

* AP: "And what if the unthinkable happens and Cheney is indicted?
Cheney has said he is not interested in pursuing the Republican nomination for president in 2008. So Bush's choice to replace his running mate would tip the president's hand on his preference for 2008. Florida governor and first brother, Jeb Bush?"

* "(Reuters) - Forty-five percent of Iraqis believe attacks on U.S. and British troops are justified, according to a secret poll said to have been commissioned by British defense leaders and cited by The Sunday Telegraph.
Less than 1 percent of those polled believed that the forces were responsible for any improvement in security, according to poll figures.
Eighty-two percent of those polled said they were "strongly opposed" to the presence of the troops."

* everyone is excited about Matthew Yglesias saying: "I'll certainly read the article on Brent Scowcroft when it comes out, but I feel compelled to at least semi-dissent from the heaping of praise upon the likes of Scowcroft, Larry Wilkerson, Richard Haas, and other Republicans who've started speaking out against the Bush administration lately. Everything they say could have been said 12-18 months ago when it would have made a difference for the future of the country."
great - as i said last week: "where the fuck were all these people in the last 3 years while the rest of us could see exactly what was going on????"

* jeralyn: "It sounds like Rove is in negotiations"
squeal, bitch.

* scott horton's interviews with raimondo and scheuer are up - i havent listend to them yet.

* digby and tristero are on a roll over at digby's place - go check over there to read the latest on abramoff and traitorgate and a few other things - including Kay Bailey Hutchinson's disgraceful performance on MTP.

* steve clemons has big chunks of the scowcroft/NY'er article up on his site already. one side note, its not surprising, but still startling somehow, that the stupid president cant think in concepts other than nicknames - in his small mind, 'Kiev' necessarily becomes "Chicken Kiev".

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