Wednesday, May 03, 2006


* "The Central Intelligence Agency confirmed its third-ranking official, Executive Director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, attended poker games in Washington, D.C., hotel hospitality suites, the use of which is the focus of a federal criminal investigation." (link)

* tpmm tells us that every reporter in town is working the hookergate story - with a particular emphasis on dusty foggo

* yglesias: "One of the quirks of American society is that this is the kind of country where an intelligence official can admit to having partied with defense contractors known to bribe public officials in exchange for defense and intelligence contracts while simultaneously insisting that any allegations that prostitutes were involved is "false, outrageous and irresponsible." But though the hooker angle obviously sexes the story up for media consumption, what does it matter? Commercial sex hardly seems more wrongful than public corruption. And yet, all anyone wants to do is beat the hooker rap."

* miguel pointed me to this exchange over at LibertyPost (which i think is a wingnut site?). some person was asked to name a bush critic who is 'credible' - the answer:
"Tony Snow. Hannity. O'Reilly. Every Republican talking about the lack of action on border security in the House of Reps.

Just for starters."

(Blogger is being weird. apologies)

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