Thursday, June 01, 2006

red bandanas, yellow badges

* jeralyn:
"Message to Al Gore: Jump in or give a final signal you are out. The time is now. Whomever the Democratic candidate will be in 2008 needs to muster all of our support at the earliest possible moment. We can't provide that that so long as we are waiting on you. A simple yay or nay will do it."

* damien in the comments:
" I'm not doing Turkey this week. But I can offer you a good deal on one slightly used (and completely unmarked!) red bandana courtesy of Culhavoc which survived the Flight 93 crash. It turned up with a whole lot of other wreckage which was mysteriously not observed by those who were first on the scene. According to the miracle cell phone calls from Flight 93 the terrorists had donned red bandanas (which they must have picked up on their last trip to Vegas.) Anyhow, given that green is the color of Islamic martyrs and red is frowned upon by the Prophet, we can put the red bandana stuff up down to some low level CIA flunkie who has since been promoted.

Culhavoc also provides some details on Andrew Grove "

* FT:
"US President George W. Bush and Tony Blair, the UK prime minister, have received separate background briefings from Iranian opposition activists, including one visitor to the White House on Tuesday who caused a storm earlier this month by reporting Iran had passed a law requiring Jews to wear special identification."
* tpmm:
"Apparently this is just the sort of reliable advice that President Bush needs. Yesterday, Taheri had a face-to-face with the President as one of a small group of "experts" on Iraq that visited the White House.

According to Press Secretary Tony Snow, the experts were invited to the White House for their "honest opinions" on Iraq."


Anonymous said...

I disagree with Jeralyn, that Al Gore should say whether or not he is running at this point in time. why not ask the others to do the same thing? I think it helps to have Gore being very outspoken about Busholini and the NeoNutzis, something none of the others is doing. As long as he stays in the game, speaking his mind, the others will have to move left or seem like Repugnicans.

Sibel Edmonds should file a formal complaint against the US with the UN Commission for Human rights for their violation of her right to due process, under Procedure 1503 and spill the whole story. Even if they don't act on it, having several members of the Un reading it and asking questions in the International forum will be very embarassing and could prove to be obstructive to Uncle Slam's other plans.

lukery said...

kathleen - good point - having Gore out there can prove that there's a 'market' for his loonylefty ideas.

Don said...

I concur. Gore on the "outside" carries more credibility with the people and press, as a 'concerned citizen', and presents less of a target for those wanting to say he's working from a political agenda. Right now, the right and big energy can only attack his message. Plus, there's the tease factor drawing a lot of attention to that message.

As Gore himself as noted several times, as soon as he declares a candidacy he's subject to direct attacks, from the right and their media lapdogs, undermining what he sees as his main mission right now.

For someone who's attmitedly not too fond of political plays, he's playing it very smartly.

lukery said...

if the gorementum keeps building the way it has been, he'll be dragged out of the theatres and directly installed on the throne

man - i wish he was president right now

lukery said...

bush looked into taheris soul...

Anonymous said...

like staring into the abyss...

lukery said...

rimone: bush or taheri?