Thursday, September 07, 2006

dear alaska

dear alaska - can we add you to the GSF map? we already know where you live. all we need is a monica moniker to identify you on the map.


Anonymous said...

would you be so kind as to come over here and reverse look-up my IP numbers? lol, as a kinda incentive, i'll do ANYTHING!!!11!!!11!

i'm always too fucked up to do it for more than a few minutes myself; then i get bored and read news. then i get enraged (more). neither boredom nor anger is good for my system and what's left of my soul. please help.

lukery said...

alaska, out yourselves. we love making fun of you spying on us - now rimone has offered her gorgeous self. everybody wins.

Superteemu said...

Ok, I'm "alaska". I'll get back to that ANYTHING!!1-part when I visit London around January.


Our major tv channel is showing it's own documentary about "9/11 conspiracy theories" tonight. How high on nuttiness scale I should rank guests James Fetzer and Les Jamieson? (Familiar names, but's it's tough keeping up with who's reasonable and who's wacko.)

lukery said...

teemu - i dont know those two.

as for 'anything' - i'll leave that up to you two to negotiate... i wonder who'll drive the hardest bargain...

Anonymous said...

Believe them all Teemu - even when they're wrong! At least they are sincere and trying to get at the truth. You've seen the handiwork of the other guys.

btw, if you are having trouble convincing people that there are reasonable grounds for doubting the official 9/11 story, just ask them "So which foreign government assisted the 9/11 terrorists?" When they look at you stunned just go on to tell them that a senior US official has publicly admitted that a foreign government was involved (no, not Iraq, and no, not Iran). Here's the background:

Senator Bob Graham, as Head of the Joint Congressional 911 Inquiry from Feb - Dec 2002, was interviewed on the PBS Lehrer Hour in Dec 2002:

"I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States.... I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now." (link)(link)

So the 19 hijackers were not operating alone. There was a support base, and others - beside the 19 terrorists - who were aware of the impending attacks.

So there you have it.... a person who should know what he is talking about is telling anyone who cares to listen that there were a lot more people than the 19 terrorists behind 9/11 going right up to the leadership of a sovereign foreign government. Those are Sen.Graham's words, not mine.

The countries (plural) that Sen.Graham refers to are, without doubt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. In March this year the Pakistan Public Finance Committee admitted it had paid bribes to keep it's name out of the 911 Commission Report; and a US Congressional Inquiry held in June this year identified Saudi Arabia as the primary source of terrorist and al qaeda funding to this very day. There's a fair bit of background material supporting claims that government officials in both these countries assisted the 9/11 terrorists.

You can point people to the links above or send them to my blog here. James Fetzer has done a lot of good 9/11 work. I don't know much about Les Jamieson.

Anonymous said...

Superteemu: I'll get back to that ANYTHING!!1-part when I visit London around January.

lol, then i'll be more than pleased to meetcha there.

luke, i won't even touch that 'hardest bargain' part although i'd like to. :-)

lukery said...

lol -teemu is cute too - and now that you've laid all your cards on the table....

Anonymous said...

i won't say it, i won't say it, i won't say

lukery said...

that's a first...