* icrc: 'gitmo treatment is tantamount to torture'. genmyers: 'its just one groups opinion'. lukery: 'whats the difference between 'tantamount to torture' and 'torture'?
* is it possible to imagine the words 'canada' and 'riotpolice' in the same sentence without the words 'president bush' also in that sentence?
* did 43 make a joke that his opponents dont have 5 fingers???
* cnn said there were hundreds of protestors in canada - with "one protestor holding a sign saying 'please leave'" - no mention of the riotpolice. fair&balanced eh.
* oz's premiere current affairs program did a show on zarq last night. they didnt mention that 1) he is a sex offender 2) he can grow limbs 3) he doesnt exist
* blackwell 'elvis is dead'.
* btw - many of the questions about amfraud wrt exitpolls might be easily dismissed if they actually released the exitpoll data. but they wont for some reason.
* "Colombia's government today backpedalled on a sensational claim made by the defense minister that Marxist rebels wanted to assassinate President Bush... he had either misspoken or been misunderstood..." yada http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/headline/world/2923210
Four more years. Seriously.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
been caught stealing. dunce.
* icrc: 'gitmo treatment is tantamount to torture'. genmyers: 'its just one groups opinion'. lukery: 'whats the difference between 'tantamount to torture' and 'torture'?
* is it possible to imagine the words 'canada' and 'riotpolice' in the same sentence without the words 'president bush' also in that sentence?
* did 43 make a joke that his opponents dont have 5 fingers???
* cnn said there were hundreds of protestors in canada - with "one protestor holding a sign saying 'please leave'" - no mention of the riotpolice. fair&balanced eh.
* oz's premiere current affairs program did a show on zarq last night. they didnt mention that 1) he is a sex offender 2) he can grow limbs 3) he doesnt exist
* blackwell 'elvis is dead'.
* btw - many of the questions about amfraud wrt exitpolls might be easily dismissed if they actually released the exitpoll data. but they wont for some reason.
* "Colombia's government today backpedalled on a sensational claim made by the defense minister that Marxist rebels wanted to assassinate President Bush... he had either misspoken or been misunderstood..." yada http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/headline/world/2923210
Four more years. Seriously.
* is it possible to imagine the words 'canada' and 'riotpolice' in the same sentence without the words 'president bush' also in that sentence?
* did 43 make a joke that his opponents dont have 5 fingers???
* cnn said there were hundreds of protestors in canada - with "one protestor holding a sign saying 'please leave'" - no mention of the riotpolice. fair&balanced eh.
* oz's premiere current affairs program did a show on zarq last night. they didnt mention that 1) he is a sex offender 2) he can grow limbs 3) he doesnt exist
* blackwell 'elvis is dead'.
* btw - many of the questions about amfraud wrt exitpolls might be easily dismissed if they actually released the exitpoll data. but they wont for some reason.
* "Colombia's government today backpedalled on a sensational claim made by the defense minister that Marxist rebels wanted to assassinate President Bush... he had either misspoken or been misunderstood..." yada http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/headline/world/2923210
Four more years. Seriously.
slay the corpse
* "The FBI has established the clearest link yet between the March 11 Madrid train bombings and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks" yada. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=6934716
* "Rev. Jesse Jackson blasted the presidential election back into the national headlines Sunday. Jackson said new findings cast serious doubt on the idea that George W. Bush beat John Kerry in Ohio... New findings indicate that Kerry's margins in 37 (of 88) Ohio counties are suspiciously low when compared to those garnered by Judge Ellen Connally, an unsuccessful Democratic Supreme Court candidate. The calculations focus on standardized county-wide ratios between bottom-of-the-ticket tallies won by Judge Connally versus those won by Kerry in heavily Republican, rural counties. According to a wide range of experts, there appears to be a systematic removal of Kerry votes by hackers who overlooked the Connally votes, which now clearly infers something went wrong. "It's simply not credible that a vastly underfunded African-American female candidate at the bottom of the ticket could outpoll John Kerry in Butler County,"" go read http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/947
* can someone splain to me this thing that they do on the teeve when they are interviewing someone (usu. in a sitdown interview) they put the camera on the interviewees hands?
* cnn: 'someone said that iraq is more like the sopranos than blackhawkdown. an unnamed official didnt dispute that characterisation' make.it.stop.
* there were a bunch of school-leavers getting on a cruiseboat in sydney who were all searched for drugs. dont they need some sorta reasonable suspicion to do that?
* "The average street price of illegal drugs is at the lowest level for a decade, according to new figures. The cost of a line of cocaine is now less than a glass of wine in some parts of Britain. A tablet of ecstasy costs as little as £1." i wanna move back to london. http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/story.jsp?story=587578
* the other day i made a clumsy comment about neddo in orange in iran. it was in poor taste. i should have simply said 'i hope neddo doesnt spend any/much time in iran cos an attack there looks inevitable and i dont want him to get hurt'
* ap does a jessejackson vfraud story - which includes this separate bit "An attorney for a political advocacy group on Wednesday plans to file a "contest of election." The request requires a single Supreme Court justice to either let the election stand, declare another winner or throw the whole thing out. The loser can appeal to the full seven-member court, which is dominated by Republicans 5-2." http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/11/29/ohio.vote.ap/index.html
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Rev. Jesse Jackson blasted the presidential election back into the national headlines Sunday. Jackson said new findings cast serious doubt on the idea that George W. Bush beat John Kerry in Ohio... New findings indicate that Kerry's margins in 37 (of 88) Ohio counties are suspiciously low when compared to those garnered by Judge Ellen Connally, an unsuccessful Democratic Supreme Court candidate. The calculations focus on standardized county-wide ratios between bottom-of-the-ticket tallies won by Judge Connally versus those won by Kerry in heavily Republican, rural counties. According to a wide range of experts, there appears to be a systematic removal of Kerry votes by hackers who overlooked the Connally votes, which now clearly infers something went wrong. "It's simply not credible that a vastly underfunded African-American female candidate at the bottom of the ticket could outpoll John Kerry in Butler County,"" go read http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/947
* can someone splain to me this thing that they do on the teeve when they are interviewing someone (usu. in a sitdown interview) they put the camera on the interviewees hands?
* cnn: 'someone said that iraq is more like the sopranos than blackhawkdown. an unnamed official didnt dispute that characterisation' make.it.stop.
* there were a bunch of school-leavers getting on a cruiseboat in sydney who were all searched for drugs. dont they need some sorta reasonable suspicion to do that?
* "The average street price of illegal drugs is at the lowest level for a decade, according to new figures. The cost of a line of cocaine is now less than a glass of wine in some parts of Britain. A tablet of ecstasy costs as little as £1."
* the other day i made a clumsy comment about neddo in orange in iran. it was in poor taste. i should have simply said 'i hope neddo doesnt spend any/much time in iran cos an attack there looks inevitable and i dont want him to get hurt'
* ap does a jessejackson vfraud story - which includes this separate bit "An attorney for a political advocacy group on Wednesday plans to file a "contest of election." The request requires a single Supreme Court justice to either let the election stand, declare another winner or throw the whole thing out. The loser can appeal to the full seven-member court, which is dominated by Republicans 5-2." http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/11/29/ohio.vote.ap/index.html
Four more years. Seriously.
stay the courts
* "Hersh's message is simple and frightening: "(George W.) Bush is an ideologue, a Utopian," Hersh said. "He wants to clean out the Middle East and install democracy. He doesn't care how many body bags come back home. There's nothing more dangerous than an ideologue who is completely bonkers and no one is going to tell him."
President Bush is committed to perpetual war, Hersh said."
* clinton lied about sex and is hated for it. jesus' mum lied about having sex and they love her for it. go figger.
* the media coverage of ukr is funny. if they show 'blue' supporters, they are always ugly and gathered in groups of tens. when they show orange supporters we see heaps of them. and the media sometimes describes orange support using the odd phrase 'hundreds and thousands of supporters'
* why did bushs team agree to three debates? i dunno.
* "Did Dubbya rig the election? by Michael Meacher" (he is a britMP) http://www.newstatesman.com/site.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200411290018
* Katrina vanden Heuvel does the am/ukr vfraud thing. "A Russian friend once said to me, "You Americans are an odd people. You love our liberals, but you don't like your own liberals." He added, "You should support your local liberals too."" http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?pid=2034
Four more years. Seriously.
President Bush is committed to perpetual war, Hersh said."
* clinton lied about sex and is hated for it. jesus' mum lied about having sex and they love her for it. go figger.
* the media coverage of ukr is funny. if they show 'blue' supporters, they are always ugly and gathered in groups of tens. when they show orange supporters we see heaps of them. and the media sometimes describes orange support using the odd phrase 'hundreds and thousands of supporters'
* why did bushs team agree to three debates? i dunno.
* "Did Dubbya rig the election? by Michael Meacher" (he is a britMP) http://www.newstatesman.com/site.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200411290018
* Katrina vanden Heuvel does the am/ukr vfraud thing. "A Russian friend once said to me, "You Americans are an odd people. You love our liberals, but you don't like your own liberals." He added, "You should support your local liberals too."" http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?pid=2034
Four more years. Seriously.
Monday, November 29, 2004
The Dog(s?) Must Be Crazy
* "Britain was given a full outline of an illegal coup plot in a vital oil-rich African state (eq.guin), including the dates, details of arms shipments and key players, several months before the putsch was launched" (and the stoopid ams knew about the venezuela plot.) and btw, wasnt mthatcher implicated in bcci by jonk? where the fuck is jonk?
* from same: "Smith said there was no response from British or US authorities to his warnings: 'The only thing that happened was that the US authorities froze the Equatorial Guinea money with the Riggs Bank in USA.'" and correct me if im wrong, but isnt blinky's uncle the head of Riggs? and hasnt Riggs already been in trouble for funding errorism?
* in case u missed it, it seems that at the clintonlibrary opening, 43 actually tried to muscle 42 outta the way so that 43 could exit the library before 42. 42 of course recently had a triplebypass. and it sposed to be his gig. hey emperor - fuck right off. nice fucking suit. i hope it fucking melts. too close to sun, icarus. how bout u move 6 feet further away? it was of course the same week that 43 was muscling security folk in chile.
* evolution is a theory
* btw - in bizarroworld, if academics are mostly liberal, then there is an unfair liberal bias. in lukery land, if smart people tend to be liberal, then maybe being liberal is the best lense thru which to view the world. my guess is that there are a bunch of scientists who view the world thru a scientific lense. damned biased scientists. and all those stoopid historians who beleive in history! how bout that! they all think they are so fucking smart.
* btw - its nice to see powell whoring himself exponentially, even while hes on the way out. hey colin, u fucking murderous whore, i hope we institute a 'sins of the father' law. and a 'sins of the grandfather' law. and a 'sins of the greatgrandfather' law. i dont give a fuck whether colinpowell is secstate, and i dont care who his replacement is. it simply doesnt matter. and i dont care what fucking sprinkling of pottterybarn rules u might try to feed woodward-whore about some stupid fucking potterybarn rule. goodfuckingluck trying to explain to stpeter that u were a moderating force, regardless of what press reports u present to him. and i hope that your wife burns in hell eternally, and michael, and i pray that you are forced to watch. forever. and i hope you are forced to watch them blame you. forever. and im glad that the pretense of the egadmin having a moderate voice is disappearing. id rather have stupid fucking bolton and wolfy in charge - the only difference will be that the pretense of apparent normalcy has been removed. rot in hell. and i hope it hurts. a lot. the only thing worse than a massmurdering war criminal cunt is a massmurdering war criminal cunt who pretends to be otherwise.
* speaking of warcunts - u may have heard recently that there was some revisionism about the recent noise that the brightred terror alerts on the 'we dont do politics' financial targets in am - they recently said that those concerns were misplaced and that it was actually britain that was the target - i dont think i mentioned it at the time just cos it was so stupid - now we get this retraction "Peter Hain, the Leader of the Commons, has denied media reports that the security services foiled a plot by al-Qa'ida to fly planes into the skyscrapers at London's Canary Wharf." can they all just rot in hell? or can we find some alternative punishment? im serious. im at my fucking wits end with these people. "That leak, if it was a leak, did not come from a government minister or as far as I know a government source."
* seriously - ive fucking had enuff with these people. my mind is melting. and for those of you who believe that 911 was simply a catalyst for the jihadmins weird behaviour - are we getting to a point where its conceivable that 911 was actually part of the plan? they are so fucking evil that its increasingly looking like they are the most likely culprits. given what we know about them, is it inconceivable that they instigated the whole fucking thing? does that thought make your bones shudder? could they possibly be so disgusting? are there any limits to their disgustingness? i fear not.
Four more years. Seriously.
* from same: "Smith said there was no response from British or US authorities to his warnings: 'The only thing that happened was that the US authorities froze the Equatorial Guinea money with the Riggs Bank in USA.'" and correct me if im wrong, but isnt blinky's uncle the head of Riggs? and hasnt Riggs already been in trouble for funding errorism?
* in case u missed it, it seems that at the clintonlibrary opening, 43 actually tried to muscle 42 outta the way so that 43 could exit the library before 42. 42 of course recently had a triplebypass. and it sposed to be his gig. hey emperor - fuck right off. nice fucking suit. i hope it fucking melts. too close to sun, icarus. how bout u move 6 feet further away? it was of course the same week that 43 was muscling security folk in chile.
* evolution is a theory
* btw - in bizarroworld, if academics are mostly liberal, then there is an unfair liberal bias. in lukery land, if smart people tend to be liberal, then maybe being liberal is the best lense thru which to view the world. my guess is that there are a bunch of scientists who view the world thru a scientific lense. damned biased scientists. and all those stoopid historians who beleive in history! how bout that! they all think they are so fucking smart.
* btw - its nice to see powell whoring himself exponentially, even while hes on the way out. hey colin, u fucking murderous whore, i hope we institute a 'sins of the father' law. and a 'sins of the grandfather' law. and a 'sins of the greatgrandfather' law. i dont give a fuck whether colinpowell is secstate, and i dont care who his replacement is. it simply doesnt matter. and i dont care what fucking sprinkling of pottterybarn rules u might try to feed woodward-whore about some stupid fucking potterybarn rule. goodfuckingluck trying to explain to stpeter that u were a moderating force, regardless of what press reports u present to him. and i hope that your wife burns in hell eternally, and michael, and i pray that you are forced to watch. forever. and i hope you are forced to watch them blame you. forever. and im glad that the pretense of the egadmin having a moderate voice is disappearing. id rather have stupid fucking bolton and wolfy in charge - the only difference will be that the pretense of apparent normalcy has been removed. rot in hell. and i hope it hurts. a lot. the only thing worse than a massmurdering war criminal cunt is a massmurdering war criminal cunt who pretends to be otherwise.
* speaking of warcunts - u may have heard recently that there was some revisionism about the recent noise that the brightred terror alerts on the 'we dont do politics' financial targets in am - they recently said that those concerns were misplaced and that it was actually britain that was the target - i dont think i mentioned it at the time just cos it was so stupid - now we get this retraction "Peter Hain, the Leader of the Commons, has denied media reports that the security services foiled a plot by al-Qa'ida to fly planes into the skyscrapers at London's Canary Wharf." can they all just rot in hell? or can we find some alternative punishment? im serious. im at my fucking wits end with these people. "That leak, if it was a leak, did not come from a government minister or as far as I know a government source."
* seriously - ive fucking had enuff with these people. my mind is melting. and for those of you who believe that 911 was simply a catalyst for the jihadmins weird behaviour - are we getting to a point where its conceivable that 911 was actually part of the plan? they are so fucking evil that its increasingly looking like they are the most likely culprits. given what we know about them, is it inconceivable that they instigated the whole fucking thing? does that thought make your bones shudder? could they possibly be so disgusting? are there any limits to their disgustingness? i fear not.
Four more years. Seriously.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
stay the coors
* xymphora reminded me about the powell/un presentation when the UN covered up the picture of guernica. what a precious moment.
* general abizaid (from the greenzone or somewhere): "zarq didnt have the courage to stay in fallujah" make. it. stop. sometimes i think that it is actually their goal to make my mind explode.
* "Bolton wants to impose economic sanctions against North Korea, which in the US official's view, would lead to Kim's ouster "within one year"." one may have imagined that having one war and planning another ought be enuff for this crew - but nooooo. i have had absolutely fucking enuff of these people. 2004 will look like a golden age once these people get to work.
* falwell and other freaks were on mtp. the destruction of civilisation that moolah falwell and moolah dobson and the rest of these people will bring to the world is truly frightening. imagine the mental gymnastics required to be pro-life, pro-war, and pro-capital punishment. its mindboggling. and they quote fucking ecclesiastics to justify each of the positions. falwell quoted some bit of the bible and sharpton replied 'do u have a complete bible?' which was kinda cute. falwell then went on to explain how he prayed this morning in the shower for each of his kids and grandkids. and then another reverend explained why a woman should stay at home as a servant if her husband so desired. the man of course would look after the family 'the way jesus looked after the church'. and then one of em started talking about the beating heart of fetus ('the baby') before mum even knew she was pregnant. and we wanna kill doctors who commit abortion 'there are two victims - the mother and the baby' - im not sure where that leaves backalley abortions - or more specifically diy abortions. and then we were told that 'abortionists and feminists caused 911'. i can understand that peeps dont like abortion, and i can understand that they might consider it murder. and i can understand that peep believe in Dog. but i struggle with peeps who think abortion is murder cos the bible says such. i seriously dont wanna live in a world where these people are in charge. my only hope is that krove is simply playing them like a fiddle - altho seeing them getting so much media is a concern - i wish krove would pander for just a few months every 4 years. what sort of fucking world do we end up with if the christomoolahs and the straussians in charge? seriously.
* i dont know what is happening with the 911comm bill - keane and hamilton were also on mtp. keane said 'this bill will pass - either now, or after the 2nd attack'. will wolfowitz replace rumsfeld?
* when do the 'mysterious deaths' begin? id be nervous if i was some of these people getting on a small plane. i must admit im surprised that it hasnt started yet.
* i may have to revisit my drug consumption strategy in order to keep my brain from exploding. or praps just turn off my computer and teeve. praps ignorance is bliss. or praps i can get dressed up in orange suit and unhead myself.
* smalltown observation: i saw lots of pregnant teenagers and babies with teenage mums - and i was kinda wondering whether there was something in the water here and maybe babies were actually born pregnant - itd save a lot of time and energy. and then i saw a cute girl - praps 14 y.o. - wearing a teeshirt saying 'MILF in training' which was kinda cute and funny. and sad. and it seemed to explain something or other. the sound of one penny dropping. or something.
Four more years. Seriously.
* general abizaid (from the greenzone or somewhere): "zarq didnt have the courage to stay in fallujah" make. it. stop. sometimes i think that it is actually their goal to make my mind explode.
* "Bolton wants to impose economic sanctions against North Korea, which in the US official's view, would lead to Kim's ouster "within one year"." one may have imagined that having one war and planning another ought be enuff for this crew - but nooooo. i have had absolutely fucking enuff of these people. 2004 will look like a golden age once these people get to work.
* falwell and other freaks were on mtp. the destruction of civilisation that moolah falwell and moolah dobson and the rest of these people will bring to the world is truly frightening. imagine the mental gymnastics required to be pro-life, pro-war, and pro-capital punishment. its mindboggling. and they quote fucking ecclesiastics to justify each of the positions. falwell quoted some bit of the bible and sharpton replied 'do u have a complete bible?' which was kinda cute. falwell then went on to explain how he prayed this morning in the shower for each of his kids and grandkids. and then another reverend explained why a woman should stay at home as a servant if her husband so desired. the man of course would look after the family 'the way jesus looked after the church'. and then one of em started talking about the beating heart of fetus ('the baby') before mum even knew she was pregnant. and we wanna kill doctors who commit abortion 'there are two victims - the mother and the baby' - im not sure where that leaves backalley abortions - or more specifically diy abortions. and then we were told that 'abortionists and feminists caused 911'. i can understand that peeps dont like abortion, and i can understand that they might consider it murder. and i can understand that peep believe in Dog. but i struggle with peeps who think abortion is murder cos the bible says such. i seriously dont wanna live in a world where these people are in charge. my only hope is that krove is simply playing them like a fiddle - altho seeing them getting so much media is a concern - i wish krove would pander for just a few months every 4 years. what sort of fucking world do we end up with if the christomoolahs and the straussians in charge? seriously.
* i dont know what is happening with the 911comm bill - keane and hamilton were also on mtp. keane said 'this bill will pass - either now, or after the 2nd attack'. will wolfowitz replace rumsfeld?
* when do the 'mysterious deaths' begin? id be nervous if i was some of these people getting on a small plane. i must admit im surprised that it hasnt started yet.
* i may have to revisit my drug consumption strategy in order to keep my brain from exploding. or praps just turn off my computer and teeve. praps ignorance is bliss. or praps i can get dressed up in orange suit and unhead myself.
* smalltown observation: i saw lots of pregnant teenagers and babies with teenage mums - and i was kinda wondering whether there was something in the water here and maybe babies were actually born pregnant - itd save a lot of time and energy. and then i saw a cute girl - praps 14 y.o. - wearing a teeshirt saying 'MILF in training' which was kinda cute and funny. and sad. and it seemed to explain something or other. the sound of one penny dropping. or something.
Four more years. Seriously.
green blues
* stoopid blinky will be in canada on tue. will it be his last international trip ever?
* cool moment: hand-signer (for deaf) in bottom corner of ukrainian tv screen revolting and telling the truth - over-riding what the presenter was actually saying. (separately, who knew ukranian tv had signers?)
* "The administration should not get dragged into bargaining with Iran over "incremental" steps, Danielle Pletka said, as it had with North Korea. Instead it should consider a Libya-type offer of a "grand bargain".
In exchange for handing over all weapons of mass destruction and halting support for "terrorist" groups, the US should be prepared to renew diplomatic relations and remove unilateral sanctions. There would be no negotiations, she said.
As Iran is unlikely to take such a decision, what remained was a "twin-track" approach of tightened containment backed by preparations to use military force." hmmm - wot if iran agrees to 'hand over all its wmds' - but doesnt actually have any? or doesnt have 'enuff'? what then pletkabitch? wheres bolton? http://news.ft.com/cms/s/6d9ee1bc-3f4f-11d9-8e70-00000e2511c8.html
* i just saw blitzer interview franken. al is thinking of running in 2008. blitzer is a whore.
Four more years. Seriously.
* cool moment: hand-signer (for deaf) in bottom corner of ukrainian tv screen revolting and telling the truth - over-riding what the presenter was actually saying. (separately, who knew ukranian tv had signers?)
* "The administration should not get dragged into bargaining with Iran over "incremental" steps, Danielle Pletka said, as it had with North Korea. Instead it should consider a Libya-type offer of a "grand bargain".
In exchange for handing over all weapons of mass destruction and halting support for "terrorist" groups, the US should be prepared to renew diplomatic relations and remove unilateral sanctions. There would be no negotiations, she said.
As Iran is unlikely to take such a decision, what remained was a "twin-track" approach of tightened containment backed by preparations to use military force." hmmm - wot if iran agrees to 'hand over all its wmds' - but doesnt actually have any? or doesnt have 'enuff'? what then pletkabitch? wheres bolton? http://news.ft.com/cms/s/6d9ee1bc-3f4f-11d9-8e70-00000e2511c8.html
* i just saw blitzer interview franken. al is thinking of running in 2008. blitzer is a whore.
Four more years. Seriously.
RE: stanksgiving
yeah - it looks like a revote is prolly the only way...
but so long as there is some doubt, then if things start to happen (cf NH and ohio recounts, or the gao investigation or whatever) then there is the chance that it could take off... or we could get some sort of critical mass in street protests once there is a trigger of some sort. mebbe. or praps if the dec13 elec.college thingy is delayed, then peeps wont be able to help but notice and have a closer look.
it seems that there is a bunch of peeps who belatedly half-realised that 2000 was stolen - if theres a trigger of any kind, the bush-haters and the moveon'ers and the sorryeverybody'ers could conceivably mobilise pretty quickly.
"But, from all accounts, a complete hand recount (ohio) will happen, and happen within a week and a half. Wheeee!" (http://rottendenmark.blogspot.com/2004/11/recountohio.html) this sort of thing is gonna be increasingly difficult to hide under the carpet...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam
To: luke@lukeryland.com
Subject: RE: stanksgiving
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 16:12:16 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
> Among my more liberal (aka informed) friends (and glad to see the family and family friends this weekend) it's something I could mention without getting laughed outta da room...however, the sentiment (self included) is one of vague frustration and doubt, but really no way to prove it, other than calling for a recount, which is seeming to not bear much fruit and is somewhat irrelevant given all the areas where there is no paper trail....
> But then again, what else did the Ukrainians have to go on?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: luke@lukeryland.com
> Sent: Nov 27, 2004 1:58 PM
> To: adam
> Subject: RE: stanksgiving
> nice
> re votergate - does the general public (or say the informed 20%) have any sense that there are doubts about the legitimacy of the election? eg is it something that u could mention amongst friends w/out getting laughed outta the room?
Four more years. Seriously.
but so long as there is some doubt, then if things start to happen (cf NH and ohio recounts, or the gao investigation or whatever) then there is the chance that it could take off... or we could get some sort of critical mass in street protests once there is a trigger of some sort. mebbe. or praps if the dec13 elec.college thingy is delayed, then peeps wont be able to help but notice and have a closer look.
it seems that there is a bunch of peeps who belatedly half-realised that 2000 was stolen - if theres a trigger of any kind, the bush-haters and the moveon'ers and the sorryeverybody'ers could conceivably mobilise pretty quickly.
"But, from all accounts, a complete hand recount (ohio) will happen, and happen within a week and a half. Wheeee!" (http://rottendenmark.blogspot.com/2004/11/recountohio.html) this sort of thing is gonna be increasingly difficult to hide under the carpet...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam
To: luke@lukeryland.com
Subject: RE: stanksgiving
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 16:12:16 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
> Among my more liberal (aka informed) friends (and glad to see the family and family friends this weekend) it's something I could mention without getting laughed outta da room...however, the sentiment (self included) is one of vague frustration and doubt, but really no way to prove it, other than calling for a recount, which is seeming to not bear much fruit and is somewhat irrelevant given all the areas where there is no paper trail....
> But then again, what else did the Ukrainians have to go on?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: luke@lukeryland.com
> Sent: Nov 27, 2004 1:58 PM
> To: adam
> Subject: RE: stanksgiving
> nice
> re votergate - does the general public (or say the informed 20%) have any sense that there are doubts about the legitimacy of the election? eg is it something that u could mention amongst friends w/out getting laughed outta the room?
Four more years. Seriously.
filthy lukr
* ""Why is it that people have the right to get on the Internet and spread this hatred and insanity without there being some curb, some law," said General John Abizaid, the chief of the US Central Command." the internet is toast. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200411/s1252864.htm
* "Congress has stepped up its campaign to curtail the power of the International Criminal Court, threatening to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in economic aid to governments that refuse to sign immunity accords shielding U.S. personnel from being surrendered to the tribunal." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13257-2004Nov25.html
* "YESTERDAY, 23 MPs across the political parties laid before the House of Commons a motion calling for a select committee to examine the case for impeaching the Prime Minister for his conduct over the war in Iraq." http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/opinion.cfm?id=1354242004
* i wonder how neddo would look in one of the sunberg-style orange jumpsuits. praps zarq might do a tomridge and choose a different colorcode to designate iranic sourcing.
* "The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group has accused Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolf Hitler"
* neocreep aznar is testifying at the 311comm this coming week.
* "The United States, stung by insurgent attacks in Iraq, has urged the international community to consider banning all sales of anti-tank and other heavy landmines, but ruled out its participation in an international conference on mines designed to maim or kill people... the Pentagon deems it necessary to have landmines at its disposal "either to save US forces in the field or to save allied forces or to save a population that we are protecting."" sweet. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/041127/1/3ouye.html
* "Baghdad sources tell Asia Times Online an American assault on Mosul - a city of 1 million - is inevitable. Allawi does not control even a kebab stand in multi-ethnic Mosul. The west bank of the Tigris is under total control of the resistance. The east bank is controlled by both Kurdish political parties and their peshmergas (paramilitaries). And the Turkoman minority controls a few sectors inside the city. There's a mini civil war already going on. Mosul is already the Iraqi Sarajevo." (atimes is generally really good, altho this journo can be a lil hyperbolic) http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FK25Ak04.html
* parently farc wanted to kill 43 when he was in chile - the cnn presenter/interviewer asks with a staight face 'what would be the motive?'
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Congress has stepped up its campaign to curtail the power of the International Criminal Court, threatening to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in economic aid to governments that refuse to sign immunity accords shielding U.S. personnel from being surrendered to the tribunal." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13257-2004Nov25.html
* "YESTERDAY, 23 MPs across the political parties laid before the House of Commons a motion calling for a select committee to examine the case for impeaching the Prime Minister for his conduct over the war in Iraq." http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/opinion.cfm?id=1354242004
* i wonder how neddo would look in one of the sunberg-style orange jumpsuits. praps zarq might do a tomridge and choose a different colorcode to designate iranic sourcing.
* "The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group has accused Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolf Hitler"
* neocreep aznar is testifying at the 311comm this coming week.
* "The United States, stung by insurgent attacks in Iraq, has urged the international community to consider banning all sales of anti-tank and other heavy landmines, but ruled out its participation in an international conference on mines designed to maim or kill people... the Pentagon deems it necessary to have landmines at its disposal "either to save US forces in the field or to save allied forces or to save a population that we are protecting."" sweet. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/041127/1/3ouye.html
* "Baghdad sources tell Asia Times Online an American assault on Mosul - a city of 1 million - is inevitable. Allawi does not control even a kebab stand in multi-ethnic Mosul. The west bank of the Tigris is under total control of the resistance. The east bank is controlled by both Kurdish political parties and their peshmergas (paramilitaries). And the Turkoman minority controls a few sectors inside the city. There's a mini civil war already going on. Mosul is already the Iraqi Sarajevo." (atimes is generally really good, altho this journo can be a lil hyperbolic) http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FK25Ak04.html
* parently farc wanted to kill 43 when he was in chile - the cnn presenter/interviewer asks with a staight face 'what would be the motive?'
Four more years. Seriously.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
freep at last. freep at last. thank dog almighty, we can freep at last
* stephen roach: " America has no better than a 10 percent chance of avoiding economic ``armageddon.''" http://business.bostonherald.com/businessNews/view.bg?articleid=55356
* i went fishing t'other day. we had fish for dinner.
* the danrather thing is funny for some reasons - mostly the fact that bloggers led to his downfall. which is fine. except that only rightwing bloggers get any cred for anything. bloggers are the vanguard of journalism or some such when they get drather - even tho rathergate appeared to be a rovian plant which discredited some memos cos of some apparent typographical issues (which really never got resolved), and it deflected attention about a real story - but non-r.wing bloggers are 'internet conspiracists' or some such.
* btw - in your non-luke worlds, is votergate getting any airtime? are real people suspicious about the amelection? and if so, how are they feeling? are they scared?
* btw - the iraq jan election timetable is looking dodgy. hopefully u all filled up when tsports was 80. im not sure if its time to close those positions... praps we liquidate a third of the position, and take the free ride on the residual. seems to me that the ams truly dont give a fuck about the elections. and the whole 'declare victory and leave' thingy seems totally misguided - similarly the idea/goal of a democratic iraq. the ams dont give a fuck about democracy, or the pretense of democracy, and they certainly dont wanna leave. or even 'win'.
* we have aviaries. one of the birds used some string to build its nest - seems it went to fly off at some point but didnt count on the string wrapped around its leg. i found it hanging upside down - dracula style.
* brd has had to cancel his trip to tehran this w/end. good news.
* speaking of iran, could anyone really have predicted that they'd use the same anonymous/singlesource/cpowell/wmd quadrumvirate again? or could anyone have predicted the ukr exitpoll thingy? i mean, seriously. its like they are just making fun of everyone, and enjoying the joke(s) privately. i cant quite find the words. does 'irony' still qualify? 'ironic juxtaposition'? or is it 'hyper-irony'? or 'absence of irony'? are there other languages which somehow encapsulate it better? could shakespeare describe it? was that the goal of the egadmin? to render shakespeare quaint? farcer than farce. tragicer than tragic. etc? it was 2 years ago when we discussed orwell rolling in his gravy - what words/concepts are left to describe it all? and wtf is it gonna be like in 4 years? how on earth are we gonna possibly describe the situation? perhaps we'll create some new words. or maybe we've already found the right words - the concept of 'bizzaroworld' will simply keep expanding to describe what we are seeing - altho thats kinda cheating.
Four more years. Seriously.
* i went fishing t'other day. we had fish for dinner.
* the danrather thing is funny for some reasons - mostly the fact that bloggers led to his downfall. which is fine. except that only rightwing bloggers get any cred for anything. bloggers are the vanguard of journalism or some such when they get drather - even tho rathergate appeared to be a rovian plant which discredited some memos cos of some apparent typographical issues (which really never got resolved), and it deflected attention about a real story - but non-r.wing bloggers are 'internet conspiracists' or some such.
* btw - in your non-luke worlds, is votergate getting any airtime? are real people suspicious about the amelection? and if so, how are they feeling? are they scared?
* btw - the iraq jan election timetable is looking dodgy. hopefully u all filled up when tsports was 80. im not sure if its time to close those positions... praps we liquidate a third of the position, and take the free ride on the residual. seems to me that the ams truly dont give a fuck about the elections. and the whole 'declare victory and leave' thingy seems totally misguided - similarly the idea/goal of a democratic iraq. the ams dont give a fuck about democracy, or the pretense of democracy, and they certainly dont wanna leave. or even 'win'.
* we have aviaries. one of the birds used some string to build its nest - seems it went to fly off at some point but didnt count on the string wrapped around its leg. i found it hanging upside down - dracula style.
* brd has had to cancel his trip to tehran this w/end. good news.
* speaking of iran, could anyone really have predicted that they'd use the same anonymous/singlesource/cpowell/wmd quadrumvirate again? or could anyone have predicted the ukr exitpoll thingy? i mean, seriously. its like they are just making fun of everyone, and enjoying the joke(s) privately. i cant quite find the words. does 'irony' still qualify? 'ironic juxtaposition'? or is it 'hyper-irony'? or 'absence of irony'? are there other languages which somehow encapsulate it better? could shakespeare describe it? was that the goal of the egadmin? to render shakespeare quaint? farcer than farce. tragicer than tragic. etc? it was 2 years ago when we discussed orwell rolling in his gravy - what words/concepts are left to describe it all? and wtf is it gonna be like in 4 years? how on earth are we gonna possibly describe the situation? perhaps we'll create some new words. or maybe we've already found the right words - the concept of 'bizzaroworld' will simply keep expanding to describe what we are seeing - altho thats kinda cheating.
Four more years. Seriously.
Let Freedom Ringtone
* "Mother's view of the war Battle fatigue on the home front" sniffle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/11/21/ING5A9T5EI1.DTL
* btw - that basketball fight was disgusting. where on earth did these people get the idea that violence is acceptable?
* krugman "So if you ask the question do we look like Argentina, the answer is a whole lot more than anyone is quite willing to admit at this point. We've become a banana republic... "And then eventually we have the great demonstrations, which I think are important to let the government know that many Americans are not happy with what is happening," he said." http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=DYS3QNJBUARRYCRBAEKSFEY?type=politicsNews&storyID=6888422&pageNumber=0
* fwiw - i have some reservations about President Bush and his coterie
* is cnn's jane arraf the most annoying person in iraq? on tv?
* "Foreign observers have alleged that various abuses were used to inflate Yanukovich's totals and reduce Yushchenko's votes. These included the disenfranchisement of many citizens through faulty voter lists, the use of absentee ballots and mobile ballot boxes to allow multiple voting in support of Yanukovich, and illegal measures to invalidate results in districts favoring Yushchenko. There also have been allegations of direct computer manipulation of the vote count." pls make it stop. please please. shitehouse: "The (ukr) government bears a special responsibility to allow free media to report accurately on the situation without intimidation or coercion." i asked nicely... :-( http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-112404ukraine_lat,0,2214793.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* im prolly gently letting go of my default assumption that the ukr election was stolen toward a more neutral position...
* heres a wapo ed on ukr - go read http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6032-2004Nov22.html
* attached pic is a clearchannel billboard in florida. scared yet? story here http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=442
* "Associated Press said they didn’t plan a story (re billboard). They suggested that the signs would only become a story were there a public response to the billboards"
* speaking of which, when the amend4arnold amendment gets passed, is it possible that we'll also get rid of that pesky 2term constraint? seeing as we're making changes and all. i mean, if a furrner can be pres for 8 years, does it really make that much sense that an indigenous pres can only preside for 8 years?
Four more years. Seriously.
* btw - that basketball fight was disgusting. where on earth did these people get the idea that violence is acceptable?
* krugman "So if you ask the question do we look like Argentina, the answer is a whole lot more than anyone is quite willing to admit at this point. We've become a banana republic... "And then eventually we have the great demonstrations, which I think are important to let the government know that many Americans are not happy with what is happening," he said." http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=DYS3QNJBUARRYCRBAEKSFEY?type=politicsNews&storyID=6888422&pageNumber=0
* fwiw - i have some reservations about President Bush and his coterie
* is cnn's jane arraf the most annoying person in iraq? on tv?
* "Foreign observers have alleged that various abuses were used to inflate Yanukovich's totals and reduce Yushchenko's votes. These included the disenfranchisement of many citizens through faulty voter lists, the use of absentee ballots and mobile ballot boxes to allow multiple voting in support of Yanukovich, and illegal measures to invalidate results in districts favoring Yushchenko. There also have been allegations of direct computer manipulation of the vote count." pls make it stop. please please. shitehouse: "The (ukr) government bears a special responsibility to allow free media to report accurately on the situation without intimidation or coercion." i asked nicely... :-( http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-112404ukraine_lat,0,2214793.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* im prolly gently letting go of my default assumption that the ukr election was stolen toward a more neutral position...
* heres a wapo ed on ukr - go read http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6032-2004Nov22.html
* attached pic is a clearchannel billboard in florida. scared yet? story here http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=442
* "Associated Press said they didn’t plan a story (re billboard). They suggested that the signs would only become a story were there a public response to the billboards"
* speaking of which, when the amend4arnold amendment gets passed, is it possible that we'll also get rid of that pesky 2term constraint? seeing as we're making changes and all. i mean, if a furrner can be pres for 8 years, does it really make that much sense that an indigenous pres can only preside for 8 years?
Four more years. Seriously.
Let Freedumb Ring (a miggety contribution. thnx miggety)
* the blahbladmin's (and the msm's) rhetoric wrt ukr is so delicious i can barely contain myself. it seems that even commenting on it will unnecessarily pollute the purity of the ironing. can u imagine them rofl'ing when the cams are turned off?
* in case u missed it, the repugs changed the rules so that delay can remain as leader even if he gets indicted
* plame keeps giving. give it to me. harder. harder. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13258-2004Nov25?language=printer
* in case u missed it, there was a bit in the omnibus bill that gave authority to the repugs (Appropriations Committee) to look at anyones tax records. without reason. for fun. unfortunately no-one knows how it got in there or who did it. everyone is toast.
* it seems wyoming turnout was 106%. thats not bad for an entire state. http://watchingthewatchers.org/index.php?p=176
* ""There is something wrong with the principle of neutrality," said Scalia, considered among the court's staunchest conservatives. Neutrality as envisioned by the founding fathers, Scalia said, "is not neutrality between religiousness and nonreligiousness; it is between denominations of religion."..."I think it is no accident that America has prospered." he said" can scalia go to hell yet? does he get an access-all-areas backstage pass? http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1101183314944
* " “Absent any proof or compelling reasons for the differences between the final tallies and the exit polls,” Paulos (professor of mathematics) writes, “I do not understand why these gross discrepancies are being so widely shrugged off.”
Why does this seem to be a nonissue among so many, particularly in the mainstream press? Is it that people are concerned about being tagged conspiracy nuts if they seek to find out if fraud has just been committed?
This is a legitimate story. Knowledgeable, highly educated, well-respected people have looked at this election and concluded there are some statistically mind-boggling results. One explanation is widespread fraud. The media should be on this like hungry dogs on fresh meat.
So far, they’ve treated it like a bone to bury." http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=7028
* "As a sign of the worsening situation, authorities also confirmed four Nepalese guards were killed and 12 others wounded in a rocket attack Thursday on their camp in Baghdad's Green Zone." i wonder when the greenzone will get subsegmented into say the blackgreenzone, and the greengreenzone etc - or praps the limegreenzone, the acquagreenzone, the yellowygreenzone...
* "Mosul's entire 5,000-member police force disintegrated during the uprising" http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Iraq.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* danrather on malboroman "See it. Study it. Absorb it. Think about it. Then take a deep breath of pride. And if your eyes don't dampen, you're a better man or woman than I."
* "mpunity - the perception of being outside the law - has long been the hallmark of the Bush regime. What is alarming is that it appears to have deepened since the election, ushering in what can only be described as an orgy of impunity." http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1359871,00.html
* i love the whitlams.
Four more years. Seriously.
* in case u missed it, the repugs changed the rules so that delay can remain as leader even if he gets indicted
* plame keeps giving. give it to me. harder. harder. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13258-2004Nov25?language=printer
* in case u missed it, there was a bit in the omnibus bill that gave authority to the repugs (Appropriations Committee) to look at anyones tax records. without reason. for fun. unfortunately no-one knows how it got in there or who did it. everyone is toast.
* it seems wyoming turnout was 106%. thats not bad for an entire state. http://watchingthewatchers.org/index.php?p=176
* ""There is something wrong with the principle of neutrality," said Scalia, considered among the court's staunchest conservatives. Neutrality as envisioned by the founding fathers, Scalia said, "is not neutrality between religiousness and nonreligiousness; it is between denominations of religion."..."I think it is no accident that America has prospered." he said" can scalia go to hell yet? does he get an access-all-areas backstage pass? http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1101183314944
* " “Absent any proof or compelling reasons for the differences between the final tallies and the exit polls,” Paulos (professor of mathematics) writes, “I do not understand why these gross discrepancies are being so widely shrugged off.”
Why does this seem to be a nonissue among so many, particularly in the mainstream press? Is it that people are concerned about being tagged conspiracy nuts if they seek to find out if fraud has just been committed?
This is a legitimate story. Knowledgeable, highly educated, well-respected people have looked at this election and concluded there are some statistically mind-boggling results. One explanation is widespread fraud. The media should be on this like hungry dogs on fresh meat.
So far, they’ve treated it like a bone to bury." http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=7028
* "As a sign of the worsening situation, authorities also confirmed four Nepalese guards were killed and 12 others wounded in a rocket attack Thursday on their camp in Baghdad's Green Zone." i wonder when the greenzone will get subsegmented into say the blackgreenzone, and the greengreenzone etc - or praps the limegreenzone, the acquagreenzone, the yellowygreenzone...
* "Mosul's entire 5,000-member police force disintegrated during the uprising" http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Iraq.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* danrather on malboroman "See it. Study it. Absorb it. Think about it. Then take a deep breath of pride. And if your eyes don't dampen, you're a better man or woman than I."
* "mpunity - the perception of being outside the law - has long been the hallmark of the Bush regime. What is alarming is that it appears to have deepened since the election, ushering in what can only be described as an orgy of impunity." http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1359871,00.html
* i love the whitlams.
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Two more senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine service are stepping down" http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/25/politics/25intel.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* " The U.S. news media is making clear that the truth about these electoral anomalies must be told. Of course, the election in question occurred in the Ukraine." hey kettle - u black, man. http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/112304.html
* " "You're not such a scary guy," joked krove's tour guide. "Yes, I am," Rove replied. Walking away, he muttered deliberately and loudly, "I change Constitutions, I put churches in schools ..."" http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2004/11/25/clinton_library/index.html
* "The U.S. government knew of an imminent plot to oust Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chávez, in the weeks prior to a 2002 military coup that briefly unseated him, newly released CIA documents show, despite White House claims to the contrary a week after the putsch." http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1124-02.htm
* "The Rev. Jesse Jackson said he plans a Sunday rally in Columbus with ministers from around Ohio to call for an investigation of election irregularities in the state." http://www.ohionewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?s=2614285
* boulder weekly does a 911 cover story http://www.boulderweekly.com/archive/102104/coverstory.html
* for g: " the administration is considering eliminating the deduction of state and local taxes on federal income-tax returns" - i think that texans and floridians dont pay state income taxes, ergo the ny/ca'ers et al will disproportionately get hit. of course, bluestates already subsidise the redstates. time to secede.
* from the same article "the administration is considering scrapping the business tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance" which really is priceless.
Four more years. Seriously.
* " The U.S. news media is making clear that the truth about these electoral anomalies must be told. Of course, the election in question occurred in the Ukraine." hey kettle - u black, man. http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/112304.html
* " "You're not such a scary guy," joked krove's tour guide. "Yes, I am," Rove replied. Walking away, he muttered deliberately and loudly, "I change Constitutions, I put churches in schools ..."" http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2004/11/25/clinton_library/index.html
* "The U.S. government knew of an imminent plot to oust Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chávez, in the weeks prior to a 2002 military coup that briefly unseated him, newly released CIA documents show, despite White House claims to the contrary a week after the putsch." http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1124-02.htm
* "The Rev. Jesse Jackson said he plans a Sunday rally in Columbus with ministers from around Ohio to call for an investigation of election irregularities in the state." http://www.ohionewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?s=2614285
* boulder weekly does a 911 cover story http://www.boulderweekly.com/archive/102104/coverstory.html
* for g: " the administration is considering eliminating the deduction of state and local taxes on federal income-tax returns" - i think that texans and floridians dont pay state income taxes, ergo the ny/ca'ers et al will disproportionately get hit. of course, bluestates already subsidise the redstates. time to secede.
* from the same article "the administration is considering scrapping the business tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance" which really is priceless.
Four more years. Seriously.
Let Freedom Lukraine
* am back on deck. my bro was here. hope u didnt miss me.
* did i miss anything? did you?
* ive been trying to follow a few things - iraq, iran, ukraine, amelection, amfascism et al.
* the ukraine thing is kinda my favourite at the mo - and my favourite bit of my favourite thing is the silo reporting - it appears that theres a taboo where its parently not allowable to draw any analogies between ukr and am. its very funny.
* i also love the fact that the ukr exitpolls are largely unmentionable lest some idiot actually recognise the parallels between ukr & am.
* the assumption in ukr seems to be that 'the people' are actually correct, and the election was stolen, although i havent (yet) actually seen anything specific that convinces me one way or other... praps if i actually take a closer look then that will change. in the meantime, ill prolly work on the assumption that it was actually stolen. from where i sit at the mo it looks like there is more evidence that the amelection was stolen... cept there arent any peep on the streets in am. with any luck, some ams might wake up and 'do a ukr'
* if ams dont take the cue in the next few weeks then the future looks bleak.
* http://rottendenmark.blogspot.com is a good place to catch up on some of the detail of the amelections and vfraud and recounts et al over the last week
* bevharris has launched a specific lawsuit in fl. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/#lawsuit
* iraq of course is a farkin mess. people are actually dying there would u believe????
* im outraged at the thinly veiled racism in the owens/sheridan mnf/dh thingy.
Four more years. Seriously.
* did i miss anything? did you?
* ive been trying to follow a few things - iraq, iran, ukraine, amelection, amfascism et al.
* the ukraine thing is kinda my favourite at the mo - and my favourite bit of my favourite thing is the silo reporting - it appears that theres a taboo where its parently not allowable to draw any analogies between ukr and am. its very funny.
* i also love the fact that the ukr exitpolls are largely unmentionable lest some idiot actually recognise the parallels between ukr & am.
* the assumption in ukr seems to be that 'the people' are actually correct, and the election was stolen, although i havent (yet) actually seen anything specific that convinces me one way or other... praps if i actually take a closer look then that will change. in the meantime, ill prolly work on the assumption that it was actually stolen. from where i sit at the mo it looks like there is more evidence that the amelection was stolen... cept there arent any peep on the streets in am. with any luck, some ams might wake up and 'do a ukr'
* if ams dont take the cue in the next few weeks then the future looks bleak.
* http://rottendenmark.blogspot.com is a good place to catch up on some of the detail of the amelections and vfraud and recounts et al over the last week
* bevharris has launched a specific lawsuit in fl. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/#lawsuit
* iraq of course is a farkin mess. people are actually dying there would u believe????
* im outraged at the thinly veiled racism in the owens/sheridan mnf/dh thingy.
Four more years. Seriously.
Monday, November 22, 2004
* mccain was on mtp - it was pretty interesting. he seemed to be suggesting that ams will attack iran within months. russert didnt ask him about his role in the boeing this week.
* has everyone caught 43's nucular disease?
* i hope they use the exitpolls to prove the ukraine election result
* " House and Senate negotiators have tucked a potentially far-reaching anti-abortion provision into a $388 billion must-pass spending bill, complicating plans for Congress to wrap up its business and adjourn for the year." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/politics/20spend.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* bill krystol 'kofiannan will probably have to step down in the next weeks or months'
* the 43 pressconference in chile is hysterical. he is such a spaz.
Four more years. Seriously.
* has everyone caught 43's nucular disease?
* i hope they use the exitpolls to prove the ukraine election result
* " House and Senate negotiators have tucked a potentially far-reaching anti-abortion provision into a $388 billion must-pass spending bill, complicating plans for Congress to wrap up its business and adjourn for the year." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/politics/20spend.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* bill krystol 'kofiannan will probably have to step down in the next weeks or months'
* the 43 pressconference in chile is hysterical. he is such a spaz.
Four more years. Seriously.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
president bodyguard
* the idea that marghassan wasnt killed by terrorists is getting a fair bit of traction
* jonk has released an odd video - http://www.johnkerry.com/petition/everychild.php it seems it is webonly... no media release.
* a lot of people are bummed/furious to learn that jonk has $51m - or $15m depending on how u count it apprently - the relevant # seems to be $15m of pure burnable $ - separate to $7m in recount/legal fund... absent some reasonable explanation, these peeps appear very well justified in being furious. combined with the 'early' concession, and absense since the election, it may not surprise to hear that there is more skullbones theorising... i dont really have a theory yet - in the video he says "we *will* count every vote" - given that it was an internet only speech, theres some indication that he is trying to walk a tightrope, and he's actually on the job, and wanted to let the internauts keep up hope, but cant come out in the msm until there is more evidence... that seems a little tenuous, or praps simply dangerously misguided, if not conceivably understandable. one imagines that he could otherwise simply mention the recounts in the msm without doing himself much collateral damage - its presumably not anti-democratic to suggest that voters ought to be able to have faith in the process and thats why the recounts are being done - which is a line that some journos have taken. incl nyt ed.
* "The IDF believes that Iran is running a secret nuclear weapons program in parallel to the one it had agreed this week to temporarily suspend." http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1100939304175
* "Fallujah Video has congressman calling for reporter ban... "We should not be providing the Al-Jazeera the kind of propaganda they've had the last couple of three days.""
* "Insurgents battling U.S. and Iraqi forces in the northern city of Mosul have been trying to drag the Kurdish minority into their fight and set off a sectarian war, Kurdish and Arab officials say."
* more on boeing with the anodyne headline 'Air Force Pitch for Boeing Detailed' http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A63815-2004Nov19?language=printer
* if the egadmin stole the election, and they won by 3.5m votes, how many votes do u reckon they stole?
* "How can you have a meaningful election in a country where, according to polls, half or more of the American people don't know who attacked us on 9/11?... 60 percent of Bush supporters said the US should not have initiated a war with Iraq unless evidence established that Iraq had WMDs and was supporting the Al Qaeda terrrorists. " http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1041&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
* matt taibi announces 'worst campaign journo' winner - its our frined lizzy bumiller http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/transcripts_111204_hacks.html
Four more years. Seriously.
* jonk has released an odd video - http://www.johnkerry.com/petition/everychild.php it seems it is webonly... no media release.
* a lot of people are bummed/furious to learn that jonk has $51m - or $15m depending on how u count it apprently - the relevant # seems to be $15m of pure burnable $ - separate to $7m in recount/legal fund... absent some reasonable explanation, these peeps appear very well justified in being furious. combined with the 'early' concession, and absense since the election, it may not surprise to hear that there is more skullbones theorising... i dont really have a theory yet - in the video he says "we *will* count every vote" - given that it was an internet only speech, theres some indication that he is trying to walk a tightrope, and he's actually on the job, and wanted to let the internauts keep up hope, but cant come out in the msm until there is more evidence... that seems a little tenuous, or praps simply dangerously misguided, if not conceivably understandable. one imagines that he could otherwise simply mention the recounts in the msm without doing himself much collateral damage - its presumably not anti-democratic to suggest that voters ought to be able to have faith in the process and thats why the recounts are being done - which is a line that some journos have taken. incl nyt ed.
* "The IDF believes that Iran is running a secret nuclear weapons program in parallel to the one it had agreed this week to temporarily suspend." http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1100939304175
* "Fallujah Video has congressman calling for reporter ban... "We should not be providing the Al-Jazeera the kind of propaganda they've had the last couple of three days.""
* "Insurgents battling U.S. and Iraqi forces in the northern city of Mosul have been trying to drag the Kurdish minority into their fight and set off a sectarian war, Kurdish and Arab officials say."
* more on boeing with the anodyne headline 'Air Force Pitch for Boeing Detailed' http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A63815-2004Nov19?language=printer
* if the egadmin stole the election, and they won by 3.5m votes, how many votes do u reckon they stole?
* "How can you have a meaningful election in a country where, according to polls, half or more of the American people don't know who attacked us on 9/11?... 60 percent of Bush supporters said the US should not have initiated a war with Iraq unless evidence established that Iraq had WMDs and was supporting the Al Qaeda terrrorists. " http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1041&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
* matt taibi announces 'worst campaign journo' winner - its our frined lizzy bumiller http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/transcripts_111204_hacks.html
Four more years. Seriously.
* " President Bush's nominee for attorney general, Alberto R. Gonzales, was all but guaranteed Senate confirmation today when a leading Democrat expressed fondness for the nominee and signaled that he would not stand in his way. "I like him," said Senator Patrick J. Leahy"
* "Introduced at the Air Force Association Convention in September 2000 as an adviser to candidate Bush, Hadley said: “Space is going to be important. It has a great feature for the military.”... He wrote in the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, “To say that a security policy based on nuclear weapons was ‘irresponsible’ and ‘immoral’ from the outset is to accuse the United States government of pursuing a policy that was irresponsible and immoral. Such a serious and false accusation against a democratic government destroys public confidence in our institutions and our leaders. ..." http://rightweb.irc-online.org/analysis/2004/0411hadley.php
* parently 'dr rice is affectionatley known in the white house as Warrior Princess' - its all so comforting.
* "The U.S. electoral system looks increasingly dysfunctional, and those of us who used to mock the old Soviet or Iraqi "elections" for lacking competition ought to be blushing." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/opinion/20kristof.html?oref=login&hp=&pagewanted=print&position
* "In this supper of swagger, it's clear that Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld are Cheney's boys, and Powell his adversary. Seen in such a light, the changes Bush has announced in his cabinet take on an unmistakable meaning: This is Cheney's government." http://www.progressive.org/webex04/wx111704.html
* wheres scooter?
* it looks like someone has finally taken a look at the early voting patterns - this time in NC. it seems that with 30% of the count done b4 electionday ('no longer a sample but a benchmark') - the exit polls coincided with this early voting, and it was only late on election day that we got a 6% swing to bush. "I also think it reveals the three objectives of the Bush re-election campaign: 1) re-election 2) mandate 3) strong Senate majority." it seems to me this is exactly the rove strategy - steal votes from *everywhere*, so that the mandate is there to enable them to do woteva *and* make the result look so overwhelming that any specific example of fraud/mistake looks too small to justify fighting. (i cant vouch 4 the sauce)
* i wonder if 43 would look less stupid if he stopped sniggering in the middle of issuing dire warnings and pronouncements. i just saw him do it re nthkorea - and he did it re palestinian democracy last week... and and and.
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Introduced at the Air Force Association Convention in September 2000 as an adviser to candidate Bush, Hadley said: “Space is going to be important. It has a great feature for the military.”... He wrote in the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, “To say that a security policy based on nuclear weapons was ‘irresponsible’ and ‘immoral’ from the outset is to accuse the United States government of pursuing a policy that was irresponsible and immoral. Such a serious and false accusation against a democratic government destroys public confidence in our institutions and our leaders. ..." http://rightweb.irc-online.org/analysis/2004/0411hadley.php
* parently 'dr rice is affectionatley known in the white house as Warrior Princess' - its all so comforting.
* "The U.S. electoral system looks increasingly dysfunctional, and those of us who used to mock the old Soviet or Iraqi "elections" for lacking competition ought to be blushing." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/opinion/20kristof.html?oref=login&hp=&pagewanted=print&position
* "In this supper of swagger, it's clear that Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld are Cheney's boys, and Powell his adversary. Seen in such a light, the changes Bush has announced in his cabinet take on an unmistakable meaning: This is Cheney's government." http://www.progressive.org/webex04/wx111704.html
* wheres scooter?
* it looks like someone has finally taken a look at the early voting patterns - this time in NC. it seems that with 30% of the count done b4 electionday ('no longer a sample but a benchmark') - the exit polls coincided with this early voting, and it was only late on election day that we got a 6% swing to bush. "I also think it reveals the three objectives of the Bush re-election campaign: 1) re-election 2) mandate 3) strong Senate majority." it seems to me this is exactly the rove strategy - steal votes from *everywhere*, so that the mandate is there to enable them to do woteva *and* make the result look so overwhelming that any specific example of fraud/mistake looks too small to justify fighting. (i cant vouch 4 the sauce)
* i wonder if 43 would look less stupid if he stopped sniggering in the middle of issuing dire warnings and pronouncements. i just saw him do it re nthkorea - and he did it re palestinian democracy last week... and and and.
Four more years. Seriously.
if you're happy and disarmed, clap your hands. if you're happy and disarmed, clap your hands
* every blogging genius will soon pretend they are experts in hexafluoride.
* "Consumer groups and the beef industry in the United States were yesterday attempting to avert any public panic over food supplies after officials at the Department of Agriculture revealed on Thursday that they had uncovered a possible case of BSE." i wonder what vennemans next job is. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=584769
* "Sen. John McCain skewered the Air Force on the Senate floor Friday for its pursuit of a contract to acquire tanker aircraft from Boeing, accusing its leaders of incompetence or corruption." http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/10227482.htm
* "Now that Canada's broadcast regulator has approved the addition of the Fox News Network to the digital TV dial, Canadians might finally understand why so many of its American fans are convinced that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, that Saddam and Al Qaeda were linked, and that the world approved of the U.S.'s attack on the country." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100818210466&call_pageid=970599119419
* wapo does an internetconspiracy vfraud article. i wonder when someone will actually write a non-debunking article. just for fun. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55691-2004Nov16.html
* brd - no more trips to iran...
* the chile protests are either 'thousands' or 'tens of... ' depending on the media channel
* "According to Zogby, it (exitpolls) would have required "wrong sampling in wrong areas throughout the country," or the purposeful manipulation of data to obtain exit poll results so significantly different from the official totals. He viewed neither as a possibility. When asked what exactly had happened then, Zogby replied, "a problem, but I don't know where it is ... something's wrong here, though.""
* "If the negative attitude of the press regarding whether or not election fraud exists, would be applied across the board to other crimes, I dare say the press coverage of not only the Scott Peterson case, but many a highly publicized crime in America would have been greatly quieted!" http://www.yuricareport.com/ElectionAftermath04/ThreeResearchStudiesBushIsOut.htm
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Consumer groups and the beef industry in the United States were yesterday attempting to avert any public panic over food supplies after officials at the Department of Agriculture revealed on Thursday that they had uncovered a possible case of BSE." i wonder what vennemans next job is. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=584769
* "Sen. John McCain skewered the Air Force on the Senate floor Friday for its pursuit of a contract to acquire tanker aircraft from Boeing, accusing its leaders of incompetence or corruption." http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/10227482.htm
* "Now that Canada's broadcast regulator has approved the addition of the Fox News Network to the digital TV dial, Canadians might finally understand why so many of its American fans are convinced that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, that Saddam and Al Qaeda were linked, and that the world approved of the U.S.'s attack on the country." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100818210466&call_pageid=970599119419
* wapo does an internetconspiracy vfraud article. i wonder when someone will actually write a non-debunking article. just for fun. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55691-2004Nov16.html
* brd - no more trips to iran...
* the chile protests are either 'thousands' or 'tens of... ' depending on the media channel
* "According to Zogby, it (exitpolls) would have required "wrong sampling in wrong areas throughout the country," or the purposeful manipulation of data to obtain exit poll results so significantly different from the official totals. He viewed neither as a possibility. When asked what exactly had happened then, Zogby replied, "a problem, but I don't know where it is ... something's wrong here, though.""
* "If the negative attitude of the press regarding whether or not election fraud exists, would be applied across the board to other crimes, I dare say the press coverage of not only the Scott Peterson case, but many a highly publicized crime in America would have been greatly quieted!" http://www.yuricareport.com/ElectionAftermath04/ThreeResearchStudiesBushIsOut.htm
Four more years. Seriously.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
cui boner?
* its funny the way the media didnt report the berkeley Survey REsearch Groups florida report... (newsgoogle Hout and u mostly get computermags, and intl) and kinda funnier when they did - heres the ap headline "Academia Still Fixated on John Kerry" which is kinda priceless - btw if something is 'Internet-circulated speculation' does that simply mean that the m/smedia is asleep? http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/wire/sns-ap-election-aftermath,1,2103362.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines
* i still reckon jonk shoulda said 'unconservative' a lot. he coulda fit a whole lotta issues under that one umbrella.
* juancole "If elections are held in January, I see only one way to avoid disaster." http://www.juancole.com/2004/11/did-fallujah-sink-elections-among.html
* "More and more, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is acting as if he wants to be president. Although he insists he is not aiming for the Oval Office, Schwarzenegger is keeping a public schedule that repeatedly puts him in forums that cast him as a political figure of global stature." 44. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arnold20nov20,0,4124129.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* "Russian tax authorities today scheduled the equivalent of a fire sale at what was once the nation's largest oil company, offering the main production facility at Yukos Oil for auction next month for a fraction of its value." does that sentence make sense? http://www.latimes.com/business/la-111904yukos_lat,0,6289114.story?coll=la-home-business
* "The dots are easy to connect. Cheney to NSC. Cheney to State. Cheney to Defense (already established). And Porter Goss trying to straightjacket the CIA politically. Even if President Bush wanted to change directions it is very difficult to see how he could. The Neocons now control the highest echelons of State, Defense, CIA and the NSC." http://www.washingtondispatch.com/article_10543.shtml
* "Trying to recount Kerry's words verbatim, geraldo Rivera said Kerry responded by saying: "It was that Usama tape — it scared them [the American people]."" http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,139060,00.html
* "French try to quash rumours that Israeli agents killed Arafat" http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=583996
* btw - i asked the other day if there was anyone who got embroiled with the yadayadmin who actually escaped - david kay may be one.
* we are going to war. again. FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK. the last fucking script worked so well they didnt bother changing it. FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK. up till now its merely been kinda inevitable, but its now in officially in play. happy fucking friday. enjoy your weekend media whoring.
Four more years. Seriously.
* i still reckon jonk shoulda said 'unconservative' a lot. he coulda fit a whole lotta issues under that one umbrella.
* juancole "If elections are held in January, I see only one way to avoid disaster." http://www.juancole.com/2004/11/did-fallujah-sink-elections-among.html
* "More and more, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is acting as if he wants to be president. Although he insists he is not aiming for the Oval Office, Schwarzenegger is keeping a public schedule that repeatedly puts him in forums that cast him as a political figure of global stature." 44. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arnold20nov20,0,4124129.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* "Russian tax authorities today scheduled the equivalent of a fire sale at what was once the nation's largest oil company, offering the main production facility at Yukos Oil for auction next month for a fraction of its value." does that sentence make sense? http://www.latimes.com/business/la-111904yukos_lat,0,6289114.story?coll=la-home-business
* "The dots are easy to connect. Cheney to NSC. Cheney to State. Cheney to Defense (already established). And Porter Goss trying to straightjacket the CIA politically. Even if President Bush wanted to change directions it is very difficult to see how he could. The Neocons now control the highest echelons of State, Defense, CIA and the NSC." http://www.washingtondispatch.com/article_10543.shtml
* "Trying to recount Kerry's words verbatim, geraldo Rivera said Kerry responded by saying: "It was that Usama tape — it scared them [the American people]."" http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,139060,00.html
* "French try to quash rumours that Israeli agents killed Arafat" http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=583996
* btw - i asked the other day if there was anyone who got embroiled with the yadayadmin who actually escaped - david kay may be one.
* we are going to war. again. FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK. the last fucking script worked so well they didnt bother changing it. FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.FUCK. up till now its merely been kinda inevitable, but its now in officially in play. happy fucking friday. enjoy your weekend media whoring.
Four more years. Seriously.
deranged bedfellows
* in case u miss it, the crew that is claiming that iran has secret nbc weapons is "The NCRI is the political wing of the People's Mujahedeen organization, which the State Department has labeled a terrorist organization." and for a nice twist, if u cast your minds way back to january, evilperle actually spoke at a fundraiser for these terrorists, caliming later that he didnt realise. so sweet. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A57465-2004Nov17?language=printer
* i wonder if anyone was ever justified in giving the egadmin the benefit of the doubt. or has *everything* actually turned out worse than we could have expected? and in much less time.
* "Aides said Bush and Rice know each other so well they have conversations based on body language, with maybe four words exchanged." good? harder. finished? yep.
* "Powell shared information with reporters Wednesday about Iran's nuclear program that was classified and based on an unvetted, single source who provided information that two U.S. officials said yesterday was highly significant if true but has not yet been verified." its from "a "walk-in" source" go read. i love andy mcdowell. and i like bill murray.
* "Some U.S. law-enforcement officers based in London, NEWSWEEK has learned, have become extremely concerned about evidence regarding possible active Al Qaeda plots to attack targets in Britain. According to a U.S. government official, fears of terror attacks have prompted FBI agents based in the U.S. Embassy in London to avoid traveling on London's popular underground railway (or tube) system, which is used daily by millions of commuters. While embassy-based officers of the U.S. Secret Service, Immigration and Customs bureaus and the CIA still are believed to use the underground to go about their business, FBI agents have been known to turn up late to crosstown meetings because they insist on using taxis in London's traffic-choked business center." yeah right. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6514619/site/newsweek/
* "Citing estimates he said were based on the results of Merck's own clinical trials, Graham said that between 88,000 and 139,000 Americans probably have had heart attacks or strokes as a result of taking Vioxx, and that 30 to 40 percent probably died."
* " New York's flagship PBS station, WNET Channel 13 will not air ads about Kinsey not because of the content of the ads -- but because of the subject matter of the movie." we're all fucked. so fucked. http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/000196.html
* "Israel's Channel 2 has run a documentary claiming that no less than 200 Mossad agents including seven department chiefs have resigned in recent months... They were furious because the Mossad's current chief Meir Dagan, a long time close friend of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, was politicizing the agency" http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20041115-034117-6341r
* "“My assessment, however,” writes Garwin, “is that the present missile defense approach is utterly useless against ICBMs of new or existing nuclear powers because midcourse countermeasures are so effective.” (Richard Garwin, Scientific American, November 2004)." nobody thinks this will work. i hope its just a boondoggle, the alternatives arent pretty. http://www.nti.org/d_newswire/issues/2004_11_17.html#39B64D38
Four more years. Seriously.
* i wonder if anyone was ever justified in giving the egadmin the benefit of the doubt. or has *everything* actually turned out worse than we could have expected? and in much less time.
* "Aides said Bush and Rice know each other so well they have conversations based on body language, with maybe four words exchanged." good? harder. finished? yep.
* "Powell shared information with reporters Wednesday about Iran's nuclear program that was classified and based on an unvetted, single source who provided information that two U.S. officials said yesterday was highly significant if true but has not yet been verified." its from "a "walk-in" source" go read. i love andy mcdowell. and i like bill murray.
* "Some U.S. law-enforcement officers based in London, NEWSWEEK has learned, have become extremely concerned about evidence regarding possible active Al Qaeda plots to attack targets in Britain. According to a U.S. government official, fears of terror attacks have prompted FBI agents based in the U.S. Embassy in London to avoid traveling on London's popular underground railway (or tube) system, which is used daily by millions of commuters. While embassy-based officers of the U.S. Secret Service, Immigration and Customs bureaus and the CIA still are believed to use the underground to go about their business, FBI agents have been known to turn up late to crosstown meetings because they insist on using taxis in London's traffic-choked business center." yeah right. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6514619/site/newsweek/
* "Citing estimates he said were based on the results of Merck's own clinical trials, Graham said that between 88,000 and 139,000 Americans probably have had heart attacks or strokes as a result of taking Vioxx, and that 30 to 40 percent probably died."
* " New York's flagship PBS station, WNET Channel 13 will not air ads about Kinsey not because of the content of the ads -- but because of the subject matter of the movie." we're all fucked. so fucked. http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/000196.html
* "Israel's Channel 2 has run a documentary claiming that no less than 200 Mossad agents including seven department chiefs have resigned in recent months... They were furious because the Mossad's current chief Meir Dagan, a long time close friend of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, was politicizing the agency" http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20041115-034117-6341r
* "“My assessment, however,” writes Garwin, “is that the present missile defense approach is utterly useless against ICBMs of new or existing nuclear powers because midcourse countermeasures are so effective.” (Richard Garwin, Scientific American, November 2004)." nobody thinks this will work. i hope its just a boondoggle, the alternatives arent pretty. http://www.nti.org/d_newswire/issues/2004_11_17.html#39B64D38
Four more years. Seriously.
roadmap to pieces
* "Highly-charged, jam-packed hearings held here in Columbus have cast serious doubt on the true outcome of the presidential election." http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/886
* "How Ohio pulled it off By J. Kenneth Blackwell" in MoonieTimes http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20041116-085742-1497r.htm
* Keith Olbermann is at http://www.bloggermann.com - one wonders why he is on holiday given that he is parently working hard anyway. i wonder if his blog gets the audience of his tv show...
* "The powerful conservative news media played an important role, too, in setting the stage for these ongoing purges. Conservative columnists, including Robert Novak and David Brooks, pushed the dubious claim that the CIA’s only rightful role is to serve the president. They accused the CIA of disloyalty in trying to sabotage Bush." http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/111804.html
* cuba is toast
* " Iraqi forces, backed by U.S. soldiers, stormed a key Sunni Muslim mosque in Baghdad after Friday prayers, opening fire and killing at least three people" cwly? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&e=1&u=/ap/20041119/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq
* ""After crying wolf for so long about Iraq, how are we going to have any credibility on Iran?" said Rep. Gary L. Ackerman of New York, who recently returned from a trip to the Middle East. "People in the Arab world won't believe it and say we have a bad track record and just want to invade another country in the Middle East. How do we expect anybody to believe us, even if we know it's true? This is the disaster we created for ourselves in *lying* about Iraq."" go read. total groundhogging. dejavu all over again. wheres bolton? iran is toast. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-irannuke19nov19,0,2210169.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* " the official with the Red Cross does claim that the 800 number (dead civs in flujar) is the most conservative estimate they would put out to the media at this time. However, he did go on to say in that interview that this is extremely conservative... he expects that number to be far, far higher." http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111904C.shtml
* "National Lawyers Guild Urges Senate to Reject Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General" http://www.nlg.org/news/statements/gonzales_1104.htm
* "Hadley, who worked for both Cheney and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz during President George H.W. Bush's administration, has argued for broadening the use of nuclear weapons to include deterrence against "weapons of mass destruction." In one paper, he wrote that it was often "an unstated premise" in nuclear arms debates that such weapons may only be used for deterrence. But he added: "I am not sure this unstated premise is true."" he also worked with woolsey.
Four more years. Seriously.
* "How Ohio pulled it off By J. Kenneth Blackwell" in MoonieTimes http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20041116-085742-1497r.htm
* Keith Olbermann is at http://www.bloggermann.com - one wonders why he is on holiday given that he is parently working hard anyway. i wonder if his blog gets the audience of his tv show...
* "The powerful conservative news media played an important role, too, in setting the stage for these ongoing purges. Conservative columnists, including Robert Novak and David Brooks, pushed the dubious claim that the CIA’s only rightful role is to serve the president. They accused the CIA of disloyalty in trying to sabotage Bush." http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/111804.html
* cuba is toast
* " Iraqi forces, backed by U.S. soldiers, stormed a key Sunni Muslim mosque in Baghdad after Friday prayers, opening fire and killing at least three people" cwly? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&e=1&u=/ap/20041119/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq
* ""After crying wolf for so long about Iraq, how are we going to have any credibility on Iran?" said Rep. Gary L. Ackerman of New York, who recently returned from a trip to the Middle East. "People in the Arab world won't believe it and say we have a bad track record and just want to invade another country in the Middle East. How do we expect anybody to believe us, even if we know it's true? This is the disaster we created for ourselves in *lying* about Iraq."" go read. total groundhogging. dejavu all over again. wheres bolton? iran is toast. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-irannuke19nov19,0,2210169.story?coll=la-home-headlines
* " the official with the Red Cross does claim that the 800 number (dead civs in flujar) is the most conservative estimate they would put out to the media at this time. However, he did go on to say in that interview that this is extremely conservative... he expects that number to be far, far higher." http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111904C.shtml
* "National Lawyers Guild Urges Senate to Reject Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General" http://www.nlg.org/news/statements/gonzales_1104.htm
* "Hadley, who worked for both Cheney and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz during President George H.W. Bush's administration, has argued for broadening the use of nuclear weapons to include deterrence against "weapons of mass destruction." In one paper, he wrote that it was often "an unstated premise" in nuclear arms debates that such weapons may only be used for deterrence. But he added: "I am not sure this unstated premise is true."" he also worked with woolsey.
Four more years. Seriously.
Friday, November 19, 2004
its sad, really.
* "Joseph Terrence Thomas, aka Jihad Jack, was charged yesterday with two terrorism-related offences, and a third offence of possessing a false passport." passport and nickname in one sentence. and with some terrorism thrown in for free. i love it. i read another story about this guy today - he was wearing an 'open-collar shirt'. and this story tells of a ksm link. give it to me, baby. "Mr Thomas has aged noticeably since the photograph was taken, and now looks older than his 31 years. Australian Federal Police agents raided Mr Thomas's neat, red-brick home" keep an eye out for your normal looking neighbour. and in case u didnt get the msg he has an "Indonesian-born wife". go read the article. it reads like fiction and makes me feel ill. thanks rupert. id stop giving u money if i could. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,11431333%255E601,00.html
* ftr - theres nothing to be optimistic about with the jihadmin. ever. if u think its good that powell was/is there, wrong. if u think the 2nd term mite be moderate, wrong. and a thousand other examples. optimism is appeasement. if u think therell be fewer wars, wrong. fewer dead people, wrong. for 2+ years ive been saying that we need to assume the worst from these people, and urging us to think how bad it would have to be for us to be 95% confident that we wouldnt be surprised by their evilness. and yet their evilness and corruption and danger/fear still surprises. its sad, really.
Four more years. Seriously.
* ftr - theres nothing to be optimistic about with the jihadmin. ever. if u think its good that powell was/is there, wrong. if u think the 2nd term mite be moderate, wrong. and a thousand other examples. optimism is appeasement. if u think therell be fewer wars, wrong. fewer dead people, wrong. for 2+ years ive been saying that we need to assume the worst from these people, and urging us to think how bad it would have to be for us to be 95% confident that we wouldnt be surprised by their evilness. and yet their evilness and corruption and danger/fear still surprises. its sad, really.
Four more years. Seriously.
average neocon penis length?
* ftr - its my guess that the wadmin stole not only the electoral votes, but also the 3.5million lead - ie they stole votes everywhere - even in deep blue/red states.
* "The US is likely to expand the force by thousands of GIs in coming weeks by delaying the departure of more experienced units from Iraq as fresh troops rotate in, military officials say. The overlap would create a temporary surge in American forces" http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1119/p03s01-usmi.html
* today i was in an earthquake. i didnt know we had earthquakes. it wasnt a rabbit thumping. did u know that rabbits thumped? thats why they are often called Thumper as far as i can tell. it seems as though its some sort of authority thing. and if u thought rabbits were as quaint as the geneve conventions, when they thump, you can feel/hear it from at least 5 meters.
* "we can see that 42 of the 51 states in the union swung (from 4pm exitpolls) towards George Bush while only nine swung towards Kerry." (17 states > 5% vs 2 for jonk) - and they also state that the gender thing is a furphy. and of course, theres still the early voting thing - i still havent seen a single person mention this - which is astounding. its important for 2 reasons - a) cos in some cases like at least florida, theres a deficit to overcome even b4 the exit polls b) the more people that voted early, the larger the required swing in the evening voters - eg fl's 6 % swing looks sufficiently dodgy prima facie - but when u realise that it happened even tho 30% had voted early it looks impossible - even if the pre-vote was 50/50 - which it wasnt. (and fl had the 15th smallest swing!) anyway - its funny that they are now working at the margin - disqualifying as many provisionals as poss in the largest counties - if you are gonna steal an election, youve prolly failed if its that close. but u can see the tension where they are trying to do it under the radar, so they are somewhat constrained. as i said before the election, they were trying desperately to pretend the election was nearly close - even as the dyke walls were bursting. who knows what may have happened if they couldnt hold off the water? who knows what might happen if the revote thing plays out. one is unfortuantely reminded of their odd pre-election memes that am would be vulnerable till the inauguration... comitatus emptor. http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00227.htm
* one odd thing about sorryeverybody.com is how many people are apparently so scared of the wadmin that they wont even show their face when they are saying sorry. and another sad thing is how brave it appears when people do show their face. how did we get here?
* ap " The vast majority of provisional ballots cast in Ohio were legitimate... Of the 11 counties that have completed checking provisional ballots, 81 percent of the ballots are valid... Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is located, has processed 40 percent of its 24,788 provisional ballots and rejected a third" one funny thing is that cuyahoga was already famous, and now it is rejecting 70% more ballots than avg. and of course it is prolly the largest county (at least, with 15% of the provisionals) - another funny thing is that if the repugs are nervously trying to finagle the results at a margin this fine, then maybe they are in trouble. go read the article actually - its kinda ap funny - with random sentences masquarading as paragraphs/thoughts. and besides, you know that if the ap uses a headline like ' Ohio Provisional Ballots Seem Legitimate' then its gonna be some fun. http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111804V.shtml
Four more years. Seriously.
* "The US is likely to expand the force by thousands of GIs in coming weeks by delaying the departure of more experienced units from Iraq as fresh troops rotate in, military officials say. The overlap would create a temporary surge in American forces" http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1119/p03s01-usmi.html
* today i was in an earthquake. i didnt know we had earthquakes. it wasnt a rabbit thumping. did u know that rabbits thumped? thats why they are often called Thumper as far as i can tell. it seems as though its some sort of authority thing. and if u thought rabbits were as quaint as the geneve conventions, when they thump, you can feel/hear it from at least 5 meters.
* "we can see that 42 of the 51 states in the union swung (from 4pm exitpolls) towards George Bush while only nine swung towards Kerry." (17 states > 5% vs 2 for jonk) - and they also state that the gender thing is a furphy. and of course, theres still the early voting thing - i still havent seen a single person mention this - which is astounding. its important for 2 reasons - a) cos in some cases like at least florida, theres a deficit to overcome even b4 the exit polls b) the more people that voted early, the larger the required swing in the evening voters - eg fl's 6 % swing looks sufficiently dodgy prima facie - but when u realise that it happened even tho 30% had voted early it looks impossible - even if the pre-vote was 50/50 - which it wasnt. (and fl had the 15th smallest swing!) anyway - its funny that they are now working at the margin - disqualifying as many provisionals as poss in the largest counties - if you are gonna steal an election, youve prolly failed if its that close. but u can see the tension where they are trying to do it under the radar, so they are somewhat constrained. as i said before the election, they were trying desperately to pretend the election was nearly close - even as the dyke walls were bursting. who knows what may have happened if they couldnt hold off the water? who knows what might happen if the revote thing plays out. one is unfortuantely reminded of their odd pre-election memes that am would be vulnerable till the inauguration... comitatus emptor. http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00227.htm
* one odd thing about sorryeverybody.com is how many people are apparently so scared of the wadmin that they wont even show their face when they are saying sorry. and another sad thing is how brave it appears when people do show their face. how did we get here?
* ap " The vast majority of provisional ballots cast in Ohio were legitimate... Of the 11 counties that have completed checking provisional ballots, 81 percent of the ballots are valid... Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is located, has processed 40 percent of its 24,788 provisional ballots and rejected a third" one funny thing is that cuyahoga was already famous, and now it is rejecting 70% more ballots than avg. and of course it is prolly the largest county (at least, with 15% of the provisionals) - another funny thing is that if the repugs are nervously trying to finagle the results at a margin this fine, then maybe they are in trouble. go read the article actually - its kinda ap funny - with random sentences masquarading as paragraphs/thoughts. and besides, you know that if the ap uses a headline like ' Ohio Provisional Ballots Seem Legitimate' then its gonna be some fun. http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111804V.shtml
Four more years. Seriously.
* was ari2's bro moved from the fda cos they knew the vioxx et al thing was coming out? he was only at medicare for a year or so from memory - was he being warehoused?
* douchebag novak turns up the volume of the attack on the cia. the cia is toast. heres a question - why did the cia do such an inneffective job of damaging the pres pre-election? one imagines thats not the sort of battle u wanna fight halfheartedly. http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak18.html
* "Hadley is very close to Rumsfeld in his viewpoint... Hadley also enjoys close ties to Vice President Dick Cheney" http://www.boston.com/news/politics/president/bush/articles/2004/11/17/president_moves_to_rein_in_2_agencies?pg=full
* "Ari2 was asked whether the U.S. president, in light of recent comments by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and a report in Canada's largest-circulation daily, would seek the advice of his legal counsel before leaving the country. McClellan dismissed the question as "ridiculous" and suggested the reporter who raised it had spent too much time on the campaign of candidate Ralph Nader." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100731811469&call_pageid=970599119419
* "At this point it is clear that the world Bolton has left us four years later is one that is more dangerous. He can only do more damage from a position of greater power." http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=252671
* "One-third of President Bush (news - web sites)'s top 2000 fund-raisers or their spouses were appointed to positions in his first administration, from ambassadorships in Europe to seats on policy-setting boards" AP's headline 'Some of Bush Fund-Raisers Got Appointments' - love it. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041118/ap_on_go_pr_wh/fund_raiser_perks
* ted rall dreaming of ashcroft "Alberto Gonzales, on the other hand, possesses one of the most twisted minds the American legal system has ever produced." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ucru/20041118/cm_ucru/monsterofalawyer
Four more years. Seriously.
* douchebag novak turns up the volume of the attack on the cia. the cia is toast. heres a question - why did the cia do such an inneffective job of damaging the pres pre-election? one imagines thats not the sort of battle u wanna fight halfheartedly. http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak18.html
* "Hadley is very close to Rumsfeld in his viewpoint... Hadley also enjoys close ties to Vice President Dick Cheney" http://www.boston.com/news/politics/president/bush/articles/2004/11/17/president_moves_to_rein_in_2_agencies?pg=full
* "Ari2 was asked whether the U.S. president, in light of recent comments by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and a report in Canada's largest-circulation daily, would seek the advice of his legal counsel before leaving the country. McClellan dismissed the question as "ridiculous" and suggested the reporter who raised it had spent too much time on the campaign of candidate Ralph Nader." http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100731811469&call_pageid=970599119419
* "At this point it is clear that the world Bolton has left us four years later is one that is more dangerous. He can only do more damage from a position of greater power." http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=252671
* "One-third of President Bush (news - web sites)'s top 2000 fund-raisers or their spouses were appointed to positions in his first administration, from ambassadorships in Europe to seats on policy-setting boards" AP's headline 'Some of Bush Fund-Raisers Got Appointments' - love it. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041118/ap_on_go_pr_wh/fund_raiser_perks
* ted rall dreaming of ashcroft "Alberto Gonzales, on the other hand, possesses one of the most twisted minds the American legal system has ever produced." http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ucru/20041118/cm_ucru/monsterofalawyer
Four more years. Seriously.
Saving Private Lyin'
* flashback to nov1 bobkerrey: "But I would prefer that I mean if it's a close -- if it's close and there's an opportunity to litigate, I would say to John Kerry don't litigate. Let Bush be the president."
* didja see the teevenews footage of zarq's place in fallujah with some inscriptions on the wall, and from off the side of the screen, someone dangles a black balaclava in front of the inscriptions. funny.
* woohoo - another muslim convert gets slammed - in melb. all converts need to be taught a lesson. http://theage.com.au/articles/2004/11/18/1100748141410.html
* "Medicare chief Mark B. McClellan is considered a potential replacement for Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson. Homeland security advisor Frances Townsend is a possible successor to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. And Bush economic advisor Stephen Friedman is said to be a potential replacement for U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick. It remains unclear whether Thompson, Ridge and Zoellick will remain in Bush's Cabinet during his second term." is that a promo for ari2's bro? his resume is even better than fahours.
* did i mention rottendenmark.blogspot.com ? it has a funny name and is a good vfraud site
Four more years. Seriously.
* didja see the teevenews footage of zarq's place in fallujah with some inscriptions on the wall, and from off the side of the screen, someone dangles a black balaclava in front of the inscriptions. funny.
* woohoo - another muslim convert gets slammed - in melb. all converts need to be taught a lesson. http://theage.com.au/articles/2004/11/18/1100748141410.html
* "Medicare chief Mark B. McClellan is considered a potential replacement for Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson. Homeland security advisor Frances Townsend is a possible successor to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. And Bush economic advisor Stephen Friedman is said to be a potential replacement for U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick. It remains unclear whether Thompson, Ridge and Zoellick will remain in Bush's Cabinet during his second term." is that a promo for ari2's bro? his resume is even better than fahours.
* did i mention rottendenmark.blogspot.com ? it has a funny name and is a good vfraud site
Four more years. Seriously.
jesus really freaks
* "A research team at UC Berkeley reported Thursday morning that irregularities associated with electronic voting machines may have awarded 130,000 - 260,000 or more in excess votes to President George W. Bush in Florida" http://www.buzzflash.com/buzzscripts/buzz.dll/sub2
* (A UC Berkeley sociology professor, director of his school’s Survey Research Center) pdf summary here http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/new_web/VOTE2004/election04_Sum.pdf "Compared to counties with paper ballots, counties with electronic voting machines were significantly more likely to show increases in support for President Bush between 2000 and 2004. This effect cannot be explained by differences between counties in income,
number of voters, change in voter turnout, or size of Hispanic/Latino population."
* "- Support for Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb’s demand for a recount of the Ohio presidential vote continues to grow. Ohio Congressman and former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has joined a growing list of individuals and organizations calling for a recount." http://www.commondreams.org/news2004/1118-02.htm
* theres something weird going on with the death of marg hassan. after she seemed to be dead for at least a day, including her husband asking for her body back, cnn made some noise that ozpm howard had announced it in parliament - which caused a stink somehow/why, and then apparently howard retracted his statement. maybe it hasnt been confirmed that shes dead?
* " Seeming to brush aside John Kerry's concession speech, the Ohio Democratic Party has launched a federal court fight over nearly 155,000 provisional ballots by contending a proper accounting of those votes might decide who really won." http://www.cleveland.com/search/index.ssf?/base/isvot/1100782534290590.xml?isvot
* btw - id love to get a copy of that oui magazine interview with arnie in time for when he becomes 44.
* "Highly-charged, jam-packed hearings held here in Columbus have cast serious doubt on the true outcome of the presidential election." http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/886
Four more years. Seriously.
* (A UC Berkeley sociology professor, director of his school’s Survey Research Center) pdf summary here http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/new_web/VOTE2004/election04_Sum.pdf "Compared to counties with paper ballots, counties with electronic voting machines were significantly more likely to show increases in support for President Bush between 2000 and 2004. This effect cannot be explained by differences between counties in income,
number of voters, change in voter turnout, or size of Hispanic/Latino population."
* "- Support for Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb’s demand for a recount of the Ohio presidential vote continues to grow. Ohio Congressman and former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has joined a growing list of individuals and organizations calling for a recount." http://www.commondreams.org/news2004/1118-02.htm
* theres something weird going on with the death of marg hassan. after she seemed to be dead for at least a day, including her husband asking for her body back, cnn made some noise that ozpm howard had announced it in parliament - which caused a stink somehow/why, and then apparently howard retracted his statement. maybe it hasnt been confirmed that shes dead?
* " Seeming to brush aside John Kerry's concession speech, the Ohio Democratic Party has launched a federal court fight over nearly 155,000 provisional ballots by contending a proper accounting of those votes might decide who really won." http://www.cleveland.com/search/index.ssf?/base/isvot/1100782534290590.xml?isvot
* btw - id love to get a copy of that oui magazine interview with arnie in time for when he becomes 44.
* "Highly-charged, jam-packed hearings held here in Columbus have cast serious doubt on the true outcome of the presidential election." http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/886
Four more years. Seriously.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
baby slaughterers
* "Senior police officers say they have been ordered to help rig the result of the Ukrainian presidential election and to use violence, including bombings, to undermine the opposition." curiously, new f/page stories today are sugegsting that the oz dep pm was involved in something similar. less the violence. http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=583661
* nyt ed is glowing about condi "Ms. Rice, a former academic, has no real background in managing a vast bureaucracy or in hands-on diplomacy. But she has other attributes that could serve her well in her new job. Unlike Colin Powell, Ms. Rice seems willing to travel constantly." very generous. snap. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/17/opinion/17wed1.html
* safire: " Will Rice, as most Foggy Bottom secretaries do, "go native" - be absorbed by the accommodationist mind-set that is the hallmark of professional diplomacy?" when people start using words like accomdationist to describe anyone, we are in trouble. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/17/opinion/17safi.html
Four more years. Seriously.
* nyt ed is glowing about condi "Ms. Rice, a former academic, has no real background in managing a vast bureaucracy or in hands-on diplomacy. But she has other attributes that could serve her well in her new job. Unlike Colin Powell, Ms. Rice seems willing to travel constantly." very generous. snap. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/17/opinion/17wed1.html
* safire: " Will Rice, as most Foggy Bottom secretaries do, "go native" - be absorbed by the accommodationist mind-set that is the hallmark of professional diplomacy?" when people start using words like accomdationist to describe anyone, we are in trouble. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/17/opinion/17safi.html
Four more years. Seriously.
at least the planes run on time
* imagine powells place in history if he resigned in october.
* i wonder how much vennemans new job pays. i wonder if itll be someone in the chicken coop. again.
* the iran noise has a familiar ring to it...
* robertfisk is a pretty reasonable seeming bloke. and one of the best journos around. he isnt for conspiracytheories - but he asks whether margaret hassan was killed by someone weird (http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1117-29.htm) and in a separate article, "just what did Arafat die of?" http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1116-34.htm
* btw sorryeverybody.co.uk is available - apparently no chance that blair will lose the next election - therell be many more apologies.
* sorryeverbody.com "a whopping 50 million hits to the site so far, moving nearly two terabytes of information. And growing fast." http://sfgate.com/columnists/morford/ (its a nice article)
* " President Bush's new national security adviser is an even-tempered, unassuming Washington lawyer. Around the White House he's known as ''Dad."" - damn. and i was worried about hadley. i must have been wrong - according to this opening reuters paragraph. i feel ill. make. it. stop. now. please. really. 2nd par "he's a man of few words and fewer photo ops. He wore a pinstriped suit and sat silently in the front row yesterday" 3rd par "he was as an administration fall guy for Bush's mistaken claims about Iraqi nuclear weapons ambitions" last par "Hadley is an extremely hardworking loyalist" make. it. stop. as of this moment, i reject any of my prior aspersions on mr hadleys character. i was wrong. and i deserve punishment. he smells nice.
* " President Bush on Wednesday named Harriet Miers , a longtime Texas associate, as White House counsel... Formerly Bush's personal lawyer in Texas...
Miers is often one of the first staff members to arrive at the White House in the morning and among the last to leave. She enjoys an especially close relationship with Bush, and she is sometimes the only woman on the brush-clearing excursions at his ranch in Crawford, Texas."" can we stop it with the texans? please. there must be a lot of qualified people down there. she smells nice too. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-4622340,00.html
* "Two weeks after Election Day, explosive allegations about a media coverup are percolating." http://www.boston.com/news/politics/president/articles/2004/11/17/media_accused_of_ignoring_election_irregularities?mode=PF
* btw - there are a lot of amgrunts getting killed
* "According to Francis Boyle, Professor of Law at University of Illinois, “In international legal terms, the Bush Administration itself should now be viewed as constituting an ongoing criminal conspiracy under international criminal law in violation of the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles, due to its formulation and undertaking of aggressive war policies that are legally akin to those perpetrated by the Nazi regime”." http://informationclearinghouse.info/article7314.htm
* "In the wake of the apparent extrajudicial execution by a U.S. soldier of a wounded Iraqi prisoner in Falluja, caught on video-tape by NBC, Amnesty International is calling on the U.S. authorities to issue “unequivocal orders” for the proper treatment of unarmed or wounded insurgents. " ummm - we didnt get it after abug. http://informationclearinghouse.info/article7315.htm
Four more years. Seriously.
* i wonder how much vennemans new job pays. i wonder if itll be someone in the chicken coop. again.
* the iran noise has a familiar ring to it...
* robertfisk is a pretty reasonable seeming bloke. and one of the best journos around. he isnt for conspiracytheories - but he asks whether margaret hassan was killed by someone weird (http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1117-29.htm) and in a separate article, "just what did Arafat die of?" http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1116-34.htm
* btw sorryeverybody.co.uk is available - apparently no chance that blair will lose the next election - therell be many more apologies.
* sorryeverbody.com "a whopping 50 million hits to the site so far, moving nearly two terabytes of information. And growing fast." http://sfgate.com/columnists/morford/ (its a nice article)
* " President Bush's new national security adviser is an even-tempered, unassuming Washington lawyer. Around the White House he's known as ''Dad."" - damn. and i was worried about hadley. i must have been wrong - according to this opening reuters paragraph. i feel ill. make. it. stop. now. please. really. 2nd par "he's a man of few words and fewer photo ops. He wore a pinstriped suit and sat silently in the front row yesterday" 3rd par "he was as an administration fall guy for Bush's mistaken claims about Iraqi nuclear weapons ambitions" last par "Hadley is an extremely hardworking loyalist" make. it. stop. as of this moment, i reject any of my prior aspersions on mr hadleys character. i was wrong. and i deserve punishment. he smells nice.
* " President Bush on Wednesday named Harriet Miers , a longtime Texas associate, as White House counsel... Formerly Bush's personal lawyer in Texas...
Miers is often one of the first staff members to arrive at the White House in the morning and among the last to leave. She enjoys an especially close relationship with Bush, and she is sometimes the only woman on the brush-clearing excursions at his ranch in Crawford, Texas."" can we stop it with the texans? please. there must be a lot of qualified people down there. she smells nice too. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-4622340,00.html
* "Two weeks after Election Day, explosive allegations about a media coverup are percolating." http://www.boston.com/news/politics/president/articles/2004/11/17/media_accused_of_ignoring_election_irregularities?mode=PF
* btw - there are a lot of amgrunts getting killed
* "According to Francis Boyle, Professor of Law at University of Illinois, “In international legal terms, the Bush Administration itself should now be viewed as constituting an ongoing criminal conspiracy under international criminal law in violation of the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles, due to its formulation and undertaking of aggressive war policies that are legally akin to those perpetrated by the Nazi regime”." http://informationclearinghouse.info/article7314.htm
* "In the wake of the apparent extrajudicial execution by a U.S. soldier of a wounded Iraqi prisoner in Falluja, caught on video-tape by NBC, Amnesty International is calling on the U.S. authorities to issue “unequivocal orders” for the proper treatment of unarmed or wounded insurgents. " ummm - we didnt get it after abug. http://informationclearinghouse.info/article7315.htm
Four more years. Seriously.
'This one's faking he's alive'
* where does hadley end up (did he already get antic.rice's job?)? cambone? fieth? bolton? wolfowitz? ashcroft? abrams? abizaid? miller? boykin? michael powell? what a fuckin list!
* "If you put the names of every adult American in a hat, and then picked one at random, you would almost certainly end up with a better candidate to be Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs than Danielle Pletka." http://abuaardvark.typepad.com/abuaardvark/2004/11/danielle_pletka.html
* attached pic is a similar look i saw 43 give condi when he announced her at state. pic is of new edu paige replacement. she is from texas. have we hit the texas ceiling yet? condi was wearing something very similar. does 43 like pink?
* denis halliday sez 'there is no foil4oof scandal' http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/11/17/1524256
* wheres jonk? jone?
Four more years. Seriously.
* "If you put the names of every adult American in a hat, and then picked one at random, you would almost certainly end up with a better candidate to be Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs than Danielle Pletka." http://abuaardvark.typepad.com/abuaardvark/2004/11/danielle_pletka.html
* attached pic is a similar look i saw 43 give condi when he announced her at state. pic is of new edu paige replacement. she is from texas. have we hit the texas ceiling yet? condi was wearing something very similar. does 43 like pink?
* denis halliday sez 'there is no foil4oof scandal' http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/11/17/1524256
* wheres jonk? jone?
Four more years. Seriously.
* where does hadley end up (did he already get antic.rice's job?)? cambone? fieth? bolton? wolfowitz? ashcroft? abrams? abizaid? miller? boykin? michael powell? what a fuckin list!
* "If you put the names of every adult American in a hat, and then picked one at random, you would almost certainly end up with a better candidate to be Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs than Danielle Pletka." http://abuaardvark.typepad.com/abuaardvark/2004/11/danielle_pletka.html
* attached pic is a similar look i saw 43 give condi when he announced her at state. pic is of new edu paige replacement. she is from texas. have we hit the texas ceiling yet? condi was wearing something very similar. does 43 like pink?
* denis halliday sez 'there is no foil4oof scandal' http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/11/17/1524256
* wheres jonk? jone?
Four more years. Seriously.
* "If you put the names of every adult American in a hat, and then picked one at random, you would almost certainly end up with a better candidate to be Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs than Danielle Pletka." http://abuaardvark.typepad.com/abuaardvark/2004/11/danielle_pletka.html
* attached pic is a similar look i saw 43 give condi when he announced her at state. pic is of new edu paige replacement. she is from texas. have we hit the texas ceiling yet? condi was wearing something very similar. does 43 like pink?
* denis halliday sez 'there is no foil4oof scandal' http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/11/17/1524256
* wheres jonk? jone?
Four more years. Seriously.
i like to score
* "It looks as though Ohio will have a recount." under the curious title: "Schumer to Stay Put" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52542-2004Nov15.html
* " As of today, the neocons on Zinni's list of losers - Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz; the vice president's chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby; National Security Council staffer Elliott Abrams; Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld - are all still employed even as Bush's new director of central intelligence, Porter J. Goss, is eviscerating the CIA's leadership." http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111704W.shtml
* "The House GOP caucus is likely to vote today to end its rule requiring leaders to step down if indicted, thus shielding Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) in the event that criminal charges are brought against him in a highly controversial case in Texas." the juggernaut is untoast. http://www.hillnews.com/news/111704/delay.aspx
* http://fallujapictures.blogspot.com/ cwly?
* "The SSS and the education department will begin comparing their lists on Jan. 1, 2005, according to a memo authored by Jack Martin, acting Selective Service director." http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ts_more.php?id=62232_0_10_0_C
* im re-wearing my Vote-teeshirt. im wondering whether to scriblle on it so that it sez reVote. praps the re-wearing is sufficient.
Four more years. Seriously.
* " As of today, the neocons on Zinni's list of losers - Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz; the vice president's chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby; National Security Council staffer Elliott Abrams; Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld - are all still employed even as Bush's new director of central intelligence, Porter J. Goss, is eviscerating the CIA's leadership." http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111704W.shtml
* "The House GOP caucus is likely to vote today to end its rule requiring leaders to step down if indicted, thus shielding Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) in the event that criminal charges are brought against him in a highly controversial case in Texas." the juggernaut is untoast. http://www.hillnews.com/news/111704/delay.aspx
* http://fallujapictures.blogspot.com/ cwly?
* "The SSS and the education department will begin comparing their lists on Jan. 1, 2005, according to a memo authored by Jack Martin, acting Selective Service director." http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ts_more.php?id=62232_0_10_0_C
* im re-wearing my Vote-teeshirt. im wondering whether to scriblle on it so that it sez reVote. praps the re-wearing is sufficient.
Four more years. Seriously.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
* oreilly is bragging that a) he predicted peterson would be found guilty b) peterson deserved it cos the prosecution did a good job to show that peterson was a bad guy. and thats a good thing. he changed the color of his hair!
* heres a mention of that other walkrhyme murder i saw in fallujah that i mentioned yesterday "We would never know how US soldiers are breaching the Geneva Conventions but for a renegade video aired by Australian ABC television. In it, a Marine shouts: “I’ve just injured one. He’s between two buildings”. One of his colleagues walks over to a tiny alleyway separating two houses, climbs up onto a metal drum, and fires his weapon in cold blood. “He’s done,” he announces flippantly."
i actually thought i saw it on the beeb as well... http://www.arabnews.com/?page=7§ion=0&article=54568&d=16&m=11&y=2004
* heres that abc video http://informationclearinghouse.info/video1043.htm
* "When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa — probably later this year — should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?" canada is toast. http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100517502971&call_pageid=968256290204&col=968350116795
* for a reminder of the new sec of state - heres jons post 911comm on condi - one of his finer moments http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/002109.php
* "The National Field Director and deputy political director for the Republican National Committee Daniel Gurley solicited unprotected sex and multiple sex partners in an online profile at Gay.com, in seeming contradiction with the Party’s call for abstinence and positions on gay issues." ha. http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=428
* its absurd how much media that marine shooting thingy has generated. theres a reason... im not exactly sure what.
* um - is 43 checking condi out after he introduces her?
Four more years. Seriously.
* heres a mention of that other walkrhyme murder i saw in fallujah that i mentioned yesterday "We would never know how US soldiers are breaching the Geneva Conventions but for a renegade video aired by Australian ABC television. In it, a Marine shouts: “I’ve just injured one. He’s between two buildings”. One of his colleagues walks over to a tiny alleyway separating two houses, climbs up onto a metal drum, and fires his weapon in cold blood. “He’s done,” he announces flippantly."
i actually thought i saw it on the beeb as well... http://www.arabnews.com/?page=7§ion=0&article=54568&d=16&m=11&y=2004
* heres that abc video http://informationclearinghouse.info/video1043.htm
* "When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa — probably later this year — should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?" canada is toast. http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1100517502971&call_pageid=968256290204&col=968350116795
* for a reminder of the new sec of state - heres jons post 911comm on condi - one of his finer moments http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/002109.php
* "The National Field Director and deputy political director for the Republican National Committee Daniel Gurley solicited unprotected sex and multiple sex partners in an online profile at Gay.com, in seeming contradiction with the Party’s call for abstinence and positions on gay issues." ha. http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=428
* its absurd how much media that marine shooting thingy has generated. theres a reason... im not exactly sure what.
* um - is 43 checking condi out after he introduces her?
Four more years. Seriously.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
purge iraq. purge cia. purge state. purge justice. splurge.
* "Whether voters named "moral values" their key issue partly depended on whether that subject was included in a list of choices provided by pollsters, according to a Pew Research Center analysis released Thursday." fancy that... the dems really gotta be much smarter than they often demonstrate... go read the article to see how the whole thing got distorted "4% mentioned social issues like gay marriage and abortion". stoopid. stoopid. will they never learn? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041112/ap_on_el_pr/voters_moral_values
* "Last Tuesday, the American Life League ripped into the Bush administration for its silence on Specter and its decision to make Alberto Gonzales, who is less than staunchly anti-abortion, the new attorney general. "President Bush appears to be doing all that he can to downright ignore pro-life principle," wrote Judie Brown, the group's president. "Why is President Bush betraying the babies?"" make it stop.
* "Here's what 'parent-fag/new-RNC-Chair Kenny Mehlman had to say about Rick Santorum's obnoxious remarks comparing being gay to incest and adultery:
White House political director Ken Mehlman calls Santorum "one of the original compassionate conservatives." - AP, 4/21/03" http://americablog.blogspot.com/archives/2004_11_01_americablog_archive.html#110058122072010935
* i wonder what would happen if there was some embedded footage of an 'insurgent' killing a wounded, unarmed, grunt - would we hear that s/he was shot in the face the previous day? or that there was some fighting nearby? or anything about 'the fog of war'? or that ams wouldnt hesitate to any 'dirty tricks' like pretending they are dead so that they can kill some of the satan/enemy? or any questions about whether it is a walkrhyme or not? as rummy says emphatically 'they behead people' as though that is the final answer which justifies anything and everything. including killing many people who dont do such things.
* grrrrrrrrrr
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Last Tuesday, the American Life League ripped into the Bush administration for its silence on Specter and its decision to make Alberto Gonzales, who is less than staunchly anti-abortion, the new attorney general. "President Bush appears to be doing all that he can to downright ignore pro-life principle," wrote Judie Brown, the group's president. "Why is President Bush betraying the babies?"" make it stop.
* "Here's what 'parent-fag/new-RNC-Chair Kenny Mehlman had to say about Rick Santorum's obnoxious remarks comparing being gay to incest and adultery:
White House political director Ken Mehlman calls Santorum "one of the original compassionate conservatives." - AP, 4/21/03" http://americablog.blogspot.com/archives/2004_11_01_americablog_archive.html#110058122072010935
* i wonder what would happen if there was some embedded footage of an 'insurgent' killing a wounded, unarmed, grunt - would we hear that s/he was shot in the face the previous day? or that there was some fighting nearby? or anything about 'the fog of war'? or that ams wouldnt hesitate to any 'dirty tricks' like pretending they are dead so that they can kill some of the satan/enemy? or any questions about whether it is a walkrhyme or not? as rummy says emphatically 'they behead people' as though that is the final answer which justifies anything and everything. including killing many people who dont do such things.
* grrrrrrrrrr
Four more years. Seriously.
* farmblogging: the power went out again and i lost a big post. damn.
* farmblogging: bunnicide is bad. one of the bunnies nearly killed another. i think the poor thing has a broken neck. its still alive tho. it can still kick its legs but apparently cant move its head. im not sure if thats a broken neck or not. seems not. i moved it but decided not to kill it. yet. oops - i mean 'put it out of its misery'.
* its a shame that the ams didnt find wmd. powell might still have a reputation. if only saddam was more determined and had more capacity to fulfill his dreams, then powells reputation would much higher. damn saddam.
* "The U.S. military is investigating the killing of a wounded and apparently unarmed Iraqi prisoner inside a mosque during combat operations here, the Defense Department told NBC News on Monday." im a bit sus about this story (not surprisingly!) - weve had days of being told that all pix and reporting were under military control - and now we see this thing repeated again and again on the teeve. i must have seen the footage 10 times in a few hours. did the pentagon change their rules? why is this guy referred to as a 'pool cameraman' rather than 'embedded'? why this particular warcrime? i saw something virtually the same (without the actual murder, but without any doubt about what was happening) late last week that apparently didnt warrant any further comment. and there was no real discussion about the warcrime of blowing up the hospital. or cutting off the water. or any of the many others. for some reason, this one is getting mass traction... the msg from cnn is that the footage 'may present a problem, becuase insurgents will be less likely to surrender if this is how they might be treated' - perhaps thats the point. it has a similar feel to the way abug was handled somehow.
* "Iraq's deputy prime minister has indicated for the first time that the much-heralded elections due in January could be derailed by the country's violent insurgency." tsports has elections at 80. i still think that is too high. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1351481,00.html
* lol - tsports is betting what color the alert code will be nov30, dec30 etc. if u think theres a chance that there might be increased security concerns pre-inauguration, then there might be a dollar or two be made... the mkt seems to think 90% likely no change...
* "U.S. Military Says Has 100 Pct Control of Falluja" woohoo. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=4&u=/nm/20041116/ts_nm/iraq_dc
* the boobytrapped corpses thing is funny.
* "Drones pick off 'rats' of Fallujah" http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,11398924%255E2703,00.html
* imagine if boykin gets promoted. dobson in a uniform. shudder.
* rabbit for dinner
Four more years. Seriously.
* farmblogging: bunnicide is bad. one of the bunnies nearly killed another. i think the poor thing has a broken neck. its still alive tho. it can still kick its legs but apparently cant move its head. im not sure if thats a broken neck or not. seems not. i moved it but decided not to kill it. yet. oops - i mean 'put it out of its misery'.
* its a shame that the ams didnt find wmd. powell might still have a reputation. if only saddam was more determined and had more capacity to fulfill his dreams, then powells reputation would much higher. damn saddam.
* "The U.S. military is investigating the killing of a wounded and apparently unarmed Iraqi prisoner inside a mosque during combat operations here, the Defense Department told NBC News on Monday." im a bit sus about this story (not surprisingly!) - weve had days of being told that all pix and reporting were under military control - and now we see this thing repeated again and again on the teeve. i must have seen the footage 10 times in a few hours. did the pentagon change their rules? why is this guy referred to as a 'pool cameraman' rather than 'embedded'? why this particular warcrime? i saw something virtually the same (without the actual murder, but without any doubt about what was happening) late last week that apparently didnt warrant any further comment. and there was no real discussion about the warcrime of blowing up the hospital. or cutting off the water. or any of the many others. for some reason, this one is getting mass traction... the msg from cnn is that the footage 'may present a problem, becuase insurgents will be less likely to surrender if this is how they might be treated' - perhaps thats the point. it has a similar feel to the way abug was handled somehow.
* "Iraq's deputy prime minister has indicated for the first time that the much-heralded elections due in January could be derailed by the country's violent insurgency." tsports has elections at 80. i still think that is too high. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1351481,00.html
* lol - tsports is betting what color the alert code will be nov30, dec30 etc. if u think theres a chance that there might be increased security concerns pre-inauguration, then there might be a dollar or two be made... the mkt seems to think 90% likely no change...
* "U.S. Military Says Has 100 Pct Control of Falluja" woohoo. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=4&u=/nm/20041116/ts_nm/iraq_dc
* the boobytrapped corpses thing is funny.
* "Drones pick off 'rats' of Fallujah" http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,11398924%255E2703,00.html
* imagine if boykin gets promoted. dobson in a uniform. shudder.
* rabbit for dinner
Four more years. Seriously.
flog of war
* "(AP) - Californians will soon see advertisements urging them to help give Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other foreign-born citizens the chance to run for president." www.amendforarnold.com 66/1 still?http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041114/D86BAJ8O0.html
* "Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott fears US President George Bush's re-election will lead to Armageddon and she isn't sure if mankind would survive another four years." http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/11/15/1100384498193.html
*howardean: : "The truth is the president of the United States used the same device that Slobodan Milosevic used in Serbia. When you appeal to homophobia, when you appeal to sexism, when you appeal to racism, that is extraordinarily damaging to the country," Dean charged. "I know George Bush. I served with him for six years [as a fellow governor]. He's not a homophobe. He's not a racist. He's not a sexist. In some ways, what he did was worse ... because he knew better."
* "But has anybody read the 2004 Republican platform on abortion? It doesn't merely call for reversal of Roe vs. Wade. It calls for "legislation to make it clear that the 14th Amendment's protections apply to unborn children," and for judges who believe likewise. How's that for activism? If fetuses are "persons" under the 14th amendment, which guarantees all persons "equal protection of the law," abortion would be illegal whether a state or the Congress wanted to keep it legal it or not. More than that: There could be no legal distinction between the rights of fetuses and the rights of human beings after birth" once this happens, then pregnant women can be charged with murder and manslaughter and gbh if they drink while pregnant. or take drugs. or whatever. including say, if u did drugs before you even knew you were pregnant. http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111504W.shtml
* the teeve keeps telling me that fallujah has been liberated. its so brainless. mindless. soulless. shameless.
* safire is leaving the nyt. heres his latest foil4ood nonsense. "Sad to see is the secretary general's manipulative abuse of Paul Volcker. Here is a former central banker so confident of his hard-earned reputation for integrity that he cannot see how it is being shredded by a web of sticky-fingered officials and see-no-evil bureaucrats desperate to protect the man on top who hired him to substitute for - and thereby to abort - prompt and truly independent investigation." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/15/opinion/15safire.html
* document this "The U.S. government said on Friday it was giving airlines until Nov. 23 to turn over information on millions of people who took domestic flights in June to test a new system for identifying passengers who may pose security risks." http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=6803495
* ap "Witnesses reported a fourth car bombing late Monday in Ramadi against a U.S. convoy but there was no report of casualties." which is somewhat different to there being 'no casualties' - but delayed reporting keeps things outta the news. much nicer to announce it retrospectively. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=2&u=/ap/20041115/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_041115202307
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott fears US President George Bush's re-election will lead to Armageddon and she isn't sure if mankind would survive another four years." http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/11/15/1100384498193.html
*howardean: : "The truth is the president of the United States used the same device that Slobodan Milosevic used in Serbia. When you appeal to homophobia, when you appeal to sexism, when you appeal to racism, that is extraordinarily damaging to the country," Dean charged. "I know George Bush. I served with him for six years [as a fellow governor]. He's not a homophobe. He's not a racist. He's not a sexist. In some ways, what he did was worse ... because he knew better."
* "But has anybody read the 2004 Republican platform on abortion? It doesn't merely call for reversal of Roe vs. Wade. It calls for "legislation to make it clear that the 14th Amendment's protections apply to unborn children," and for judges who believe likewise. How's that for activism? If fetuses are "persons" under the 14th amendment, which guarantees all persons "equal protection of the law," abortion would be illegal whether a state or the Congress wanted to keep it legal it or not. More than that: There could be no legal distinction between the rights of fetuses and the rights of human beings after birth" once this happens, then pregnant women can be charged with murder and manslaughter and gbh if they drink while pregnant. or take drugs. or whatever. including say, if u did drugs before you even knew you were pregnant. http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/111504W.shtml
* the teeve keeps telling me that fallujah has been liberated. its so brainless. mindless. soulless. shameless.
* safire is leaving the nyt. heres his latest foil4ood nonsense. "Sad to see is the secretary general's manipulative abuse of Paul Volcker. Here is a former central banker so confident of his hard-earned reputation for integrity that he cannot see how it is being shredded by a web of sticky-fingered officials and see-no-evil bureaucrats desperate to protect the man on top who hired him to substitute for - and thereby to abort - prompt and truly independent investigation." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/15/opinion/15safire.html
* document this "The U.S. government said on Friday it was giving airlines until Nov. 23 to turn over information on millions of people who took domestic flights in June to test a new system for identifying passengers who may pose security risks." http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=6803495
* ap "Witnesses reported a fourth car bombing late Monday in Ramadi against a U.S. convoy but there was no report of casualties." which is somewhat different to there being 'no casualties' - but delayed reporting keeps things outta the news. much nicer to announce it retrospectively. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=2&u=/ap/20041115/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_041115202307
Four more years. Seriously.
Monday, November 15, 2004
the drugs dont work
* "Human rights experts said Friday that American soldiers might have committed a war crime on Thursday when they sent fleeing Iraqi civilians back into Falluja." yeah. maybe. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/13/international/middleeast/13legal.html
* " Iraqi authorities have fired thousands of police officers and taken over the recruiting of new policemen" http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20041114-063739-2490r.htm
* olbermann goes on holidays. which seems odd. but prolly isnt. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/
* "I work with statistics and polling data every day. Something rubbed me the wrong way. I checked the exit polls for Florida--all wrong. CNN's results indicated a Kerry win: turnout matched voter registration, and independents had broken 59% to 41% for Kerry." http://www.zogby.com/soundbites/ReadClips.dbm?ID=10398
* "The federal agency investigating the collapse of the World Trade Center said this week that some of its deliberations would take place in secret" http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/12/nyregion/12trade.html
* "An executive at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center, has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse. " http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041112144051451
* "On a lighter note, it is hard to avoid observing that al-Baghdadi castigated Bush's administration as "fundamentalist" and "right-wing." When even the Sunni Salafis of Mosul consider you too fundamentalist and right-wing, you have probably gone too far." http://www.juancole.com/2004_11_01_juancole_archive.html#110032845909927018
* "The Saudi authorities have warned the government that British companies will receive no further contracts from the Gulf state if any member of the royal family is embarrassed by the investigation into alleged accounting irregularities in contracts between BAE Systems, Britain’s largest defence contractor, and two travel agency firms." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,1-1358673,00.html
* "The British government knew about the alleged plot to overthrow the President of Equatorial Guinea at least five weeks before a group of mercenaries was arrested in March for planning the coup." markthathcher. jeffreyarcher. petermandelson. nice bunch. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1350955,00.html
* "Osama bin Laden now has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans, says the former head of the CIA unit charged with tracking down the Saudi terrorist." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/12/60minutes/main655407.shtml
* heres an update on that anthrax story...
" When a federal judge recently halted the military's mandatory anthrax vaccine program, Air Force Reserve Capt. Paul Staquet assumed his troubles had ended. He was wrong.
The day the judge ruled, Staquet, a 33-year-old C-5 Galaxy pilot assigned to Dover Air Force Base, received a letter in the mail from his commanding officer. "I have initiated administrative separation actions against you," the letter stated."
* "Instead, the panel found that human error, defensiveness and a failure to follow some fundamental scientific practices, such as proper peer review, led to four of the nation's top fingerprint experts wrongly tying Brandon Mayfield, a Portland-area lawyer and a Muslim, to the madrid bombings." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/chi-0411140299nov14,1,7045689.story?coll=chi-printnews-hed
Four more years. Seriously.
* " Iraqi authorities have fired thousands of police officers and taken over the recruiting of new policemen" http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20041114-063739-2490r.htm
* olbermann goes on holidays. which seems odd. but prolly isnt. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/
* "I work with statistics and polling data every day. Something rubbed me the wrong way. I checked the exit polls for Florida--all wrong. CNN's results indicated a Kerry win: turnout matched voter registration, and independents had broken 59% to 41% for Kerry." http://www.zogby.com/soundbites/ReadClips.dbm?ID=10398
* "The federal agency investigating the collapse of the World Trade Center said this week that some of its deliberations would take place in secret" http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/12/nyregion/12trade.html
* "An executive at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center, has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse. " http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041112144051451
* "On a lighter note, it is hard to avoid observing that al-Baghdadi castigated Bush's administration as "fundamentalist" and "right-wing." When even the Sunni Salafis of Mosul consider you too fundamentalist and right-wing, you have probably gone too far." http://www.juancole.com/2004_11_01_juancole_archive.html#110032845909927018
* "The Saudi authorities have warned the government that British companies will receive no further contracts from the Gulf state if any member of the royal family is embarrassed by the investigation into alleged accounting irregularities in contracts between BAE Systems, Britain’s largest defence contractor, and two travel agency firms." http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,1-1358673,00.html
* "The British government knew about the alleged plot to overthrow the President of Equatorial Guinea at least five weeks before a group of mercenaries was arrested in March for planning the coup." markthathcher. jeffreyarcher. petermandelson. nice bunch. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1350955,00.html
* "Osama bin Laden now has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans, says the former head of the CIA unit charged with tracking down the Saudi terrorist." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/12/60minutes/main655407.shtml
* heres an update on that anthrax story...
" When a federal judge recently halted the military's mandatory anthrax vaccine program, Air Force Reserve Capt. Paul Staquet assumed his troubles had ended. He was wrong.
The day the judge ruled, Staquet, a 33-year-old C-5 Galaxy pilot assigned to Dover Air Force Base, received a letter in the mail from his commanding officer. "I have initiated administrative separation actions against you," the letter stated."
* "Instead, the panel found that human error, defensiveness and a failure to follow some fundamental scientific practices, such as proper peer review, led to four of the nation's top fingerprint experts wrongly tying Brandon Mayfield, a Portland-area lawyer and a Muslim, to the madrid bombings." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/chi-0411140299nov14,1,7045689.story?coll=chi-printnews-hed
Four more years. Seriously.
set phrasers to stunt
* "Deep, unresolved tensions between new leaders and senior career officers at the Central Intelligence Agency threaten to set off a rebellion within the agency's clandestine service, according to current and former intelligence officials." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/14/politics/14cia.html?pagewanted=all&position=
* ""The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda."" http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-uscia1114,0,4055608,print.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
* "Within the past month, four former deputy directors of operations have tried to offer CIA Director Porter J. Goss advice about changing the clandestine service without setting off a rebellion, but Goss has declined to speak to any of them" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A48254-2004Nov13.html
* bliar on meetthepress 'first we liberated iraq from saddam, and now we have to liberate iraq from the terrorists.'
* given the alqaqaa disaster, can we start referring not to IEDs, but simply EDs?
* "Black Box Voting has launched a fraud audit into Florida. / Black Box Voting is implementing fraud diagnostics on the state of New Mexico / Black Box Voting is requesting legal assistance for a specific county in Georgia. / Black Box Voting is launching a fraud investigation on Pima County Arizona. / Black Box Voting is launching a fraud investigation on the state of Nevada. "http://www.blackboxvoting.org/
* " One British military official says, "[T]he jury is still out on whether Samarra was a success."" samarra of course was 'the easy one we'll do first' http://www.motherjones.com/news/dailymojo/2004/11/11_516.html
Four more years. Seriously.
* ""The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda."" http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-uscia1114,0,4055608,print.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
* "Within the past month, four former deputy directors of operations have tried to offer CIA Director Porter J. Goss advice about changing the clandestine service without setting off a rebellion, but Goss has declined to speak to any of them" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A48254-2004Nov13.html
* bliar on meetthepress 'first we liberated iraq from saddam, and now we have to liberate iraq from the terrorists.'
* given the alqaqaa disaster, can we start referring not to IEDs, but simply EDs?
* "Black Box Voting has launched a fraud audit into Florida. / Black Box Voting is implementing fraud diagnostics on the state of New Mexico / Black Box Voting is requesting legal assistance for a specific county in Georgia. / Black Box Voting is launching a fraud investigation on Pima County Arizona. / Black Box Voting is launching a fraud investigation on the state of Nevada. "http://www.blackboxvoting.org/
* " One British military official says, "[T]he jury is still out on whether Samarra was a success."" samarra of course was 'the easy one we'll do first' http://www.motherjones.com/news/dailymojo/2004/11/11_516.html
Four more years. Seriously.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
the only thing we have to fear is featre itself
* dobson is scaring people
* btw - i thought peterson would get off. not that ive been following it. there prolly woulda been riots if the bloodthirsty xtians didnt get their verdict. praps he'll get off on appeal. the whack-a-naughty-juror thing was funny. like fallujah is funny. faithbasedjustice. luvvit.
* "Troops who have fallen ill since the first Gulf war may have fallen victim to a ticking toxic timebomb, advisers to the US government said last night." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1350345,00.html
* bush loves aznar. which is weird. they all love him in fact. http://financialtimes.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?action=cpt&title=FT.com+%2F+World+-+Spanish+overtures+rebuffed+in+Washington+&expire=&urlID=12243768&fb=Y&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2Fb46d07e0-3342-11d9-b6c3-00000e2511c8%2Cft_acl%3D%2Cs01%3D1.html&partnerID=1700
* "Alawi told news organizations to tell their correspondents "to be credible and precise" and not to "add patriotic descriptions to groups of killers and criminals."" (thats iraqi killers. in case you were wondering) "He said that failure to follow the instructions will require authorities to "take all necessary measures to safeguard the supreme interest of the homeland."" http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/printer/ap.asp?category=1107&slug=Iraq%20Media
* i dont know this guy ANDERSON COOPER 360 DEGREES on cnn - but he interviewed that walter/911 guy with the ads - and some vfraud http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0411/11/acd.01.html
* if vgate grows up, wot do the neocons do?
* last week i asked how important this guys position is " Lt. Col. Brandl said: “The enemy has got a face. He’s called Satan. He’s in Fallujah, and we’re going to destroy him.” Brandl -- an officer with 800 soldiers under his command..." theres the answer http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1111-32.htm
* "The Post quoted hospital physician Kamal Hadeethi: “The corpses of the mujaheddin which we received were burned, and some corpses were melted.”" cwly? http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1111-32.htm
* more than 400 amgrunts flown out to german hospitals from fallujah and ony 20 dead. this whole urban warfare thing is pretty cool - u're 20 times more likely to get hurt than dead. i wonder how many of the 400 'will' die - without affecting the headline casualty rate...
* who would johnlennon bomb?
* is there a single person involved with the jihadmin who isnt grossly morally bankcorrupt? btw - i commented earlier on the 08repugnoms - and i didnt comment on pataki - i dont really know him - other than he is nygov or something. is he also evil?
* harpersmag: "The plain, sad reality--I report this following four full days studying the work--is that The 9/11 Commission Report, despite the vast quantity of labor behind it, is a cheat and a fraud... The ideal readers of The 9/11 Commission Report are those who resemble the Commission itself in believing that a strong inclination to trust the word of highly placed others is evidence of personal moral distinction." go read. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1113-28.htm
* interestingly, the author knows that everyone is lying, but doesnt ask 'why?' - its simply unthinkable. it seems maybe the assumption is incompetence? and the author is scathing about the cheney/bush 'visit' - theres no mention of the fact that 2 commissioners left during the meeting. which to me is simply astounding.
* "Details in the President's, Vice President's, and other accounts of the framing and delivery of the 'presidential' order to shoot down the hijacked airlines inspire severe doubt that the order came from Bush himself, rather than from an official--Vice President Cheney--with no military authority." remember who was the only person to hear this phonecall (which was taken on a normal phone cos of comms breaksdowns and hence wasnt recorded) was condi. i still dont know how she was in two places at once, and how come no-one noticed.
* im looking forward to seeing a report from fallujah where the reporter doesnt have to pause and duck, briefly, for either a) some ratatat b) a fighter plane flying over
* similarly - i miss the preinvasion reports from kuwait - where the reporters and props were wearing gasmasks while grunts in the background werent.
* ooh - i saw another passport story - this time some grunt in fallujah found a slaughterhouse with the passport of some dead unheaded southkorean - sobo or something. 'i saw it with my own eyes'. make it stop.
Four more years. Seriously.
* btw - i thought peterson would get off. not that ive been following it. there prolly woulda been riots if the bloodthirsty xtians didnt get their verdict. praps he'll get off on appeal. the whack-a-naughty-juror thing was funny. like fallujah is funny. faithbasedjustice. luvvit.
* "Troops who have fallen ill since the first Gulf war may have fallen victim to a ticking toxic timebomb, advisers to the US government said last night." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1350345,00.html
* bush loves aznar. which is weird. they all love him in fact. http://financialtimes.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?action=cpt&title=FT.com+%2F+World+-+Spanish+overtures+rebuffed+in+Washington+&expire=&urlID=12243768&fb=Y&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2Fb46d07e0-3342-11d9-b6c3-00000e2511c8%2Cft_acl%3D%2Cs01%3D1.html&partnerID=1700
* "Alawi told news organizations to tell their correspondents "to be credible and precise" and not to "add patriotic descriptions to groups of killers and criminals."" (thats iraqi killers. in case you were wondering) "He said that failure to follow the instructions will require authorities to "take all necessary measures to safeguard the supreme interest of the homeland."" http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/printer/ap.asp?category=1107&slug=Iraq%20Media
* i dont know this guy ANDERSON COOPER 360 DEGREES on cnn - but he interviewed that walter/911 guy with the ads - and some vfraud http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0411/11/acd.01.html
* if vgate grows up, wot do the neocons do?
* last week i asked how important this guys position is " Lt. Col. Brandl said: “The enemy has got a face. He’s called Satan. He’s in Fallujah, and we’re going to destroy him.” Brandl -- an officer with 800 soldiers under his command..." theres the answer http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1111-32.htm
* "The Post quoted hospital physician Kamal Hadeethi: “The corpses of the mujaheddin which we received were burned, and some corpses were melted.”" cwly? http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1111-32.htm
* more than 400 amgrunts flown out to german hospitals from fallujah and ony 20 dead. this whole urban warfare thing is pretty cool - u're 20 times more likely to get hurt than dead. i wonder how many of the 400 'will' die - without affecting the headline casualty rate...
* who would johnlennon bomb?
* is there a single person involved with the jihadmin who isnt grossly morally bankcorrupt? btw - i commented earlier on the 08repugnoms - and i didnt comment on pataki - i dont really know him - other than he is nygov or something. is he also evil?
* harpersmag: "The plain, sad reality--I report this following four full days studying the work--is that The 9/11 Commission Report, despite the vast quantity of labor behind it, is a cheat and a fraud... The ideal readers of The 9/11 Commission Report are those who resemble the Commission itself in believing that a strong inclination to trust the word of highly placed others is evidence of personal moral distinction." go read. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1113-28.htm
* interestingly, the author knows that everyone is lying, but doesnt ask 'why?' - its simply unthinkable. it seems maybe the assumption is incompetence? and the author is scathing about the cheney/bush 'visit' - theres no mention of the fact that 2 commissioners left during the meeting. which to me is simply astounding.
* "Details in the President's, Vice President's, and other accounts of the framing and delivery of the 'presidential' order to shoot down the hijacked airlines inspire severe doubt that the order came from Bush himself, rather than from an official--Vice President Cheney--with no military authority." remember who was the only person to hear this phonecall (which was taken on a normal phone cos of comms breaksdowns and hence wasnt recorded) was condi. i still dont know how she was in two places at once, and how come no-one noticed.
* im looking forward to seeing a report from fallujah where the reporter doesnt have to pause and duck, briefly, for either a) some ratatat b) a fighter plane flying over
* similarly - i miss the preinvasion reports from kuwait - where the reporters and props were wearing gasmasks while grunts in the background werent.
* ooh - i saw another passport story - this time some grunt in fallujah found a slaughterhouse with the passport of some dead unheaded southkorean - sobo or something. 'i saw it with my own eyes'. make it stop.
Four more years. Seriously.
we have to destroy the village, idiot, to save it
* The C.I.A. Versus Bush by DAVID BROOKS "43's enemies are in certain offices of the Central Intelligence Agency." ere we go ere we go ere we gooooooooo http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/13/opinion/13brooks.html
* "Troops have cut off all roads and bridges leading out of Fallujah and have turned back hundreds of men trying to flee the city during the assault. Only women, children and the elderly can leave.
The military says keeping men aged 15 to 55 from leaving is key to the mission's success. "If they're not carrying a weapon, you can't tell who's who," said an officer with the 1st Cavalry Division." seriously - we can get the fuck out of there now?
* galbraith on vfraud http://www.thenation.com/docprint.mhtml?i=20041129&s=galbraith
* " Russia’s Pravda asserted that “America was betrayed and murdered on Nov. 2, 2004. Also killed during this time of madness were the following virtues: truth, justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace, and respect for other cultures and nations.”" http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/111104.html
* tradesports 2004 Presidential Election not Certified on or before Dec 13 2004 = 100/1 - that seems like pretty good value...
* is robben the best footballer in the world?
* btw - the malboroman thing is hysterical - the cig companies have found a way to advertise! fauxnews did a whole story on it - and the graphic in the corner when the torkinghead was announcing the story was literally a pack of malboros - instead of say the pic of the guy... luvverly.
Four more years. Seriously.
* "Troops have cut off all roads and bridges leading out of Fallujah and have turned back hundreds of men trying to flee the city during the assault. Only women, children and the elderly can leave.
The military says keeping men aged 15 to 55 from leaving is key to the mission's success. "If they're not carrying a weapon, you can't tell who's who," said an officer with the 1st Cavalry Division." seriously - we can get the fuck out of there now?
* galbraith on vfraud http://www.thenation.com/docprint.mhtml?i=20041129&s=galbraith
* " Russia’s Pravda asserted that “America was betrayed and murdered on Nov. 2, 2004. Also killed during this time of madness were the following virtues: truth, justice, integrity, freedom, compassion, brotherhood, tolerance, faith, hope, charity, peace, and respect for other cultures and nations.”" http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/111104.html
* tradesports 2004 Presidential Election not Certified on or before Dec 13 2004 = 100/1 - that seems like pretty good value...
* is robben the best footballer in the world?
* btw - the malboroman thing is hysterical - the cig companies have found a way to advertise! fauxnews did a whole story on it - and the graphic in the corner when the torkinghead was announcing the story was literally a pack of malboros - instead of say the pic of the guy... luvverly.
Four more years. Seriously.
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