Tuesday, March 21, 2006

captured Iraqi documents on the web

* rimone points to this at slashdot:
""The Boston Globe is reporting that last week the United States Government began publishing captured Iraqi documents on the web in order to harness the translating talents of the bilingual public. The article calls it 'the same open source principle' that created Linux. "
funny. yeah - that's the ticket. the USG is all for open-ness and transparency. are there any 'easter eggs' in linux? i'm sure there are a bunch in these documents.

(update: "''Workers control the means of production, but without all that tedious communism," said Glenn Reynolds" bwahaha)

actually - this reminds me - isn't there a security risk here? what happens if there's some stuff that is classified in there? can they do a sibel-style retroactive classification?

if the USG can release all this stuff - sight-unseen - don't you think it's about time that they released saddam's 12,000 page pre-invasion Weapons Declaration?

The last i heard about my FOIA (and here) is that the CIA scoffed and State is looking into it. Surely they don't have much of a leg to stand on (insert zarqawi joke here) if they can release a whole bunch of stuff that they purport to have never translated. Any journalists wanna pick this one up?

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