Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Agent Harry Samit & Moussaoui

* AP:
"Agent Harry Samit testified under cross-examination at Moussaoui's trial that FBI headquarters' refusal to follow up "prevented a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks" that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Under cross-examination by defense attorney Edward MacMahon, Samit acknowledged that he predicted in an Aug. 18, 2001, memo that Moussaoui was a radical Islamic terrorist in a criminal conspiracy to hijack aircraft. Moussaoui ended up pleading guilty to two specific counts that Samit had explicitly predicted in his Aug. 18 memo."

1 comment:

An American Believer said...

Thanks for blogging about Special Agent Harry Sammit.

Why do you think everyone, particularly the NeoCon talking heads are so convinced that it was simply a "faliure" on the part of our own government, the FBI, etc.?

Alex Jones of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.net is one of many voices crying in the wildnerness. He, along with several, prominent 9-11 researchers within the 9-11 Truth Movement ardently proclaim the government was complicit in 9-11. Jones created "9-11 The Road to Tyranny," a documentary showing how governments do this sort of stuff all the time and have for millenia throughout history.

Mainstream America is befuddled that Moussaoui didn't get the death penalty. Maybe they need to wonder why this guy was the only man on trial. Are we really to believe that these terrorists pulled this off without the United States knowing or being able to lift a finger to prevent any of it? Think about it people! Wake up to the "War on Terror" + surveillance of & spying on citizens + OPEN borders(both here and in England) = Tyranny and an ensuing Police State.

Special agent Harry Sammit was intended to be the star witness against Moussaoui but instead accused superiors in his own agency, the FBI of "criminal negligence, obstruction and careerism."

After seeing how many times Agent Samit tried to warn his superiors(70 times) U.S. governmental complicity in the events of 9-11 is the only line of reasoning that makes sense.

Funny how agent Sammit was granted his search warrant "after" 9-11. But this story like so many was all but buried and particularly not represented in it's true light in the Lamestream media.

Check out this video newsclip http://www.freepressinternational.com/fbi-agent-accuses-fbi-criminal-negligence.html