Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hastert's common Midwestern values

* from anon in the comments:
"Recently I have been reading about the the BCCI scandal. It appears to me that BCCI then fullfilled the same function for the parties involved as the multinational inter-operating networks Sibel Edmonds describes, do now. Everything from the cover-up to the ingredients of BCCI match that of the networks Edmonds seems to describe. How I understand it there is a lobbying layer that includes and extends to politicians and government officials in several countries. Behind that there are connections to intelligence and criminal related activities ranging from drugs, weapons, corruption, proliferation, genral money laundering and possibly covert operations (support)."
sounds about right.

* tpmm:
"Arizona Sen. John McCain on Tuesday canceled an appearance for a Republican congressional candidate who has attacked his opponent for supporting McCain's immigration bill. McCain, R-Ariz., was scheduled to speak Wednesday at a breakfast fundraiser for Brian Bilbray, who is locked in a close runoff race with Democrat Francine Busby for the San Diego-area seat left vacant by disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. The event was expected to raise at least $65,000."
divided they fall (more here)

* calipendence:
Looks like McCain's people don't want to highlight their "differences" on immigration "reform". Sounds like McCain agrees more with Busby's solution than Bilbray's, and with Bilbray being a "one trick pony" when it comes to immigration being his only big issue, sounds like he's dead meat to get any kind of endorsement from McCain.
Looks like they have Duncan Hunter and David Dreier filling in for McCain now.

* csm:
"But it's Hastert's stance on the FBI search that has many of his GOP colleagues on edge back in their districts this week. They worry that Hastert's opposition to the search of Representative Jefferson's office will be misunderstood as a move to shield members from corruption investigations... Some of Hastert's former colleagues, now in the US Senate, say the speaker's position is indefensible.
But Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R) of Michigan says the speaker's reaction was predictable, especially after the search proceeded without consulting him in advance. "Denny very much works toward consensus. As a deputy whip for Tom DeLay, Denny was the one who brought people to agreement," he says.
"But you don't deal with Denny behind his back. He has no patience when he has been treated unfairly. It's just common Midwestern values," he adds."

* meanwhile, tpmm:
"...Hastert's office and the Justice Department had been negotiating for weeks on a way to obtain materials and evidence from Jefferson's office sought in a subpoena. Jefferson had not complied with the subpoena. The negotiations broke down, the congressman said, causing the FBI to obtain a search warrant"

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