Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tom Edsall on Plame / Iran

Tom Edsall of WaPo was liveonline:

Minneapolis, Minn.: Can you confirm David Shuster report on MSNBC that Valerie Plame was working on tracking nuclear proliferation in Iran?

It becomes harder and harder to understand why Karl Rove is still working at the White House.

Tom Edsall: I am as I write this trying to find out what the Post knows on this and why we apparently have not covered it (it may not be true.) Hope to have answer before noon.


Washington, D.C.: MSNBC reported last night that Valerie Plame was working in Iran's nuclear program at the CIA. This would seem to be a monumental piece of information - yet not a mention in The Post. What's going on over there?

Tom Edsall: I am told by Walter Pincus that the Iran link was made by a blogger in Iran, and the story needs further confirmation before we can report it. I assume we are working on it.


Valerie Plame: Blogger? Yes, a blogger broke the original claim about Valerie Plame working covert on Iran's nuclear program in January of this year. but David Shuster says he confirmed it with "intelligence sources" in his report yesterday.

Tom Edsall: I assume that when we similarly confirm the Iran-Plame link, we will report it. If true, it is a very interesting story that should get prominent play.


Miguel said...

"I am told by Walter Pincus that the Iran link was made by a blogger in Iran, and the story needs further confirmation before we can report it."

I find it difficult to believe Walter Pincus doesn't already know everything about Valerie Plame's job. This "we'll look into it" attitude by the WP doesn't pass the smell test- they know exactly what Plame's role was at the agency. Let's keep the pressure on!

lukery said...

it's really quite remarkable isnt it.

here's what i don't understand. Larisa is a real reporter - even if she works for a online mag. Even if she had a patchy record, you'd still think that 'real' journos would have tried to verify or debunk the story - yet here they are admitting it's a really big story, and only now they go running to check it out. very odd

Anonymous said...


Here's my bet. It's called Pincus HAS already looked into this, and wanted to report on it, but the editors and administration 'minders' *cough*lil'Debbie*cough* have put the kibosh on this story.

I'm sure Pincus has been waiting for 3 years to tell this story. Now, maybe he finally will.

And the "confirming sources"? That's BS, I'm sure Pincus and/or Priest have the sources already lined up. They "need time" to save face and make it look like that they're playing catch-up right now, in Libby's words "as if hearing it for the first time."

How much you want to bet this story has been written for at least two years?

My prediction: Sunday A1 above the fold Byline: Pincus&Priest.

Just in time for the Rove indictment on Friday.

Anonymous said...

One other possibility that occurred to me, this delay may have been planned by the sources to keep up the drip..drip..drip operation.

If this news were released several years ago, the admin would have just tried to spin it their way. People might have believed the admin over anonymous sources.

Now, though, with 32% JAR and falling and with Iran on the radar screen, this info will have more credibility. So in some ways, this is a good thing.

Now, I only wish some MSM outlet would give credit where credit's due when they confirm this story and cite Larisa's work. We cite their work in our blog posts, why can't they reciprocate?

lukery said...

viget - E&P credited larisa - good for them.

and wapo cited an iranian blogger - thats credit!

lets hope you are right about pincus/A1 on sunday