Sunday, July 23, 2006

Washington has warned Turkey

* don in the comments:
From an article at Lebanon's Daily Star, "Turkish Army kills 4 PKK fighters after warning to Washington", a real cute quote:
"Washington has warned Turkey against unilateral cross-border action, drawing angry accusations from Erdogan that it is using double standards in the region - a reference to US support for Israeli offensives in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
How's that thing about glass houses go again?
i have no words.thnx rimone for the pic. again.


Anonymous said...

drawing angry accusations from Erdogan that it is using double standards in the region

get w/the programme, dude---we've had five years of it.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's only been five years?

Anonymous said...

i actually hesitated after i first typed that 'five years,' thinking the same but figured i should stay on-preznit.