Wednesday, May 03, 2006

President Bush 'speaks with such clarity'

* glenn:
"But what I do know is that I have seen Raw Story report many, many items which turned out to be false and/or which should not have been reported. I beleive they now acknowledge this themselves. As a result, I do not consider them a reliable news source and would not assume that things that were reported only there are true."
i suspect he'll be hearing from some of my friends... perhaps he could start here or here

* Froomkin:


On his MSNBC Show yesterday, Chris Matthews also had a friendly chat with Nicolle Wallace, the White House communications director.

MATTHEWS: "What was the selling point for Tony Snow as the new presidential press secretary?"

WALLACE: "Well, you'd have to ask Tony. . . . [But] to speak for George W. Bush is a privilege. We can all really just muck it up. He speaks with such clarity and he has such conviction. And he's really someone who cares much more about doing the right thing than about opinion polls. And it is a pleasure to speak for someone like that.""


Anonymous said...

Nicolle Wallace: 'He speaks with such clarity'

yeah, from the clarity of his 'wonderfully uncluttered mind' as tony blair put it.

lukery said...

rimone - lol - did TB really say that? much funniness.

o/s - ah yes - the clarity of convictions - in black and white. on a rap sheet

Anonymous said...

yep, he sure did. searching Google just now, i can't get into the original article at the Independent, but i did find other citations of same (apart from my own).